Villainous Wealth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Villainous Wealth


Target opponent exiles the top X cards of their library. You may cast any number of nonland cards with converted mana cost/mana value X or less from among them without paying their mana costs.

_Kane_ on Damia mill

1 year ago

This list looks nasty and I hope to never play against it! Plus One on the Upvote. :)


An Offer You Can't Refuse for those counter battles? Downside may not be worth it unless you're stopping or ending the game.

Breach the Multiverse would give a similar effect to Villainous Wealth for each opponent albeit at higher mana value.

Drown in the Loch for a cheap and versatile counter/removal spell.

Syr Konrad, the Grim would be great for ping down your opponents with each milling of a creature. Random mill ability tacked on as well.


Zellix, Sanity Flayer

Potential Replacements? (IDK this list seems perfect):

Vedalken Orrery this Josh Lee Kwai favorite maybe worth a cut? I see what you're going for with holding up your counter-spells and then flashing in something of value if nothing worth a card is cast.

Yeva, Nature's Herald only 9 targets counting the commander.

Leyline of Anticipation I guess what I am suggesting is to try the deck with the counter-spells but without the 3 flash enablers.

Thought Scour hard to find anything to replace so I choose this smoother.

You do have ~53 piece of land/ramp; Maybe a one card wiggle room with the nice curve you have going.

Anyways decklist is already 10/10.

Mortlocke on The Song of Phyresis

1 year ago


Thanks for posting! ONE is definitely going to shake this deck up considerably in that I absolutely plan to incorporate some of the spells that give opponents Poison counters - without targeting them, no less. I have a number of changes already planned and would love to hear your thoughts as I'm honestly having a bit of a tough time speculating on what to cut to make room. So far, here are my planned changes

  • Ixhel, Descendent of Atraxa for Hand of the Praetors: Given that Infect will be less dominant of a mechanic among creatures in this deck cutting Hand of the Praetors seems logical. Besides, with the host of cards that allow me to place poison counters directly on opponents, Hand of the Praetors seems even less relevant.

  • Skrelv, Defector Mite for Viridian Corrupter: Skrlev provides so many benefits being a psudo Mother of Runes that also grants Toxic and evasion. Viridian Corrupter's ETB effect is far too narrow for my liking, and only amounts to just a 2/2 with Infect. Toxic creatures such as Skrlev boast so many "goodstuff" effects that it's a no brainer why Corrupter has to be cut.

  • Myr Convert for Grateful Apparition: Apparition has long been on the replacement list as it's a non-phyrexian. Myr Convert is a perfect replacement as it's another mana dork that can put poison counters on players. Losing a proliferation source is a loss, but given the horde of new Toxic creatures that proliferate off of one trigger or another, this overall is a net gain.

  • Bloated Contaminator for Priests of Norn: Bloated Contaminator is actually my dream creature for the set. Evasion, Poison and Proliferate on a great body is just a dream come true. My only hope is that there is another creature just like it in March of the Machines. Priests of Norn is an okay creature for the most part but doesn't amount to much beyond just being a 1/4 infect creature.

  • White Sun's Twilight for Winds of Abandon: I've always been somewhat disappointed with Winds of Abandon as it more likely than not can ramp my opponent far beyond my ability to stop them. Sure, a horde of tokens can be wiped out - but at what cost? White Sun's Twilight isn't exactly a one sided boardwipe, but it can get me a bunch of 1/1 creatures that put Poison counters on players on top of slowing them down.

  • Vraska, Betrayal's Sting for Sheoldred, Whispering One: Obviously i'm happy to see Phyrexian themed planeswalkers and I'm overjoyed to see another Planeswalker with a focus on Poison counters. Swapping Vraska in for Sheoldred is both a mechanics and a flavor win - Sheoldred turned her back on Elesh Norn to pursue her own misguided and selfish desires along with the heretic Urbrask.

  • Tyrranax Rex for Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger: I've enjoyed the Soft lock VoH places on the board just by virtue of being there alone, but I've felt that his control never really synchronized with the rest of the deck. Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider compliments the deck directly and is a huge flavor win. Tyrranax Rex just seems like the perfect upgrade as it is CMC cheaper, has almost as many keywords as Questing Beast and places multiple Poison counters on an opponent when it hits. Rex in my eyes is a "backup" Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon in terms of power level and "feel".

  • Phyresis Outbreak for Toxic Deluge: Phyresis Outbreak is the mass removal I've always wished for and is a direct upgrade to Deluge - within the context of this deck that is. This card is absolutely a must include.

  • The Seedcore for Swamp: The Seedcore gives me Sliver Hive vibes, but having a card that fixes my mana in a 4 color deck and is a flavor win just seems like a no-brainer.

  • Venerated Rotpriest for Glistener Elf: Venerated Rotpriest is just a deterrent as this deck has very few spells that I would consider worthwhile for targeting my own creatures. Glistener Elf is an okay card but within the context of EDH it's "meh". Late game it hardly makes an impact without a horde of +1/+1 counters and some form of evasion.

  • Contaminant Grafter for Blight Mamba: Containment Grafter feels like a great card that can help reinforce a boardstate and put additional pressure on opponents mid to late game. Early game it would essentially help me run away with the game through conditional ramp and card advantage. Blight Mamba has honestly never done much for me and generally is as impactful as Glistener Elf.

Now comes the list of cards I think are at least worth considering (that I may or may not include) but don't exactly know what to cut to make room for:

  • Staff of Compleation: This is a big flashy card that caught my attention given the myriad of things it can do. However without the right combo piece this card could end up doing me more harm than good.

  • Glistening Sphere: There are very few drop mana rocks that are worthwhile, but this one definitely caught my eye. I'm not sure if it's any better than Astral Cornucopia though, as i've been ramped into the stratosphere with just a few proliferation triggers. Not to mention it only gets better just by having Atraxa on the field. I really want to like this card, but it doesn't seem to make the cut. If only it were

  • Infectious Inquiry: this seems like an absolute must have and am honestly considering cutting Phyrexian Arena for it. Arena does nothing the turn it ETBs and if I draw it late game it'll literally do nothing. Infectious Inquiry on the otherhand is always relevant, replaces itself and draws me a card. I just can't help but feel like i'm missing something by cutting Phyrexian Arena. I want to go ahead with this decision but I can't help but feel apprehensive and would really like your thoughts on this one.

  • Infectious Bite: I want to love this card but unfortunately besides the commander there are relatively few creatures whose bite would make any meaningful impact on the game. I think I might pass on this one.

  • Prologue to Phyresis: Everything you said about this card is spot on, and it is relevant at any point of the game. The question is - what to cut for it? I think cutting Contagion Clasp might be the move on this one, but i'm not entirely sure. Clasp is very conditional removal but what's important is that it's a repeatable proliferation source. But, maybe the new inclusions will help offset the loss of a proliferation source? I think this is the right move but I would like to hear your thoughts.

"What's your experience with Blightsteel Colossus and Contagion Engine? Do they ever come out to the battlefield or just happen to be on-theme inclusions?" To answer your question both hit the battlefield on a regular basis. Blightsteel Colossus is surprisingly easy to cast with a proliferated Astral Cornucopia or Everflowing Chalice. One of my best plays was countering a Villainous Wealth with being equal to 8 with Mana Drain and funneling that mana into a turn 5 Blightsteel. Contagion Engine is great for mass removal as well as a proliferation engine. If I tutor for it it's usually alongside Tangle Wire after Ichor Rats hit the field. It essentially grinds the game down to a snail's pace - or a halt under the right conditions.

End rant, sorry to write you a book but I had a lot on my mind. Please let me know what you think of all the upcoming changes!

Fuzzy003 on New Social Contract Breach Discussion

2 years ago

Having a deck that uses Gilt-Leaf Archdruid and another that can cast a 20+ x Villainous Wealth both of which usually causes a player to concede but leaves me short of the resources I would have received and resources spent on the effects. Disappointing and usually ends up being a kingmaker move for another player. Feels like a slap in the face for a deck working well.

Xenaphix02 on Sidisi's Brood of Tyrants EDH

2 years ago

I'd cut all the signets/mana rocks since you're trying to have a critical mass of creatures. I would also suggest you run cheap dorks like Birds of Paradise and Elves of Deep Shadow. + I'd also cut Cauldron of Eternity, I just don't like the shuffle effect. As for just straight cuts, Villainous Wealth is kind of useless here. It doesn't synergize, and it takes forever to get a decent rate, or you might just whiff and hit nothing. God-Eternal Bontu seems risky as you might find it hard to sacrifice anything if you aren't doing well on the board. Mikaeus is kind of a weird pick without Triskelion, as without the combo he kind of just sits there and is just an 'ok' reanimator target. You might also want to cut Crypt of Agadeem as you already have a pretty efficient mana base and crypt's activated ability won't always be useful. Going down to 33 lands (counting the mdfc) likely won't hurt. Tasigur is also a weird fit here since his ability is best when you have less cards in your graveyard (I am referring to both his delve and his activated ability), so it's a slight 'non-bo'. Acolyte of Affliction just looks silly compared to the other mill pieces in the deck.

Some cards that I might cut but I think are ultimately up to your preference (moreso than my other suggestions) are Whisper, Skull Prophet, and Stitch together. Gitrog monster also has the problem of royally screwing over your mana base every once in a while. I would also stop consider Blightsteel Colossus as you can't reanimate it.

Sorry if this long comment is intimidating, I just think this is a pretty cool list and I wanna see it's final form.

Mox_Dookie on Jorn go BRRrRrrr...

3 years ago

DoctorLovehammer Thanks! He has quickly become one of my favorites in my rotation. I built the deck to steal stuff but every time I play him he pops off pretty quick before I get to troll my play group with a Villainous Wealth or a Mass Manipulation

Darkshadow9 on Walls with teeth

3 years ago

I‘m really surprised nobody has yet mentioned that High Alert and Axebane Guardian give infinite mana when having 4 other walls on the field. So definitely no need for the Staff of Domination . Which is why Villainous Wealth and Genesis Wave are missing here.

Also, I think it would be really funny and add some more flavor to add Aurification (even though it’s not a good card) making your opponents creatures to walls which can’t attack while yours can...

In case anyone cares, this is my attempt on a wall deck: Budget Walls

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