Goblin War Strike

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin War Strike


Goblin War Strike deals damage equal to the number of Goblins you control to target player.

wallisface on Pauper Storm Update Help

3 months ago

PauperPower I goldfished 10 games to get an idea of what the deck is doing. to also get a gauge of deck consistency, I didn't mulligan (which is obviously not realistic to real gameplay, but also in the real world you'd have an opponent interacting with the deck). I played until the end of turn 4 to see how reliably the deck could goldfish a win by that stage.

  • Game 1: 15 damage
  • Game 2: 9 damage
  • Game 3: 12 damage
  • Game 4: 6 damage
  • Game 5: 15 damage
  • Game 6: 20 damage!!
  • Game 7: 0 damage (it was a bad hand, all land and mana-gain effects)
  • Game 8: 10 damage
  • Game 9: 4 damage
  • Game 10: 15 damage

Things I noticed from these games:

  • Distant Melody was almost always a very awkward/bad card to have in hand. Most of the time this was a dead-card in hand, and every time I drew more than 1 of these the game was disastrously bad.

  • The deck felt like it needed a TON of things to go right to actually start making progress. It needed cards that made goblins, and also cards that provided mana, and also something to actually turn all that momentum into damage (i.e. Goblin Bushwhackerfoil or Goblin War Strike). It felt like there was a lot of pieces required to get any progress, and in a LOT of the games I only drew into two of those 3 required components.

  • The general lack of turn 1 plays made it very hard to establish a board that could present lethal by turn 4.

  • both Seat of the Synod and Silverbluff Bridge felt terrible to be playing as the land for turn. Seat of the Synod because the deck is sooo-reliant on red-mana-pips, and any attempt to "storm off" was usually hampered by it not providing red. Silverbluff Bridge just felt terrible in that it was sooo slow for a deck trying to do things quickly.

  • It almost never felt viable to blow up your own lands to Kuldotha Rebirth. I was very lucky that most of the games I also had a Experimental Synthesizer in hand - but I can't imagine ever wanting to sacrifice a land unless it's part of the winning turn of the game.

  • The best cards in the deck felt a LOT like Experimental Synthesizer, Kuldotha Rebirth, Goblin Bushwhackerfoil, Goblin War Strike, and Brightstone Ritual.

  • Battle Hymn felt kindof bad in that a lot of the time it's only gaining you 1-2 mana. But also the 2-mana cost was actually a lot more awkward than i'd expected, as far as trying to cast this while also having a board state.

I think overall the deck felt too slow, and far too inconsistent. I would be removing Distant Melody, Battle Hymn, and the blue lands.

PauperPower on Pauper Storm Update Help

3 months ago

sergiodelrio haha fair point, I'm very minimalist with my deck descriptions. I've updated it now, posting it here as well incase it hasn't updated on my page yet.

What I'm looking for help with is potential card upgrades and where to slot then for a bit more consistency. I'd like more resilience, but Im not sure that's possible with this list.

I've seen people in newer versions that no longer run Shared Discovery using "Name Sticker" Goblin but that card has since been banned, so I'm just looking for newer cards that I've missed or just haven't consideree that could help this run a tiny bit smoother.


The Plan:

So part one of the plan is to get a bunch of goblin tokens on to the board with effects like Dragon Fodder, Krenko's Command, and Kuldotha Rebirth.

Part two of the plan is casting Brightstone Ritual / Battle Hymn into Distant Melody / Shared Discovery. You do this as many times as you can to fill your board with goblins, and draw into your wincons.

The wincons in the deck are either a "storm" kill with Goblin War Strike, a combat damage kill with a kicked Goblin Bushwhackerfoil, or some combination of the two.

Cards Not Previously Mentioned:

The artifact lands and Springleaf Drum are targets for Kuldotha Rebirth they also fix our mana to get the much needed blue mana to start our storm plan.

Faithless Looting helps turn through our deck(potentially letting us dig 4 cards deep depending on mana reserve) Manamorphose also helps us get through our deck a bit and mana fix.

Sideboard Plan:

Under Construction

jonjonhholt on Mono Red Goblins

2 years ago

Goblin War Strike would be pretty fun in this list and certainly could replace mob justice in the sb. love the list tho!!

LethalKitten on Goblin Anarchy Bomb

2 years ago

Goblin War Strike would be a great addition!

Froggie420 on krenkos big flood

2 years ago

It looks like you have a couple extra Impact Tremors and Purphoros, God of the Forge in here. I also think you might be running a little heavy on land and could likely cut a few Mountains (My goblins run 34 total lands). Luckily, I have a few replacement cards to swap those out with!

Goblin decks are awesome because you can get wide with a ton of goblin tokens that all swing for enormous damage.

Some things to create more tokens that fit your budget might be Empty the Warrens, Dragon Fodder, or Goblin Instigator.

Ideas to make your goblins more powerful could include Goblin Bushwhacker, Goblin King (fantastic if you spend the money on Blood Moon as well), Goblin Trashmaster, and Goblin Warchief and Goblin Chieftain to give haste.

Goblins also have some fun bombs like Goblin War Strike, Mob Justice, or Massive Raid to deal massive damage to your opponent's face.

One other thing to consider is drawing more cards. Goblins get spammed out quickly, and you always need more goblins. For a little bit of money, Skullclamp fits very well with goblins and can give you a little boost.

Anyways, there's lots of possibilities of things to add with goblins! Hope these ideas helped some

legendofa on New card frames coming soon?

2 years ago

The original card frames lasted for ten years, from Alpha in 1993 Lightning Bolt to Scourge in 2003 Goblin War Strike. The "modern" frames got eleven years, from 2003 (8th Edition) Shock to 2014 (Journey into Nyx) Magma Spray. The "new" frames have been used for about eight years, starting with M15 Lightning Strike. Will we see a new frame at or around 2025?

(I got slightly disoriented writing this, I still think of the thick-bottom frames as newfangled. Getting older, please send help.)

DrummerGarrett on My Goblin Deck

2 years ago

Hello lebidoof, So with Goblin Grenade, I'm a little bit of a hypocrite on this one... But I don't like the sac 1 goblin for 1 instance of 5 damage to any target. You'd think that it's sort of the bread and butter of a goblin deck, and I do use it in other decks, but for this deck, i've liked other cards in its place.

Although the fast 5 damage is great, I've always sort of preferred having power in numbers for goblins and damage cards like Mob Justice and Goblin War Strike have always just appealed more to me. Plus, War Strike is the same mana anyway. Magic's communication with their artists is also super sneaky, there's quite a few cards that suggest potential for goblins through their art, such as Kyren Negotiations and Last-Ditch Effort

If I'm going to lose goblins to deal damage, I prefer the options my creatures have built into them for sac outlets.

Hope this helps, Garrett (Gürt)

Epicurus on Wulfgar of Tin Street

2 years ago

Thanks, Ulgulanoth! That's a solid card I somehow ignored. I guess I overlooked it because it doesn't have an attack trigger. Pulled Goblin War Strike to make room on the list.

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