Massive Raid

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Massive Raid


Massive Raid deals damage to target creature or player equal to the number of creatures you control.

legendofa on How Do You Feel About …

9 months ago

plakjekaas That's possible. But to me, Battle - Duel or Battle - Riot or Battle - Skirmish or whatever seem more like instants or sorceries, or maybe enchantments. Alpha Brawl, Spectacular Showdown, Massive Raid, these all share that flavor space (and I wish I could come up with some non-red examples off the top of my head). All of these could potentially be reprinted as story spotlights in some future set, like Renewed Faith from Onslaught to Amonkhet.

Conflict is everywhere in a game about conflict, and I'm sure I'm thinking too small, and biased by what we have now instead of what could be coming in the future. Looking at current story spotlight cards, some that I would consider as flavorfully battles are Battle at the Bridge, Battle for Bretagard (these even have Battle in the name), Eiganjo Uprising, Hostile Takeover, Hour of Glory, Mage Hunters' Onslaught, Rampage of the Clans, Storm the Citadel, and The Fall of Kroog. These can easily be thematically redesigned as battle cards.

So I'm not saying you're wrong, but those types of events just don't fit my current mental picture of a battle. That's why I said battles probably aren't a strictly necessary addition to the game--they're mechanically new and interesting, but what flavor space can they carve out for themselves? Or will they simply take over this flavor space, and we're going to see less major-combat-themed cards of other types?

Rivel on Krenko's Goblin Cannon

2 years ago

Im gonna go ahead and list off some goblins that I think will be great additions to your deck, while also trying to keep them mostly cheap to acquire. Goblin Matron, Goblin Warchief, Goblin Trashmaster, Siege-Gang Commander, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Goblin Ringleader, Goblin Recruiter, Goblin Instigator, Muxus, Goblin Grandee, Warren Instigator

Token Generation: Dragon Fodder, cheap, creates more goblins. Nuff said. Removal: Chaos Warp. Mono red staple.
Burn: Massive Raid, great way to cut an opponents hp pool down to size or act as a finisher. Also can serve as targeted removal in a pinch. Impact Tremors, I cannot recommend this card enough for your deck! It fits in soo well. Carddraw: Hazoret's Monument also doubles as discount! Endless Atlas card draw for practically no downside. Haster: Fervor, much harder to remove than your goblins that add haste. A solid card for any red aggro deck.

Froggie420 on krenkos big flood

2 years ago

It looks like you have a couple extra Impact Tremors and Purphoros, God of the Forge in here. I also think you might be running a little heavy on land and could likely cut a few Mountains (My goblins run 34 total lands). Luckily, I have a few replacement cards to swap those out with!

Goblin decks are awesome because you can get wide with a ton of goblin tokens that all swing for enormous damage.

Some things to create more tokens that fit your budget might be Empty the Warrens, Dragon Fodder, or Goblin Instigator.

Ideas to make your goblins more powerful could include Goblin Bushwhacker, Goblin King (fantastic if you spend the money on Blood Moon as well), Goblin Trashmaster, and Goblin Warchief and Goblin Chieftain to give haste.

Goblins also have some fun bombs like Goblin War Strike, Mob Justice, or Massive Raid to deal massive damage to your opponent's face.

One other thing to consider is drawing more cards. Goblins get spammed out quickly, and you always need more goblins. For a little bit of money, Skullclamp fits very well with goblins and can give you a little boost.

Anyways, there's lots of possibilities of things to add with goblins! Hope these ideas helped some

xram666 on bk Krenko, Mob Boss

3 years ago

Goblin are always cool. +1 from me. I like the idea with the Threaten like cards to untap Krenko.

By the way: Goblin cards with the coolest flavor text Raging Goblin and Goblin Deathraiders.

Some suggestions for your deck:

Maybe you want to check out my Krenko EDH Deck for further input. Krenko's Mob

BruhYouFarted on Overlooked But Awesome Cards For …

3 years ago

Recently, I have been scrounging the Gatherer for new sweet Pauper cards, which has been successful. The catch is, these might not fit into decks in the mainstream or decks built around these would be pretty janky. If anyone could make a list out of any of these, I applaud you. Anyway:

Kobold Taskmaster : Sitting at a steep 30 cents, Kobold Taskmaster gives all Kobolds a boost. In case you haven't noticed, Kobold Tron is legal. ( Crookshank Kobolds , Kobolds of Kher Keep , and Crimson Kobolds ) Kobold Taskmaster can also just provide a boost to Changelings, like Universal Automaton and Changeling Outcast , or just give your board some bones on the meat with Shields of Velis Vel . A playable deck though; that is for you, the victim of my madness, to decide.

Glyph of Doom , Glyph of Destruction , and Glyph of Life : All of these are in here because of a combo with Wall of Glare . Either block all their guys and gain a ton of life, or wipe out all their attackers. If you combine Doom and Life, you can get a one-sided board wipe if you play your cards right.

Mob Justice : This 2 mana spell can absolutely wipe someone out. With the help of creatures from Kuldotha Rebirth , The Kobolds, and others like Hordeling Outburst , Nest Invader , Sprout Swarm , Triplicate Spirits , etc. You could then finish the game with Raid Bombardment , Massive Raid , or Impact Tremors .

Hopefully you enjoyed my list! I still have some cards down my sleeve, but I would like to hear your overlooked cards for Pauper as a comment. I really want to do a part 2, so one will surly coming. Cya.

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

3 years ago

Ripwater: sdidonato is exactly right, saccing mountains is really only for when you make your final big move. 90% of the games I win aren't even through combat, they are through the ETB and sac effects either all at once, or by grinding everyone down.

The addition of Skirk Fire Marshal and Massive Raid on top of the core of Goblin War Strike , Impact Tremors , and Purphoros, God of the Forge really help to bring down several people a turn, which is especially important when you go all in on saccing your mountains.

Crucible is still a strong play, but I like to use it either slowly, or all at once with the amazing new Nahiri's Lithoforming . I still haven't gotten it off, but those two plus Valakut Exploration seem like a dream combo. Also Lithoforming/Crucible into Acidic Soil / Price of Progress and recovering all your lands is really strong and an absolute blast.

I think the the biggest thing that a lot of us that have some variation of the current deck would agree on is that one of its biggest strengths is that you just form a strat depending on what you draw, which is absolute must with mono-red because you have such a poor ability to fetch or tutor compared to other colors. Trying to build a precise combo sets you up for being slow and getting disrupted, so we just don't really do it.

It is also flexible enough to take it a different route and go infinite goblins/mana with things like Mana Echoes , Goblin Warrens , and the like, but as long as Ib is your commander you are a lot harder predict.

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

3 years ago

TheApexHat That is awesome! It always makes me happy to hear that people have made their own Ib decks and that I had anything to do with inspiring it.

Toralf is exactly the type of card I love running. On top of potentially double-dipping with Repercussion you get to trigger Toralf with:

Pashalik Mons

Skirk Fire Marshal

Goblin Bombardment

Blasphemous Act - BIG one here

Massive Raid

Mizzium Mortars

Not to mention how much more likely we are to overkill a creature due to the damage doublers (and the one tripler).

Not sure what I will drop for it, but it is definitely making its way in. I haven't been able to review Kaldheim for includes yet, so thanks for the idea!

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