Bala Ged Sanctuary


Bala Ged Recovery  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bala Ged Sanctuary


This enters the battlefield tapped.

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mrweaselman on Stompy Boys (EDH)

8 months ago

Since you're in green, you have some pretty good options for ramp for two mana. Oketra's Monument, Rhonas's Monument, Invasion of Ixalan  Flip and Thought Vessel seem to be the weakest. Three Visits, Nature's Lore, and Skyshroud Claim are all very solid options that are much harder to remove. Selvala, Heart of the Wilds can also make a ton of mana and draw you cards.

Cards that seem weaker:
Wayward Swordtooth: You only run 33 lands, I am not sure how often this is going to trigger. With a lower land count you have a lesser chance of having multiple lands in hand.
Akroma's Will: This may be overkill. A better option may be Return of the Wildspeaker because it can also draw you a lot of cards.
Bite Down and Ram Through: Requires you to have a creature of the board. Something either cheaper or more flexible like Swords to Plowshares or Touch the Spirit Realm can be beneficial.
Boros Charm: Unless you play in a token heavy meta, there may better options like Flawless Maneuver or Tyvar's Stand. Both can protect your commander the turn you get it out for cheap.
Virtue of Strength: This card does say basic land and you do only run 18 in the whole deck. Take a look at Mirari's Wake, or you could run Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip and another ramp spell for basically the same slots.
Kinjalli's Caller, Knight of the Stampede, Marauding Raptor, Otepec Huntmaster, and Atzocan Seer: These cards are definitely thematic, but I'm not sure if they're all better than Delighted Halfling, Birds of Paradise, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Bloom Tender, and Sylvan Caryatid. Especially if you're only casting one big dinosaur a turn. Same for Commune with Dinosaurs < Once Upon a Time

keizerbuns on Assailing Archeology

2 years ago

Thank you so much for the feedback aholder7!

You bring up a lot of really good points here. I suppose I could just get the same result of mana ramping if I just used Rakdos colored stones. I was using green because originally I had 4 copies of Ravenous Squirrel for saccing my creatures so I did need the green to activate its ability, but since I've decided to drop the squirrels I guess there isn't much need for green beyond needing it for tutors and for the occasional time I use Bala Ged Recovery  Flip. Speaking of the tutors, I do think having at least a couple is really necessary for finding Void Maw, which I feel is a really important combo piece in this deck. I've also found that it's surprisingly easy to get the delirium effect of Traverse the Ulvenwald off even with only 3 fetch lands, but if I really want to keep the tutors I guess I could just add a couple more Profane Tutors, or maybe even the new Diabolic Intent.

I've also been noticing too that Bone Shards isn't really enough early game interaction, so maybe adding a few more 1 drop removal or burn spells might help the early game consistency. Jaxis, the Troublemaker has been an absolute superstar in this deck so adding at least 1 more couldn't hurt anything.

As with Chainer, Nightmare Adept, I don't think it hurts to have just a 1 off of him since he doubles as a way to recast my important non-artifact creature combo pieces should they ever get removed or dumped into the graveyard from my library, on top of him just being a great source of free discarding. I actually feel like I would need him more if I were to remove green from the deck since I wouldn't have access to Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip anymore.

Last, I don't know if I would add the fenlurker, the rat, or the zealot just cause I feel like they would be taking up space for more useful cards. I also don't actually like the idea of using Sundering Titan in this deck since it can very easily backfire and force me to blow up my own lands if my opponents don't have any black or red basics.

I really like all of your suggestions and your reasoning for dropping green is pretty sound. I do like how the deck feels right now, but I'm going to make a new version of this deck with the changes you suggested and see how much more I like it. Chances are you're right about the changes that I need to make here and I'll probably end up overhauling this version to match the version you suggested.

Thanks again for your comment, it's much appreciated!!

Phule451 on 5c Saga tribal

2 years ago

Sorry to be the be area of bad news, but unfortunately the land side of double side cards is not the one that counts toward card type so Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip is technically an instant card, not a land card. Speaking of lands, I know you’re building on a budget, but you can do better than thrive lands and life lands. A great budget way to do this would be going with gates now that cards like Baldur's Gate and Gond Gate make gates much better and the rest of the new gates are pretty much thrive lands but with gate synergies. Splurge on Maze's End and you even have an alternate wincon. Throw in Crackling Perimeter and Guild Summit and you’ll really be rolling. Also, a few basic lands are a good idea just in case someone uses Path to Exile or a similar effect on you it’s not wasted.

I totally get building on a budget, but there are ways to do so and retain playability.

TheHamster on

2 years ago

Last (probably) big update till new commander comes out. Swapped out Kodama's Reach for a Selesnya Signet I have a lower concentration of basics and an extra rock just seemed good. also swapped Mosswort Bridge for Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip getting a random free elephant most of the time isn't as worth of a land that can sometimes be recursion, Karn's Bastion was cut for another forest, after playing it a few games, tapping to proliferate just never felt worth the cost and I'd rather just have another colored source in my lands. Fortified Village was cut for Ondu Skyruins  Flip as being the worst dual land, deemed having an emergency wrath is just more necessary. Return of the Wildspeaker swapped in for Shamanic Revelation on average I end up with 1 or 2 bigger creatures vs the 6 or 7 creatures I'd need for revelation to draw the same rate + the instant speed over sorcery is nice and random overrun is eh but cool to have if ever needed. Akroma's Will was put in place of Akroma's Memorial having basically the same effects at instant speed (+ a 7th instant speed mass protection) is basically the same as a clunky artifact as when you cast it you're usually swinging for lethal that turn anyways instead of risking a potential blowout if they have a Shatter effect. and lastly Call of the Herd came out (i know sad, but found the elephant token spells just aren't worth it as they've slowly been cut out over time) for Harsh Mercy a Janky on flavor board wipe that leaves my board in tact.

also slowly been foiling out all the cards in the deck that CAN be foiled cause shiny thing invoke terror ~

Grasshoppeh1 on Lost and Afraid

3 years ago

Played a bunch today and here is results of changes.


  • -1 Apex Devastator to sideboard, moved to sideboard to swap out with blightsteel/eldrazi for newer players
  • -1 Temur Sabertooth, removed due to the amount of cardraw available. I feel I would rather draw than bounce.
  • +1 Blightsteel Colossus to maindeck, Blightsteel is a counter to my local playgroup. We've got a lifegain deck and one deck running Pariah and Pariah's Shield. Along with Akroma's Memorial and Finale of Devastation this is my nuclear option.
  • +1 Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip, land and recurrence is very valuable.
  • +1 Mirrorpool, ehh fine seems ok to drop a copy of a big creature that does something,, what's the worst that can happen? :)
  • -1 Mana Crypt to maybeboard, don't have one is the only reason. If I can get one,, maybe?
  • +1 Jeweled Lotus, replacement for mana crypt... Now let me tell you,, jeweled -> azusa --> lotus cobra --> two fetches --> Tooth and nail.. That was a quick game!
  • +1 Maze of Ith, This is at tech, really aggressive in my area! There are some cases it's death to not have an air blocker!
  • +1 Petrified Field, Testing it at this time, not sure how to abuse it yet
  • +1 Momentous Fall, Does not feel as bad as I initially thought. Use this defensively often times.
  • +1 Cryptic Caves, niche card testing it out. Turns your crucibles into three draw for 3 mana + land drops.. 3 mana draw 3 cards... seems decent
  • +1 Thespian's Stage, what does it do? answer: yes
  • -1 Beast Whisperer, I have enough creatures, but the costs are too high
  • +1 Zendikar Resurgent, replacement for beast whisperer, has the potential to double mana while going off
  • -1 Guardian Project, same problem as beast whisperer
  • +1 Return of the Wildspeaker, another large draw effect to combo off of to replace guardian
  • +1 Inkmoth Nexus, bad habits die hard, keeping one in deck for "that guy" at the table.
  • -1 Field of the Dead -> maybeboard, only reason I'm taking it out is I don't own it. Dropping it into maybe board

Other Thoughts:

  • Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is here to stay. When you go off with a large draw dropping him is amazing. He will give you enough mana to combo off and finish on the stop at times. He's also a good target for Natural Order.
  • After drawing 10 cards and drawing into Rude Awakening,, it has a new place in my heart, seems to be a keeper
  • Once I hit 25 basics, I think I can just win the game. The amount of basics should stick between 24-26 and 45 lands in total to facilitate the engines. If we're slightly under half I think we're good.
  • Kodama of the East Tree was potentially good enough to combo off a large draw with vorin, need to test this more!

Thinking of Cutting:

Why the sideboard was added:

  • Core creatures for swapping on the sideboard are Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Kozilek, the Great Distortion, Blightsteel Colossus, and Craterhoof Behemoth.
  • Each of these creatures fills a different role. voice of hunger is a creature to combo off with on a large draw or to slow down my opponents. Butcher of truth fills your hand then wins by sacing against a single opponent or threating multiple attack if they don't sac a specific permanent (politics yeeehhh). Blightsteel teaches people that lifegain decks don't work against green edh.... craterhoof teaches people that lifegain deck's don't work against green in edh (AZUSA SMASH!!)... please stop playing lifegain decks in edh... Great Distortion draws and controls the game if your ahead.

If I'm playing against my friends then these are great. If we're trying to include someone I will swap them out for cards in the sideboard and leave in a couple.

TheMeadiator on The 6+ Legs Club (Spiders Welcome)

3 years ago

Hey Kiefy! Oh man, that's soooo great! Haha, I've never fought a sliver deck with this before, I feel like that would be a tough fight. I'm not surprised Grist gave you the best game - he's DISGUSTINGLY good. I can't wait to pick one up and slot it in.

As for the others, I'm actually thinking of adding Hornet Queen too, which I'd swap out probably for Stingerfling Spider

For the rest, here are my anticipated swaps:

Let me know if you make any of these swaps and how you like them! I'm really so excited that you enjoy the deck. Very cool.

Quickspell on Can I Growth Spiral Bala …

3 years ago

I am unsure about this question. They way I understand, an MDFC (modal double-faced card) is it's front side in any zone outside the battlefield. That is why, for example, I cannot tutor for the backside of an MDFC, if I'm correct. Only when actually playing it, I can decide on the mode.

So, when I have Bala Ged Recovery  Flip in my hand, it is the sorcery. I may play it as it's backside which is a land: Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip. Now, when casting, for example, Growth Spiral, can I put Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip onto the battlefield? Because the card is in my hand, and in my hand it is a sorcery that may be played as a land, but it isn't one unless it's on the stack... Isn't that right?

Please explain!

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