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That's a nice deck you have, mind if I borrow it?

Commander / EDH*



On its face it's a Sen Triplets deck, but really they're just there for extra utility, they aren't the main win condition. My biggest combo is Dovescape + Guile + Metallurgic Summonings to get out a ton of small tokens along with one bigger token for each casting, and using Guile to fuel extra castings with my opponents' spells. Really though, the point of the deck in general is to just annoy the crap out of everyone at the table.


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I'm thinking about Silent Sentinel or Obzedat's Aid instead of Guile, although I don't want to risk being too low on creatures if I put in Aid. Silent Sentinel is a creature so in some ways he's better than Starfield of Nyx since Dovescape can't touch it, plus it's a decent blocker. It's a bit expensive, but I think I can get it out relatively quickly. Redundancy is a good thing I think.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.47
Tokens 1/1 WU Token Creature Bird, Construct X/X C, Octopus 8/8 U, Soldier 1/1 W, Warrior 1/1 W
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