Caterwauling Boggart

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Caterwauling Boggart

Creature — Goblin Shaman

Each Goblin you control can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.

Each Elemental you control can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.

SamsWrath on Grenzo's 5 shades of red

6 years ago

Have you considered Gobos such as Frenzied Goblin , Intimidator Initiate , Caterwauling Boggart and Goblin Battle Jester ? They would help you land combat damage so you can get more triggers from Grenzo's ability.

babushkasara on Valduk - Why not ALL the archetypes?!

6 years ago

I'm only halfway through reading the description and I already love it. Related note: how do you have partial card names linked? I'm super jealous of that ability.

Regarding recommendations, I know you're creature-light, but my Krenko goblin tribal deck has really enjoyed Caterwauling Boggart and an elemental tribal deck also seems an appropriate home. While they already have trample, menace can be really useful in getting through more damage.

You also don't have much in the way of ramp. Obviously, your deck is fairly low CMC, but a Commander's Sphere or Mind Stone ramps you early and gives card draw later.

Depending on your meta, Red Elemental Blast could be good removal and/or protection.

I don't love Opal Palace because the +1/+1 counters don't seem to matter incredibly much and it doesn't produce red on its own. This is especially important since so many of your red cards have double or triple mana requirements.

AlmightyTentacle on Purphoros, Forger of Goblins [[Primer]]

7 years ago

Hi, freakingShane

First of all I really like your Purhporos goblin tribal deck!

As you mentioned your deck is built to be closer to a 1 vs 1 Commander (French) deck, but still I want to suggest you some of the cards for more multiplayer game strategy that imho I think you should consider to add.

Analizing your deck I see some problems in too low count of draw engines. I think you need to maximize draw power cuz in current state after several board whipes you just be run out of gas.

Card advantage:


  • Mana Crypt - expensive but cost all its money.

  • Ancient Tomb - nice land, cut mountain for it.

  • Herald’s Horn - was mentioned before.


  • Imperial Recruiter - I know it is expensive card but it can tutor 80% of all your creatures!

  • Gamble - saves me hundred of times! Offcorse it has drawback and you can discard what you was looking for, but still it is best tutor in red color.

Control & Others:

Cards I think you need to cut out:

P.S. Sorry for some grammar mistakes it was hell of amount of text to type ;-P

apowers77 on Like a Boss

7 years ago

Hey Darrell this is Austin. I haven't really gone through what should replace what but just a list of what to take out and to add in. The cards that are going on the add list should help speed the deck up and cards that should be taken out are either to slow or just not as good as other cards that are on the add list. Now it's your deck so you do what you want, but these cards should help out a lot. Alright here we go.

Take out:1. Akki Drillmaster2. Aligned Hedron Network3. Banefire4. Faithless Looting5. Flameshadow Conjuring6. Frenzied Goblin7. Goblin Assault8. Goblin Bushwhacker9. Goblin Diplomats10. Goblin Guide11. Goblinslide12. Grenzo, Havoc Raiser13. Hellion Eruption14. Lightning Bolt15. Manabarbs16. Mizzium Mortars17. Mountain18. Mountain19. Need for Speed20. Ogre Battledriver21. Possibility Storm22. Predator Dragon23. Pyretic Ritual24. Quietus Spike25. Raid Bombardment26. Seething Song27. Smuggler's Copter28. Throne of the God-Pharaoh29. Warbreak Trumpeter30. Warstorm Surge31. Zo-Zu the Punisher

Add in:1. Breath of Fury2. Brightstone Ritual3. Caterwauling Boggart4. Cavern of Souls5. Coat of Arms6. Door of Destinies7. Goblin Chieftain8. Goblin Chirurgeon9. Goblin Lackey10. Goblin Matron11. Goblin Recruiter12. Goblin Ringleader13. Goblin War Strike14. Krenko's Command15. Mana Echoes16. Massive Raid17. Moggcatcher18. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx19. Price of Glory20. Purphoros, God of the Forge21. Reforge the Soul22. Sensei's Divining Top23. Shared Animosity24. Shattering Spree25. Staff of Domination26. Stranglehold27. Swiftfoot Boots28. Thousand-Year Elixir29. Vandalblast30. Warren Instigator31. Wheel of Fortune

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