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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
- Soul Tithe (or any enchantment for that matter) and Faith's Reward
- Can I tap multiple Mox Opal's for mana before sacrificing them?
- Question about how reiterate works in eggs.
- Grafdigger's Cage - Rulings
- If an enchantment enters the battlefield at the same time as a creature, does it also see the creatures entering?
Faith's Reward
Return to the battlefield all permanent cards in your graveyard that were put there from the battlefield this turn.
Flarhoon13 on Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie)
1 week ago
Angus lost another long game to Kykar, Wind's Fury, who killed us with Underworld Breach (baiting away my Perplexing Chimera with Narset, Enlightened Exile) Frantic Searching 20 times into Isochron Scepter imprinting Dramatic Reversal, with a Sol Ring for an infinite storm count and enough Grapeshots to kill us all. I would have been able to kill Harrison with my Uyo, Silent Prophet, which had 10 counters from Jesse's Orzhov Advokist but Jesse sent a sorcery speed Generous Gift at Uyo. Gluntch, the Bestower giveth, and he taketh away.
I had extended the game with a Cyclonic Rift and a Sublime Exhalation into a Faith's Reward but I died holding an Enchanted Evening I never drew a use for.
wallisface on Eggs is Back on the Menu
6 months ago
I'm still not following - Chromatic Star is the only one of your artifacts that gives you anything when sac'd to Grinding Station - the rest will only give you anything when you sac them to their own abilities. To that end, even if you have some extra mana granted from Lotus Bloom, you're not going to have enough to mill your opponent out of cards.
Because only Chromatic Star gives you any card draw when sac'd to Grinding Station you're going to run out of cards really fast also. I get that Faith's Reward can give you a bunch of artifacts all in one turn, but not in a way that's easily repeatable or practical.
I assume the loop revolves entirely around having at least two Lotus Bloom in the graveyard/play so that Faith's Reward gains you mana? Even then your deck is highly reliant on drawing those cards, and you need to be suer-lucky to draw enough Faith's Reward to get anywhere.
I've tried goldfishing a bunch of hands and yet to see anything close to a win on turn 4 - but perhaps i'm missing some key component to this.
SufferFromEDHD on Numot: Leave. Everything. Destroyed.
11 months ago
Cut Teferi's Protection for Faith's Reward
Sunder = hard to argue with instant speed. I just stuck with "destroy all". Maybe board material.
Torpor Orb = perfect tax. Irrelevant to my strategy.
Teferi's Isle is MVP because this is the strategy it shines in. During Mirage era people paired it with Armageddon. I never get to use it so the fact that it flows with the strategy is just nice.
Capsize is the ultimate Draw/Go card. 6 mana bounce anything, anytime is useful and easy to pull off in a deck full of rocks.
SufferFromEDHD on Numot: Leave. Everything. Destroyed.
11 months ago
Training Grounds = [sad horn sound from The Price is Right] Mystic Remora is a great replacement.
Faith's Reward I run a playset of these effects. I will cut one and add this.
Tainted AEther = Epic card. Epic tax... Wrong colors haha
Land Equilibrium = you suggested this in my Skip Turns deck. This is a great tax after MLD but weak before. Going to chew on it.
Profet93 on Numot: Leave. Everything. Destroyed.
11 months ago
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding training grounds. but your commander's ability is a triggered ability, not an activated ability, correct?
Mystic Remora - Draw
Faith's Reward - To go with your MLD plan or just recursion?
Tainted AEther - Goes well with your MLD, creatureless strategy
Land Equilibrium - More stax!
kouzios on good for her
1 year ago
As is tradition, I will proceed to suggest a variety of cards that are likely not worth adding.
Akroma's Will sweet card, protection is very rude with master of cruelties as well
Boros Charm I know it's in your sideboard, but the card is really nice. Direct planeswalker damage is nice, only 2 mana for all permanents (not just creatures) get indestructible is great, double strike can be given to opposing creatures. Great card, for 2 mana it's a steal
Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle would be a nice additional source of graveyard recursion if you had more historic cards
Faith's Reward eh I used to be a bigger fan of this card than I am now, but it applies to non-creature permanents too so it's cute.
Rapacious Guest is a card i would cut to get to 100 cards in the deck, but it would probably be there before cuts.
Mentor of the Meek Another sideboard card, but a little surprised you don't have it in main. It's annoying that it sort-of feels like a self-tax card, but it's good draw in your colors, and a hit for your commander. I get why it would be cut though
Orcish Bowmasters if only it wasn't $30. Cheap, good hit, makes an extra creature on top of it, and a sort-of hate card.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel Look, it's not amazing for you, but it's power is 2 or less and i like the card.
Robber of the Rich is a hit for your commander, gives value, and has reach for some dumb reason. It's like a gonti.
Kheru Mind-Eater, well it's a hate card, value, and a commander hit. Not mind blowing, but hey.
Dockside Extortionist Jesus if it wasn't $70...
Esper Sentinel It's rhystic study on a creature, woo. Also not cheap, but hey.
Skyclave Apparition recursion friendly exile card, and it's "up to" so optional.
Mirror Entity Sometimes, hitting face is a nice win con too.
Drana, Liberator of Malakir another face-hitter, but it's flying first strike so it probably survives resurrection in combat, and it hitting first buffs your other creatures too. Little nonbo with your power 4 or greater board clear.
Duplicant I have to mention this card, it's 6 mana but if you just recur it who cares, it's a 2 power creature that exiles a creature then becomes that creature's power, so it attacks big (in theory).
To some degree I've ignored the "hate bear" theme here, but hey I'm just a little guy, what can I do.
Crow_Umbra on The Ghost of Kamigawa
1 year ago
From my time playing aristocrats/reanimator (Alesha, Who Smiles at Death and Araumi of the Dead Tide respectively), and Isshin, I have some feelings on pros and cons for reanimation:
I think reanimation is certainly strong, but for something like Isshin, you might want effects more like Faith's Reward which can reanimate your entire board in response to a board wipe.
Single target reanimation like Animate Dead is strong, but I think gets a little more mileage in reanimator decks that are more focused on that strategy, and perhaps have creatures with Enter the Battlefield effects that can be re-used with the reanimation.
Reanimation in Isshin can be a little slow, since you might be able to only reanimate one creature at a time, depending on your reanimation package, and may have to wait for the creature to be summoning sick.
I think Isshin benefits most from board protection effects like Unbreakable Formation that can be used more reactively to preserve as much of your entire board as possible. You want to make sure that your board stays as intact as possible to maintain momentum.
Living Death is another mass reanimation spell that can also potentially be a draw back if you're playing against graveyard decks, or opponents have strong creatures in their graveyards that can also be brought back.
Sidenote: In a recent game, I used a Plumb the Forbidden in response to a Living Death to sacrifice my board so it could be brought back with the Living Death.
Blink spells like Semester's End or Eerie Interlude are another set of options, but have the draw back of losing your creature tokens in the process.
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (1) | C0LDE |