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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Whenever an opponent plays a green spell, you draw a card.

RiotRunner789 on water proof deck (v.3.0)

3 weeks ago

Insight is cheap and green is the most played color in commander.

Otherwise, curiosity effects, especially older ones, are cheap.

Opt effects tend to be cheap but some of the 1 mana cantrips can be expensive (~$2-3). Also, thier best with Archmage Emeritus effects (which range in price).

jamezbl0nde on Any Color You Like

1 year ago

am i crazy.. i don't see Painter's Servant .... seems like an auto include with Insight, Llawan, Cephalid Empress, Wrath of Marit Lage, and Douse.

Optimator on Tricksy Pixies

2 years ago

Some good enchantment-based card draw to note:

Kumena's Awakening - this would be an excellent choice on a budget. You should always have The City's Blessing. My favorite "not-Rhystic-Study" replacements.

Dire Undercurrents - amazing card but expensive. If I were you I would make this one of your first upgrades. Seems perfect.

Curious Obsession

Vampiric Rites

Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip and Greed and Erebos, God of the Dead - Alela's lifelink would help pay

Erebos, Bleak-Hearted is playable in this deck.

Dark Prophecy - the power is there, but might be difficult early.

Military Intelligence should be reliable. Great for two mana

Staggering Insight

Curse of Verbosity - I think it's kind of underrated. Should be good with your flyers and might take some heat off you. It's no Rhystic Study.

Rhystic Study duuuuhhhhh

Fall from Favor

Ophidian Eye

Insight - huuuge upside, potentially useless. I love it though!

Monastery Siege - it's basically drawing half a card per turn for three mana, but can protect your creatures if it's that part of the game. It's all right

Verity Circle - Huge upside, potentially useless

Phyrexian Arena - one of the best, but the price tag may not be worth it in this deck since you're running blue and can easily take advantage of flying creatures

Court of Ambition - it should be easy to get The Monarch whenever you want with your flyers

Marchesa's Decree is all right. Probably better in other decks

Sanctum of Calm Waters and Honden of Seeing Winds

Soul Ransom - might be fun to recur.

Teferi's Ageless Insight - might be good, better in decks where the commander draws cards. The power is there though.

Coastal Piracy

Kindred Discovery - ridiculous power with a ridiculous price tag to match. It's not a "may" ability so you can easily deck yourself. Isn't that winning though?

Patient Rebuilding - statistically draws one card a turn. Potentially high ceiling, can also whiff. Better for decks with graveyard synergies. Animate Dead and Necromancy are excellent, and Dance of the Dead is playable.

Mind Unbound

Well of Ideas

Thought Reflection

legendofa on Color Shift

3 years ago

goodair Since it's a slow and stax-ish deck, start by keeping yourself alive and active with stuff like Chill and Insight. Once you're stable (or people ignore you enough), start focusing on individual threats (Northern Paladin and friends) and working toward full locks with Glaciers and similar effects. Keep spamming the Glamerdye and Whim of Volrath as needed, and you got yourself a game.

People either ignore it because it's not affecting their colors yet, hate it out because it does or will affect their colors, or try to get someone else to hate it out because they're in a lock.

The best advice I have for this deck is to keep good notes. Literally write down anytime you hack a color.

TriusMalarky on Phyrexian Arena

3 years ago

Epicurus we're in the commander subforum, so nobody will comment on its Modern or whatever power level.

Also, "removal, recursion, combo piece" excludes "value engine, card draw engine, ramp, stax piece, tutor, etc". Additionally, while probably the most popular way to play cEDH is with fast combo, there are many many decks that play the long game, switch between them, etc. It's a lot more varied than t2 wins from the turbonaus players.

Another point as to why Arena is bad is that there are TONS of cards that can draw you two or three or even more cards per rotation for only 2 maybe 3 mana. Verity Circle is INSANE in any meta that uses mana dorks. Compost and Insight are incredibly effective draw engines. Ghostly Pilferer is solid too. It's so easy to find a 2 or 3 mana card that draws you at least one card if not several each rotation that Arena is just a $20 version of what a hundred other $2 cards do, except worse.

Kwhill on Blind Seer ($50)

3 years ago

I can remove Insight , Mystic Confluence , and Fabricate and replace with budget options to fix the price I think. I'm not sure the swaps I want to make yet.

Fabricate can probably become Solve the Equation like I mentioned before, and Insight and Mystic Confluence can just become generic draw spells, really.

Probably Insight -> Crystal Spray
Mystic Confluence -> Deep Analysis

TriusMalarky on Dime-store Derevi (Competitive, Budget $100!!)

3 years ago

0rc ah yeah, I did miss the rogue-jank angle being incredibly effective. I've actually won several games with such a strategy myself.

I personally like playing high power with a budget, but I give my self a little larger budget as I dislike having to deal with tapped lands.

Might I suggest Compost , Verity Circle , and Insight as well? I've seen Circle just act as Rhystic Study against one or two green players, but I haven't tested the other two yet(they look amazing tho). Also, if you can find the budget, Root Maze is god tier when you're trying to use high budgets against people.

Also Yavimaya Coast , Sungrass Prairie and Skycloud Expanse might still be cheap enough. I also really like Hickory Woodlot , Saprazzan Skerry or Remote Farm if you can reliably flicker/proliferate, although that might not be on the menu here.

Quick edit: Compost and Insight look a little bit pricey for the $100.

Optimator on

3 years ago

Drop Faerie Tauntings , Ashiok, Nightmare Muse , Traumatize , Trepanation Blade , add about one or two more ramp and two more card-draw at least. I almost always run 8 pieces of ramp and the prevailing wisdom is 10. Same for card-draw: I aim for 8, many aim for 10. Extra ramp is great with Oona's ability and card-draw can draw you into lands and just generally smooth everything out.

Reconnaissance Mission would be good. Treasure Cruise is often almost an Ancestral Recall and is budget too. Even though you're running Blue , Read the Bones is a great rate, as is Night's Whisper . Divination , Concentrate , and Tidings are all great on a budget, if a bit unexciting.

I love Keep Watch , Borrowing 100,000 Arrows , Theft of Dreams , Insight , Windfall , Plea for Power , Curse of Verbosity , and Manifold Insights but they are swingy. High ceilings, low floors. The mana cost on them is what makes them so good.

Midnight Clock is budget right now but it's starting to make waves. Get yours now while they're cheap. Ramp AND draw! Great on a budget.

Secrets of the Golden City and Kumena's Awakening should usually be City's Blessing-ed. I like Kimena's a lot on a budget (along with Patient Rebuilding ). Rush of Knowledge is decent if you have Oona out. Fathom Trawl is a guaranteed three non-lands, though it might be a bit lackluster with so many faeries. Not a bad card though. Mind Spring is great with ramp.

Drawn from Dreams and Dig Through Time are probably better than Diabolic Tutor until you have a game-winning card in the deck like Coat of Arms or some combo pieces (of which all are out-of-budget). I'd say drop Diabolic Tutor . Diabolic Vision is all right on a budget, as is Pilfered Plans , Forbidden Alchemy , and Notion Rain . We can probably do better, even on a tight budget.

Soul Ransom is kind of faerie-ish. Pact of the Serpent maybe?

With all your fliers, Rogue's Gloves and Mask of Memory are fantastic card-draw cards. Mask of Riddles is cute. Curiosity and Curious Obsession are decent but dangerous. Chart a Course is decent with fliers. Whispering Madness can be good with fliers too.

I have mixed feelings about Opt , Serum Visions , Sleight of Hand , Ponder , Preordain , Portent . They certainly don't hurt but they're bad late-game. I run them in some decks. Consider them if most of your card-draw is expensive. Brainstorm is a bit of a trap unless you have ways to shuffle your library and get rig of unwanted cards. This usually requires fetch lands like Polluted Delta and is better in 60-card formats.

Rain of Revelation , Archmage's Charm , Fact or Fiction , Succumb to Temptation , Precognitive Perception , Frantic Search , Pull from Tomorrow , Gush , Village Rites are all good for being instants so you can leave counterspells up and if you don't need them you can draw. That's one of the reasons a card like Anticipate looks weak but is nice for keeping counterspells open. Fact or Fiction is particularly good and is considered a staple in many formats, including EDH.

I would swap out Dimir Locket and Dimir Cluestone for Mind Stone and Prismatic Lens . Maybe Star Compass if it is in budget. I know you need your colors but 3-mana mana rocks that don't have huge upside are sooooo slow. Arcane Signet is probably out of budget, which is too bad. Is Wayfarer's Bauble still expensive? Probably. Worn Powerstone and Hedron Archive maybe? Oona isn't cheap and you want mana for her ability if push comes to shove. Trinket Mage is ramp because it can snag Sol Ring , making it the same rate as Explosive Vegetation and Hedron Archive .

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