
Why does this deck worth a try? Because, everything is included what an Elfball deck has, plus there are additional ways to control your opponent, and finally achieve victory. The Elfball part is quite obvious. Tons of little elves, tons of mana, then Ezuri, Renegade Leader or Craterhoof Behemoth and the victory is yours. It worth a minute to think about Aetherwind Basker in multiplayer game. Craterhoof Behemoth is really awesome but if you want to use its advantage out maximally you have to attack with most of your creatures, which means they will be tapped. In multiplayer games it can be a disadvantage, since in turn one you can eliminate an opponent, but in turn two you will be eliminated by an other player. Aetherwind Basker can solve this problem, since it gets its bonus itself, you risk only one creature with an attack, and in the following turns you can use its pump up ability again and again. (Naturally the best is with haste, but this is why Lightning Greaves, Chord of Calling, Hall of the Bandit Lord is in the deck.) And now let's jump to the other part of the description, which is tricks without Elfball combos.

Rhys the Exiled + Aetherflux Reservoir: 50 life is granted after turn 5, so what we need is only the artifact to defeat the enemy. There are 5 black Tutors in the deck (Sidisi, Undead Vizier, Liliana Vess, etc.), so Aetherflux Reservoir will be in hand when it is needed.

Rhys the Exiled + Hatred: Since you have many life gainer cards it worth to pay some life to eliminate an opponent with Hatred and commander damage.

Elvish Archdruid, Karametra's Acolyte, Wirewood Channeler, Priest of Titania, Umbral Mantle: Infinite mana, infinite Power. Combining this with Exsanguinate means immediate victory.

Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood: An other instant win combo. Thanks for Rhys the Exiled always there will be a creature who can trigger this combo.

Other cards building on the ability of Rhys: Sacrifice Wirewood Herald to regenerate the commander and search for an Elf, then play Malicious Affliction to destroy two creatures from your enemy. Put Dictate of Erebos to the battlefield before this operation to eliminate more creatures. Phyrexian Reclamation is also cool with the Commander, to bring back sacrificed creatures with triggered ability to hand. Shaman of the Pack is a really good decision to sacrifice and reanimate again and again. Well of Lost Dreams is extremely useful with Rhys, or with Nissa, Nature's Artisan. (Actually I do not like Nissa, Nature's Artisan in other decks, because she is too slow, but she perfectly fits into this deck, since here Life is a resource and she can generate it.) And if we are talking about resources, search for Erebos, God of the Dead with one of the Green creature tutors, combine him with Rhys' ability - your opponents will enjoy it! ;-) Boseiju, Who Shelters All is also important, since you can win the game mostly by playing a Sorcery / Instant, so it protects your spell to be countered.

Finally, some cards from the Black's arsenal. Gilt-Leaf Winnower is really good against Archfiend of Depravity. Go for the Throat, Profane Command, Wretched Confluence very beneficial for killing the key creatures of the opponent (the last two extra useful because of the built in multiple options), and Kindred Dominance when only a mass destruction can help.

Enjoy it!


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.40
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elf Warrior 1/1 G
Folders EDH, Decks that I can build, decks for friends, Commander, Inspirations
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