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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Mob Justice
Mob Justice deals damage to target player equal to the number of creatures you control.
Xtough on Xyris for $50
5 months ago
Hello. Nice deck. I like the budget approach. I play Xyris as well and it is a very strong and cheap deck that can take out 3 opponents in sometime one turn. Main cards are Prosperity, Last-Ditch Effort, Mob Justice and Xenagos, the Reveler. You can check the deck here, although I need to update a little:
Happy drawing!
amarthaler on Pauper Murmuring Terrors
9 months ago
Removed Open the Omenpaths, Betrothed of Fire, Wrenn's Resolve and Mutagenic Growth.
Added Mob Justice and Snap.
Moved Weather the Storm to mainboard and balanced some card numbers.
wallisface on ghyrson starn, kelermorph and mob …
1 year ago
Yes you’re correct, these two cards won’t work together unless you have exactly 1 creature in play.
Note the oracle text on gatherer is even worded to clarify this: ”Mob Justice deals damage to target player or planeswalker equal to the number of creatures you control.”.
Max_Hammer on Boros
2 years ago
fszk I can definitely do that!
Step one is deciding on whether you want to make soldier tokens specifically or just any type of creature. It doesn't really matter, they're both good and fun to play, but I'll give you suggestions for both.
You want to use cards like Assemble the Legion, Skyknight Vanguard, and Outlaws' Merriment to consistently make a tokens. Which, y'know, in Boros token spam you're probably going to want a lot of those.
Then you're going to want a reason to make so many tokens. Either something to buff them like Honored Crop-Captain and Felidar Retreat or a reward for having so many creatures Halo Fountain (Expensive, but you really only need 2 copies), Seraph of the Masses or Kolaghan Forerunners. You could also use something like Goblin Bombardment, Impact Tremors, or Cavalcade of Calamity. What you pick here is going to change a lot of what you pick for other parts.
And now for mana! White and red don't have a lot of great mana ramp, but classic artifacts like Boros Signet, Boros Keyrune, or Boros Cluestone. Prosperous Partnership could work well, too. Goblin Trenches could be snazzy if you care to add in white catch-up cards, but I'd stick to Prosperous and Signet.
Removal is important too! Devouring Light, Lantern Flare, and Mob Justice all work pretty well. Although, Conclave Tribunal is definitely one you'll want in there. Wear / Tear is pretty solid too.
Three other things to add are Lena, Selfless Champion, Oketra's Monument, and Mentor of the Meek because they're all cool and fresh.
Anyway, uhh, I just said a lot of stuff. That's my definition of some pointers. You don't want to know what a lot of pointers looks like. Good luck and feel free to ask for more assistance. (:
Froggie420 on krenkos big flood
2 years ago
It looks like you have a couple extra Impact Tremors and Purphoros, God of the Forge in here. I also think you might be running a little heavy on land and could likely cut a few Mountains (My goblins run 34 total lands). Luckily, I have a few replacement cards to swap those out with!
Goblin decks are awesome because you can get wide with a ton of goblin tokens that all swing for enormous damage.
Some things to create more tokens that fit your budget might be Empty the Warrens, Dragon Fodder, or Goblin Instigator.
Ideas to make your goblins more powerful could include Goblin Bushwhacker, Goblin King (fantastic if you spend the money on Blood Moon as well), Goblin Trashmaster, and Goblin Warchief and Goblin Chieftain to give haste.
Goblins also have some fun bombs like Goblin War Strike, Mob Justice, or Massive Raid to deal massive damage to your opponent's face.
One other thing to consider is drawing more cards. Goblins get spammed out quickly, and you always need more goblins. For a little bit of money, Skullclamp fits very well with goblins and can give you a little boost.
Anyways, there's lots of possibilities of things to add with goblins! Hope these ideas helped some
DrummerGarrett on My Goblin Deck
2 years ago
Hello lebidoof, So with Goblin Grenade, I'm a little bit of a hypocrite on this one... But I don't like the sac 1 goblin for 1 instance of 5 damage to any target. You'd think that it's sort of the bread and butter of a goblin deck, and I do use it in other decks, but for this deck, i've liked other cards in its place.
Although the fast 5 damage is great, I've always sort of preferred having power in numbers for goblins and damage cards like Mob Justice and Goblin War Strike have always just appealed more to me. Plus, War Strike is the same mana anyway. Magic's communication with their artists is also super sneaky, there's quite a few cards that suggest potential for goblins through their art, such as Kyren Negotiations and Last-Ditch Effort
If I'm going to lose goblins to deal damage, I prefer the options my creatures have built into them for sac outlets.
Hope this helps, Garrett (Gürt)
Genderfluidia on Krenkin' out Gobs
3 years ago
What do you think of a Mob Justice? I would cut Goblin Motivator (sorry to say) for another static haste effect, like say Tuktuk Rubblefort which is even on flavor! Really dig your build, Love me some goblins. +1
BruhYouFarted on Overlooked But Awesome Cards For …
3 years ago
Recently, I have been scrounging the Gatherer for new sweet Pauper cards, which has been successful. The catch is, these might not fit into decks in the mainstream or decks built around these would be pretty janky. If anyone could make a list out of any of these, I applaud you. Anyway:
Kobold Taskmaster : Sitting at a steep 30 cents, Kobold Taskmaster gives all Kobolds a boost. In case you haven't noticed, Kobold Tron is legal. ( Crookshank Kobolds , Kobolds of Kher Keep , and Crimson Kobolds ) Kobold Taskmaster can also just provide a boost to Changelings, like Universal Automaton and Changeling Outcast , or just give your board some bones on the meat with Shields of Velis Vel . A playable deck though; that is for you, the victim of my madness, to decide.
Glyph of Doom , Glyph of Destruction , and Glyph of Life : All of these are in here because of a combo with Wall of Glare . Either block all their guys and gain a ton of life, or wipe out all their attackers. If you combine Doom and Life, you can get a one-sided board wipe if you play your cards right.
Mob Justice : This 2 mana spell can absolutely wipe someone out. With the help of creatures from Kuldotha Rebirth , The Kobolds, and others like Hordeling Outburst , Nest Invader , Sprout Swarm , Triplicate Spirits , etc. You could then finish the game with Raid Bombardment , Massive Raid , or Impact Tremors .
Hopefully you enjoyed my list! I still have some cards down my sleeve, but I would like to hear your overlooked cards for Pauper as a comment. I really want to do a part 2, so one will surly coming. Cya.