Goblin Assault

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Assault


At the beginning of your upkeep, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token with haste.

Goblin creatures attack each turn if able.

enpc on Favorite creature recursion in Rakdos

1 year ago

Garna, Bloodfist of Keld doesn't need the dying creature to be non-token, why not use a bunch of token engines like Goblin Assault, Chancellor of the Forge (a good card to actually use recursion on), Goblin Rabblemaster, Legion Warboss, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin and Krenko, Mob Boss. Then you can use cards like Pashalik Mons, Weirding Shaman and even potentially Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician as sac outlets. You also have access to cards like Squee, Dubious Monarch, Squee, the Immortal and Squee, Goblin Nabob (bascially all the Squee value).

I'm not saying build a goblin deck, but build a goblin deck.

DemonicDuck on Brudiclad, Copyright Infringer *C*

2 years ago

I say cut Sure-Footed Infiltrator, Terror of Mount Velus, and Myr Battlesphere, you can definitely put in better and cheaper CMC cards then these.

You may have too many thopters for Thopter Assembly to be useful unless you have brudiclad out.

You probably don't have enough artifact copying for Powerstone Shard to work. Saheeli, Sublime Artificer, Mirrorworks, Prototype Portal, and even Cogwork Assembler can fill this gap.

Replace Tamiyo's Journal with Goblin Assault unless you use the search ability.

Feldon of the Third Path and Faerie Artisans may help.

MacPocho93 on Awaken the Blood Avatar (Commander) Deck

3 years ago

Have you consider Sengir Autocrat ? Or the instant Secure the Wastes ? What do you think about Goblin Assault , Dreadhorde Invasion or Assemble the Legion ? What about threat effect like Mass Mutiny , Molten Primordial or Mob Rule ? Other token generetion like Field of Souls or Ogre Slumlord ? Have you consider Fury Storm ? If you don't have price budget, what about Bitterblossom or Preacher ?

Phantomias on One man’s "magic" is another man’s engineering

4 years ago

Thanks IQuarent!

Heat Shimmer looks good and I haven't heard of it so far.

I swapped Stolen Identity for Saheeli's Artistry (which I totally overlooked and forgot), guess in many cases it's more flexible an thus better.

About Masterful Replication I am not sure...feels a bit expensive and I wouldn't know what to throw out for it.

I also changed Throne of Empires for Goblin Assault, because it may have a delay in first instance, but can come in earlier and is cheaper in long sight I guess.

Rite of Replication was already in my Maybeboard ;) If I have some spare-money I will definitely get it!

Suns_Champion on Kick Start My Heart | Winota, Joiner of Forces EDH

4 years ago

Joe_Ken_ Coward_Token thanks for the comments and feedback!

This deck's philosophy revolves around speed: tokens should come out before Winota, Winota hits, protect the board, win the game in two swings. A lot of cards have been considered and rejected on that basis.

  • Empty the Warrens takes the same slot as Winota, and other spells to be good. Not sure I can get a decent storm count in the mid-game for it to be effective.
  • Syr Alin, the Lion's Claw attack trigger wasted when he's cheated out. Also, attack trigger bad.
  • Chance for Glory you have no idea how much I want to run this card... I might be too much of a coward though. This deck can do well in the late game.
  • Adriana, Captain of the Guard pretty good buff, but again wasted attack trigger when she's cheated out. Considering.
  • Path of Bravery Hmmm interesting synergy, but I'm not sure if life gain and a small anthem are good enough to replace a token-making three drop.
  • Throne of the God-Pharaoh yeah, it's a good card. But when stuff like impact tremors is also trying to find room in here... it gets tough.
  • Satyr's Cunning is good, considering.
  • Dawn of Hope is too expensive for what it does.
  • Goblin Assault is pretty bad. 3 mana for 1 token when Winota hits turn 4.
  • Oketra's Monument is okay, better for a late-game deck.
  • Silverwing Squadron Oh! I thought it was different when I glanced over it. It will find it's way in. Perhaps over Monk.

Coward_Token lol. I do not like Feather.

Good point on the Stormfront Riders, that's really cool!

Coward_Token on Kick Start My Heart | Winota, Joiner of Forces EDH

4 years ago

Repeatable noncreature token makers: Satyr's Cunning Dawn of Hope Oketra's Monument Goblin Assault

They're all slower than the comparable cards you already got, but they do have the upside of being able to survive your average wrath effect

Also Promise of Bunrei

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