Diamond Mare

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Diamond Mare

Artifact Creature — Horse

As Diamond Mare enters the battlefield, choose a colour.

Whenever you cast a spell of the chosen colour, you gain 1 life.

Caran_Lyg on Angel lifegain feast festival

6 months ago

I like your deck but cards that reduce your creatures cost are too slow. I see you got Serra Ascendant on your maybeboard, in my opionion that card is a better choice than Starnheim Aspirant even though it might take up to 3 turns before you get it big. I use to have Speaker of the Heavens on my deck. A lot of the times it’s going to be a brick in your hand unless you get 7 life quickly before the opponent immediately starts killing you. You’re better off with more life generators like Soul's Attendant which also gains you life if Righteous Valkyrie is in your board first and then gives you life every time a creature on both sides enter the battlefield. Another one too is Diamond Mare since you’re also mono-white.

Apollo_Paladin on Sea of Attrition [Arena] [V2]

7 months ago

Interesting take on mill +1

Some Food for Thought:

  • Either Witness Protection or Stasis Field is a pretty easy upgrade to make over Ichthyomorphosis, less mana cost. (there's other 2-mana Blue auras along this line as well with other benefits: Eaten by Piranhas with Flash for example)

  • Spark Double won't let you copy opponent's creatures, but might be better for you than Undercover Operative since it'd let you copy & keep multiple Bruvacs in play. Otherwise, Metamorphic Alteration lets you copy opponent's stuff as well as your own for half the CMC of the Operative, you just need a creature already in play (not a big issue with your build from the looks of it)

  • I'm assuming Diamond Mare is in here because mono-red just won't go away in the queue, but if this is a best-of-3 deck, Drowned Secrets would offer a lot more synergy with the rest of your deck for the 2CMC slot (in games where the reliable lifegain isn't as important).

  • Finally and Most Obviously, the 1 Fraying Sanity you have there too should be in the deck - ideally a couple more copies since they stack (yeah, I know, rare wildcards ugh - assuming this is why it's only 1x)

Catch you on Arena sometime

keizerbuns on Sea of Attrition [Physical] [Beta]

1 year ago

This is a very cool concept, however it seems a little scattered. With lifegain, mill, tokens, tap/bounce control, stat manipulation, and creature stealing, it seems like your deck is being pulled in too many different directions without enough focus on any one thing in particular to give it a clear identity. Mill especially is kind of an all or nothing strategy that requires the entire deck to be built around it in order to work. Unless you have a really good mill/graveyard payoff to justify splashing in some mill spells, milling your opponent for just a few cards here and there won’t do anything except take up slots in your deck.

The best advice I think I could give you, and probably the same advice most other people will give you too, is to find your favourite element or two of the deck, and make that the focus. However, if you don’t want to do that, and you do want to keep the deck as a little bit of everything, I do have some suggestions that I think you might like.

My first suggestion would be to replace Dreadwaters with a lower CMC mill spell, because spending 4 mana to make one opponent mill for what I assume averages to be around 4-6 cards isn't a great rate. For just 2 mana you could use Maddening Cacophony and make each opponent mill 8 cards, and for an extra 4 you could make them mill half of their decks. You could also replace a couple of Islands with a couple copies of Ipnu Rivulet for some added milling consistency, although activating its mill ability would cause you to lose a land.

Talrand's Invocation also suffers from the same issue as Dreadwaters of just being too mana intensive for such a small effect. Paying 4 mana just to get 2 2/2 flyers is a little slow. I think Murmuring Mystic would suit you better as a long term token generator.

Ichthyomorphosis and Time of Ice both kind of get in the way of your plan to steal your opponent's creatures. Ichthyomorphosis turns your opponent's creatures into something not worth stealing and Time of Ice could potentially cause a creature you just stole from your opponent to be sent back to their hand. Instead of using Time of Ice to tap your opponents creatures, you could use an instant or a sorcery such as Downpour, Impede Momentum, Choking Tethers, or Sleep to achieve the same result. And instead of Ichthyomorphosis to permanently turn your opponents creatures into something small, you could use Turn to Frog which you can use to catch your opponents by surprise during the combat stage. Swapping both Ichthyomorphosis and Time of Ice for instants and sorceries would also synergize great with Murmuring Mystic to spam tokens.

You could replace Staff of the Mind Magus with Diamond Mare, which is admittedly a weaker life gain spell since it can't gain life off of your lands entering the battlefield, plus it's more susceptible to removal. However it is a cheaper CMC card and another creature to beat your opponents down with.

I think Niblis of Frost is better than Dragon Turtle at keeping your opponent's creatures tapped if you go with the previously mentioned replacements for Ichthyomorphosis and Time of Ice, plus with the Prowess ability, it can get pretty big with all of the instants and sorceries. And Sower of Temptation is a lower CMC version of Mind Flayer.

I also realized as I was looking back through my suggestions, that if you do end up going with all of them, then that would mean your deck would meet the deck requirements to add Gyruda, Doom of Depths as a companion, which would serve as a pretty good payoff for your mill cards!

Hopefully this was helpful!

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • cards that only gain life are very weak/useless in magic. Lifegain is already one of the absolute weakest strategies, so including cards that only gain life us normally a bad idea. In that vein, i’d suggest ditching Diamond Mare (there’s a million better creatures to run instead) as well as Radiant Fountain (your deck requires a lot of blue-pips, and you’re better off running all-islands for Tempest Djinn).

  • Divination is going to trip you up because its sorcery speed means you won’t have the mana available to interact with your opponent during their turn. Think Twice would be better, or really just anything at instant-speed.

  • Mana Leak will serve you better those clumsy 3-mana counterspells

Housegheist on Imotekhs eternal Artifacts

1 year ago


First off: thank you for your upvote and in depth analysis. It really helped to trim some cards

I agree, that the cmc has to be a lil bit lower. My thought was, if I reanimate them I do not have to pay the cost. But sure, 3.5 is a bit high.

I cuttet Phyrexian Triniform as I think, once in a million I can trigger it’s encore. Triplicate Titan on the other hand fits the whole strategy, provides enormous evasion and evasive artifact creatures if it dies. I will give it a try, Hexmark Destroyer connects hard or creates room for other creatures… and is a necron… it’s sooo hard… but doesn’t fit that well.

But I admit that Darksteel Juggernaut is just a resilient but not always big threat… like a “win more” option. Hasn’t made the cut, as well as Diamond Mare, Phyrexian Fleshgorger and Technomancer. The last one was hard, but I do not think that I can abuse it’s ETB often enough. You where also right with Szarekh and Scarecrone, they are new to the list. I like Ugin and thought 1/3 of my spells would be enough, maybe he doesn’t make it… otherwise he provides support in pseudo-card-draw, removal and cost reduction,… have to think about it. Unfortunately Tortured Existence is not in my collection, therefore I didn’t choose it. I made also room for War Room and Phyrexia's Core (and Darksteel Citadel as well… what was I thinking :D

Mind’s Eye should provide a lot of (needed) continuous card-draw. Sculpting Steel was already in the list… but I have to ask… you would cut Mirrorworks? It is an Bramble Sovereign for ANY artifact… creatures as usual artifacts as well… it’s a bomb! :O

multimedia on Imotekhs eternal Artifacts

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far. I agree, Szarekh is less good as Commander. Imotekh can be a combo piece for infinite Necrons, that makes it better as Commander.

Szarekh seems good in the 99 though when playing Imotekh as Commander, could put artifacts in your graveyard and if you return an artifact to your hand that you milled it triggers Imotekh. Szarekh flying in combination with Imotekh's menace pump making it 5/6 and playing so many other artifacts it can consistently trigger to create Necrons.

For some cuts to get to 100 cards consider streamline the high CMC cards? The avg. CMC is high at rounded up 3.5, reducing this average can help gameplay. The best here are Wurmcoil Engine, Marionette Master, Bolas's Citadel, Their Name is Death, Noxious Gearhulk. Honestly, you could cut the others, 6 CMC or more, to reduce the mana curve.

Wurmcoil, Marionette, Triplicate Titan and Phyrexian Triniform all combo with Altar + Deathmantle. I don't think you need four huge creatures who do this. Cutting Triniform and Triplicate will not change strategy much as they're the weaknest of the four.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Some improvements within your budget, consider more lower mana cost repeatable ways to trigger Imotekh?

Tortured Existence, if you have two artifact creatures in hand you can alternate discarding and putting into hand each time triggering Imotekh for . Scarecrone can reanimate an artifact creature at instant speed.

Others to consider.

Good luck with your deck.

Omniscience_is_life on jeskai breach affinity

2 years ago

Looks like you could use a sideboard! Tormod's Crypt definitely seems like a good one to finish the 4-of for in the SB, as well as maybe a Diamond Mare or something for the burn matchup.

Jace feels a bit odd, I sincerely doubt you'll ever mill yourself out and his other abilities are meh for his cost. You'd probably be better adding another Breach/Teshar.

Has 20 lands been enough for you? My guess is you'd be better off adding a couple more, especially since it's so easy to just slide in a Jwari Disruption  Flip or something without losing too much gas.

ClockworkSwordfish on Horse "Tribal"

3 years ago

You know what's a great way to trigger the life gain requirement on Crested Sunmare every turn, not just your own turns? Sun Droplet - if your opponent's taking swings at you before you get your Sunmare out, it will load up on some counters and gain you 1 life on each player's upkeep, not just your own upkeeps. This suits the Sunmare just fine, who will be giving you an indestructible 5/5 on each player's turn!

It's also worth noting that Armored Pegasus does indeed count as a pegasus, not a horse. If you're going for the 'tribal' feel, you might be better served by Avian Changeling (as an actual flying horse) or Diamond Mare (as a horse that gains you life.)

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