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Ovalchase Daredevil
Creature — Human Pilot
Whenever an artifact enters the battlefield under your control, you may return Ovalchase Daredevil from your graveyard to your hand.
wallisface on Timely tokens
6 months ago
Some thoughts:
You never really want to play lands that are very likely to enter the battlefield tapped - all of Vineglimmer Snarl, Choked Estuary, Necroblossom Snarl, and Zagoth Triome are all waay too slow to be useful. If you can't acquire fetchlands, then I'd suggest trying to acquire the fastlands - Blooming Marsh, Botanical Sanctum and Darkslick Shores.
With no basics, you automatically lose to Blood Moon if an opponent plays it. You also have absolutely nothing to gain if the opponent casts Path to Exile or Assassin's Trophy on one of your permanents.
For Collected Company to have any reasonable chance of hitting at least 2 creatures, your deck needs to have at least 27 creatures within it - without this number there's no point to playing the card. At the moment, with only 15 creatures that the card can use, the card just isn't good enough.
Once you remove Collected Company, your deck has a lot more lands than it will need - and you could easily drop down to 22 (or possibly even 20).
Urza's Saga lends itself really well into finding various 1-of toolbox cards that can save you in certain situations. Having a single copy of cards like Shadowspear, Pithing Needle, Relic of Progenitus etc can help you put-the-squeeze on many opponents.
Lonis, Cryptozoologist really wants to live in a deck with lots of creatures. Just like Collected Company, your creature-count isn't high enough to justify this card.
If you're playing Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar, you probably want to play the full playset, as well as the full 4-ofs each of Ovalchase Daredevil and The Underworld Cookbook.
legendofa on UR Food
11 months ago
scotchtapedsleeves If I may make a guess on draftdump69's behalf, you don't. The Ovalchase Daredevils are supposed to be discard fodder for The Underworld Cookbook, helping reach delirium for Dragon's Rage Channeler and recurring with a stream of food tokens. If a 4/2 body is needed for some extra pressure, you can bring it out with Electrodominance or As Foretold.
scotchtapedsleeves on UR Food
11 months ago
Is your only black source Springleaf Drum? How are you meant to cast Ovalchase Daredevil?
wallisface on 【Emotional】▷ RANT ◁ WOTC's GREED has RUINED MAGIC!
1 year ago
There’ve been many only polls around Teferi, Time Raveler and they all point to him being annoying but nowhere-near overly strong. The change of the card on arena is due to balancing it fir that format, not modern. The card is typically only good versus control & some combo decks.
Again, most pro-level players have no real issue with Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer as far as I can tell - the comparison to Deathrite Shaman isn’t a fair one: Shaman is always useful at almost every point of the game. Raganan is oftentimes found to be unuseful, particularly later in the game, if you’re on the draw, if the opponents deck has nothing worthwhile to cast etc. Dragon's Rage Channeler is imo faar stronger than the monke (but also not ban-worthy).
yep Wrenn and Six should habe either cost 3, or started with 2 loyalty.
Expressive Iteration is a card that creates more format variety, in that blue decks don’t typically run proactive cards, and red decks don’t often run passive cards. 90% of the time this is just an Anticipate that also gives you a land.
Comparing Ovalchase Daredevil to Splinter Twin is extremely unfair. Twin was hugely popular and you could slot the combo into literally every blue deck. Daredevil requires deckbuilding considerations, has a pretty low level of consistency, and a very low play rate (hint: there’s a reason it sees almost no play). Reanimator can definitely “go off” on turn 3, and i’d argue would be more consistent in doing so without Daredevil. Also all of the high level Grinding Station decks i’ve seen don’t use Daredevil at all (they use Underworld Breach, and with that can go off on turn 3 also).
I forgot to mention Mishra's Bauble last time but I don’t see that card getting banned. It does nothing on the turn you play it, and makes opening-hands feel more like a gamble. The card is strong, but only really sees play to activate delirium. I think this card will only ever get banned if something else is printed that can abuse it far too much - which will probably happen at somepoint, but we’re not there yet.
Underworld Breach has only really caught peoples eyes over the last month, where people have realised you can slot it into a LOT of decks and just get incidental free-wins if the game goes long. I think its definitely ban-worthy pending how popular it ends up becoming, and how the meta shifts to deal with it.
If i were taking a guess at how likely these cards were to be banned in the next 3-5 years, with a “10” being guaranteed, and a “0” being not-ever-happening, i’d have to guess:
Underworld Breach: 7 (pending popularity rise / counter-play)
Teferi, Time Raveler: 3 (assuming it would get banned for being unfun, not power level)
Omnath, Locus of Creation: 2 (probably up to a 6 if they don’t ban W&6)
PhyrexianPraetor on 【Emotional】▷ RANT ◁ WOTC's GREED has RUINED MAGIC!
1 year ago
Teferi, Time Raveler is not bannable? Despite your argument it is overpowered. They even had to alter it in online mtg by making it cost four and changed it’s ability from “your opponents can only cast spells at sorcery speed” to “your opponents can only cast spells on their turn”. They had to alter it’s ability so that counter magic could still be used against it’s controller. That is it’s main problem, once resolved it literally makes it so the opponent can’t respond to what you’re doing and makes the game very one sided.
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer is a card that me and my hyper-competitive friend have talked about alongside the other cards on my list. He believes Ragavan might get banned at some point due to doing to much for 1 mana and actually forcing the opponent to have an answer for it. This was the same exact argument that WOTC used for banning Deathrite Shaman.
Wrenn and Six should never have costed 2 mana. If it costed more it would probably be fine, but it comes down too early and effectively warps the game. Having consistent land-drops was meant to be something you had to work at (like drawing tons of cards).
Expressive Iteration is the one card my friend actually mentioned to me. In the last year he has played at every local modern event and says it generally leads to whoever can cast it first ends up winning.
Ovalchase Daredevil fits into the same argument that Splinter Twin did. They thought about leaving twin in and banning the creature it was paired with, but they decided to ban twin not only due to overrepresentation (which cookbook isn’t overrepresented), but due to it being the engine for the combo. Daredevil effectively is an engine, without it The Underworld Cookbook would suddenly gain a downside and actually cost cards to use it. As is, it has no downside whatsoever. My friend has been showing me what decks it gets used in. One is a Grinding Station deck that uses the daredevil+cookbook combo and was the least offensive one he showed me and my other friend. The two that see the most play where I live are both archon decks that use the combo as part of a reanimator package and even with main-board graveyard hate, were ultimately very difficult to stop or next to impossible to stop. In all three cases, these decks wouldn’t have been able to go off turn three without the cookbook. Which again, WOTC has had a history of hating combos and strategies that go off before turn 4.
Believe it or not, Underworld Breach sees no play where I live. It has been considered unplayable by my local meta ever since Endurance started seeing more play. One guy tried it and ended up giving up on it after a few months.
All in all, the cards I listed all fit into reasons other cards got banned. Either due to being an engine for a combo, unfun to play against or do too much for next to no investment. I ain’t going to hate on you, cause everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But my statements still stand and are valid. Especially with WOTC’s history of reasons to ban cards seemingly being ignored now.
wallisface on 【Emotional】▷ RANT ◁ WOTC's GREED has RUINED MAGIC!
1 year ago
PhyrexianPraetor your experience has been a very different one from mine, and likely the community as a whole - mtgGoldfish is showing a far wider variation of competitive decks than had ever been there pre-mh2. Indeed, most of the decks you listed as playing against still exist and are still competitively viable today. Its a shame your local meta has disintegrated because of these recent sets, though i’m not sure that’s the norm (though i do know some people who play a lot less these days).
Going over your ban-thoughts:
If Teferi, Time Raveler ever got banned it would be because the community found him too unfun - he would never be banned for power reasons. White already has loads of effects that prevent you casting stuff during their turn, so the effect is nothing new. Added to that, loads of decks are completely unaffected by its interactions. I agree the card is strong, but nothing ban-worthy.
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer is often sided-out in game-2 because its just not useful enough. In loads of matchups its on-hit effect does nothing. The card is again strong, but nothing worth banning, particularly with the level of interaction in modern.
I definitely agree Wrenn and Six probably needs a ban at somepoint. I don’t think banning Omnath with solve the problem inherent in those decks.
Expressive Iteration is very strong, but i’m not sure its ban worthy.
I’m super surprised you think Ovalchase Daredevil needs to go, cause it really doesn’t. Asmo decks represent almost none of the meta, and are super unreliable (despite your consistency concerns, they lose to they’re own draws all the time). Added to this the card does nothing without other supporting cards being in play, and is super-easy to disrupt with literally any amount of graveyard hate.
The card i’m surprised you didn’t mention is Underworld Breach. That is what i’d consider being the absolute biggest offender in the modern metagame at the moment, alongside Wrenn and Six.
PhyrexianPraetor on 【Emotional】▷ RANT ◁ WOTC's GREED has RUINED MAGIC!
1 year ago
As someone who has played mtg since Lorwyn made it’s debut (2007), I have one thing to say. As a home-brewer I don’t mind new cards, I actually like newly printed cards and neat concepts. What I don’t like is when they print new cards that essentially amount to legalized cheating and cards that embody the very reasons why previous problem cards and strategies got banned in the first place.
With that being said, I have recently gotten back into mtg after almost a year of selling my collection due to War, MH1 and MH2 and only play modern with my friends. For quite a few years I was able to successfully bring BW Devotion to Modern FNM and come 1st, 2nd or 3rd quite consistently. All of the other players brought decks like Grixis Shadow, UW Control, Grishoal Brand/Reanimator, Tron, Affinity, Death & Taxes, Naya Zoo, Burn, Mill, Storm, Ad Nauseam, Dredge, Humans, Merfolk, Spirits, Vampires, Zombies, BR Demons, Infect, UR Thing in the Ice, Izzet Drakes and various other decks. There was a high degree of variation among modern players in my area and you were able to perform in a decent manner with a home-brew.
With the introduction of War of the Spark, Modern Horizons and Modern Horizons 2 a lot of those players either quit, started playing edh only or started playing one of the four strategies that were the best in my area (UW Control due to Teferi, Time Raveler, Jund due to Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Archon Reanimator Decks and four/five colour Omnath Decks). With three sets and many standard cards that were ridiculous, WOTC had caused modern to become a format of four separate strategies (after some bannings of course), effectively making it a rotating format and accomplished in contradicting their previous reasons for banning cards in the past by doing so.
For years, cards would get banned due to over-representation of certain decks (Splinter Twin as an example) or how certain strategies got too strong (Infect as another example). Now WOTC prints cards that are way too pushed and are nearly impossible to stop and don’t do anything about them.
If a ban were to happen I would like to see one or two of the below cards banned.
1) Teferi, Time Raveler is a card that literally turns a game of mtg into Hearthstone and prevents the opponent from interacting in any way, shape or form. By far this card embodies my concept of “legalized cheating” the most.
2) Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer isn’t bad when you can answer it. When you can’t, it effectively turns into a 1 mana card that is a combination of Sink hole and Shock. I have rarely seen a player use it’s ability to cast the cards it takes off the top of the deck and usually have seen it hit lands off the tops of said decks. It does too much for a 1 mana card, just like Deathrite Shaman.
3) Omnath, Locus of Creation or Wrenn and Six both generate way too much card advantage for so little investment. All you have to do is play fetch-lands and you will win the game in a matter of turns. One or both have to go. I put these two together due to seeing them both played along side each other more often than not.
4) Mishra's Bauble has always been a card that has attracted the attention of WOTC with possible bannings. Similarly as Ragavan, it does too much for little to no cost and it also contributes to certain strategies in a big way at literally no cost, not to mention that it replaces itself.
5) Expressive Iteration generates too much card advantage. In a way it kind of reminds me of Faithless Looting. Not in the way of abusing graveyard strategies, but drawing a lot for very little cost. EI effectively reads “scry 3 and draw 2”, last time a card did something similar to this, it got banned. The card I am referring to is Preordain. A card that generated way too much card advantage for 1 mana by setting up your next two draws, one of which was immediately drawn after scrying and was one of the cards that lead to Storm being way too consistent in the format.
6) Ovalchase Daredevil isn’t a particularly busted card, but it makes decks that use The Underworld Cookbook way to consistent. Discarding a card to activate an ability is supposed to COST YOU A CARD!!!, not generate card advantage for effectively nothing in exchange. Disagree with me? Storm had received the most bannings in modern’s history due to being “too consistent”, so why does another deck get to have the same level of consistency and not get a second look? Sure, it’s not the most dominant strategy, but neither was Storm and it still got banned into oblivion.
wallisface on what is my purpose?
2 years ago
Some thoughts:
any deck running Asmo should be playing the full playset of both it and The Underworld Cookbook. I would suggest against stuff like Goblin Engineer to assemble these pieces as it’s slow and easy to disrupt. Same goes for the cat-cauldron combo, run a playset of both or none at all.
It definately feels like you’re doing waay too much here, and it’s going to cause your deck to function very clumsily. I would suggest ditching all of Old Gnawbone, Shimmer Dragon, Goldspan Dragon and Hellkite Tyrant (they’re all painfully expensive mana-wise, and none of them really do enough. Imo you need your payoffs to capitalise on what your deck is doing, like Sieve and Troll-King do… just run more of those), as well as Goblin Engineer (adds more moving parts to an already complicated archetype), Magda, Brazen Outlaw (again, adds more unnecessary clutter), Ignoble Hierarch (if you need more mana after the Goose, then your curve is too high. Also, your curve is too high), and Tireless Tracker (it’s not helping your gameplan in any way that’s meaningful).
i would also suggest ditching Chord of Calling - if you’re running mostly playsets, as you should be, this card becomes more clumsy in this deck than helpful. Something like Unearth will prove to be much more useful at keeping stuff on-board.
assuming you’re wanting Asmo to perform her best, you really need a playset of Ovalchase Daredevil to help profit from the discard triggers.
have you considered Chatterfang, Squirrel General? Might be useful seeing as you’re leaning quite heavily into green.
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