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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Wurm

Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, remove Saltskitter from the game. Return Saltskitter to play under its owner's control at end of turn.

Archon_Bel on Ephara Remastered *PRIMER FINALLY*

1 year ago

Nice to see another Ephara player lol. Here are my thoughts:

  1. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite- I ran this version of Elesh for a time. She is a powerful card, but I never found she really did much for the deck when I ran her. In my experience, 7 mana was too high a cost to pay for no recurrable effect (I prefer to have effects that I can reuse by flickering), and it usually left me with less mana to spend during my opponents’ turns, which I found to be more important than being able to swing for damage. Why not run the new Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines, instead? She pairs a lot better with our EtB effects.

  2. Lavinia of the Tenth- Cool card, and I get the concept behind her inclusion, but I personally never ended up running her. I prefer to remove creatures with stuff like Skyclave Apparition or Reflector Mage, or even just spot removal, than temporarily stopping them while keeping them on the field.

  3. Ledger Shredder- I don’t really see what this card does for you. Like with Elesh Norn, I think it’s better to run creatures with EtB effects you can reuse with flicker effects.

  4. Nezahal, Primal Tide- Same as above, plus the casting cost is way too high for my liking. Why not run something like Deadeye Navigator instead if you want a repeatable blink?

A few cards I’d recommend are Ephemerate, Momentary Blink, and Ghostway. The first two are very good instant blink cards, useful for reusing stuff like Reflector Mage on the spot for removal or Cloudblazer for some draw before your turn. You also get two uses out of them, so they’re good value and flexible cards. Ghostway is slightly better than Teferi's Protection in this deck imo, since you not only save your creatures, but you get their EtB effects again at end of turn. You don’t have the added benefit of protecting yourself from damage, though, so for that, I’d recommend Selfless Squire. Very underrated but super useful card in my experience; I once stalled a game out against a board full of 30+ dragons and only 3 life because of this card lol. Not a one-off occurrence either, as I’ve had several games where I’ve been able to keep myself from certain death by constantly flickering her effect; she’s incredible when combined with Archaeomancer and Ghostly Flicker!

Other creatures I’d recommend are Watcher for Tomorrow, Cloudblazer, and Saltskitter. The first two are great value engines with Soulherder and Thassa, Deep-Dwelling. I held off for a long time on using Saltskitter, but when I did, man did he put in the work. I was pretty much drawing cards every turn. There’s also Orvar, the All-Form, though this pretty much does the same thing as Displacer Kitten. Having those extra bodies is nice, though, so it’s up to you. Could even just run both lol.

Oh, and you may as well add Altar of Dementia to complete your Reveillark and Karmic Guide package.

tl;dr focus more on creatures with EtB effects for more flicker value, and a few more blink spells.

SufferFromEDHD on The Norn Identity

1 year ago

Don't give up on the rabbit full of tricks! Easily the best commander from Jumpstart.

I'm playing it in paper and loving it because it is such a unique strategy to mono white. It utilizes and gives new life to a lot of forgotten jank.

3 drops in my list that might be a better fit than Skyclave Apparition = Astral Drift, Touch the Spirit Realm, Debt of Loyalty.

A 4 drop I am surprised to not see in any lists is Saltskitter built in illusion token generator.

kamarupa on Moonlight Sonata

1 year ago

I think I might favor Tocasia's Welcome over Collected Company here, though Welcome would be even better if your bounce effects could happen on your opponent's turns. Ephemerate isn't quite as repeatable as Soulherder, but it is cheaper to cast, though not a creature spell itself. There's also the classic Restoration Angel, but that seems too high MV and only a one time use. Saltskitter seems interesting, but not particularly reliable. Eldrazi Displacer would be great if it didn't require 3 mana to activate. Thraben Doomsayer doesn't give the all the benefits of a bounce, but token generation is still a powerful trigger with Soul Sisters. If any of those made the cut, then I'd say you didn't need Blue spells at all, which would make your mana base faster, cheaper, and more reliable.

I think Speaker of the Heavens is a pretty perfect fit with Soul Sisters.

While on principle, I like protecting permanents, I think Patch Up might be strong enough that removing your creatures could prove more helpful to you than to your opponents - something that usually frustrates the hell out of me.

I'm not convinced shock and fetch are the best lands. While the lifeloss is less painful when counterbalanced with Soul Sisters' lifegain, it also negates some of the advantage of gaining life. Equally efficient lands that don't cost life would be better. Pathways and fast lands seem, at least to me, just as good if not better: Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Branchloft Pathway  Flip, Hengegate Pathway  Flip, Seachrome Coast, Razorverge Thicket, Botanical Sanctum

skibulk on Norin the wary

3 years ago

Saltskitter combos nicely with Genesis Chamber.

skibulk on Confusion In The Ranks

4 years ago

Lightning Berserker seems better than Glitterfang . In a pinch you could play it normally and not be forced to return it to your hand. Kher Keep is legendary. With only 20 lands, getting 2 of them would set you back. Maybe swap 2 of em for 2 more Mountains. I'm not sure if Brand is worth it in this deck since most of the stuff you trade away gets returned or sacrificed?

Saltskitter is similar to Norin the Wary .

Faerie Artisans and/or Boldwyr Heavyweights would make things more chaotic. You probably wouldn't win with them, but they might be fun anyway.

JANKYARD_DOG on And The Wurms Ate Into His Brain (Atla)

5 years ago

More changed inspired by comments.

Argothian Wurm --> Saltskitter : Trying out this bit of fun.

Voracious Wurm --> Whisperer of the Wilds : Want to try this out before going for a 1cmc dork, see how well it works. The ferocious shouldn't be hard to turn on.

Swords to Plowshares --> Generous Gift : Exile is nice, but versatility is better.

Lurking Predators --> Fanatical Devotion : Sac outlet for eggs and saving critters from destruction.

Quicksilver Amulet --> Birthing Boughs : More eggs for more creatures.

If you see anything else that's a good switch let me know, or if you don't agree with something or have a better idea, feel free to comment. Thanks all for the help so far, much appreciated. We'll see how these test out, there is still more I'd like to try in the maybe board

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