Stitch in Time

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stitch in Time


Flip a coin. If you win the flip, take an extra turn after this one.

Stardragon on Devil Rant

2 years ago

wallisface I disagree with with the every chaos effect need to 7+ mana as if that was a thing even i would play chaos as it just to unrealistic to a deck that every needs at lest 7 or more. As for cheaper chaos card affecting competitive magic (which seems to what you focus on exclusively) I've never herd of Chaos Warp make any splash and disrupting competitive even though it less than 7 mana nor any other "chaos" card (which is more like gambling than actual chaos since it based on coin flips) being played in competitive with the exception being and i not 100% sure on this Ral Zarek and Stitch in Time for the extra turns gained. So cheaper chaos effect are completely fine.

But you like the sacrifice heavy devils that's fine im not say your right or wrong

balefire123 on Tibor and Lumia Deathslingers

3 years ago

I like this! An uncommon Commander with some spice in the list. This seems the perfect deck for Student of Elements  Flip, and I don't think I've seen a better list for Mass Diminish and Polymorphist's Jest.

The easiest addition, imo, is Trinket Mage to fetch Basilisk Collar, Sol Ring, etc.

Cards like Archaeomancer and Ardent Elementalist aren't particularly exciting, but they do help by adding more recursion/redundancy to the deck. The Mirari Conjecture does something similar, but with an added bonus after two turns.

Enchantments like Dismiss into Dream and Cowardice are some spicy ways to turn blue cantrips into removal.

I think the token producers (especially Young Pyromancer) conflict with T&L's second ability, but I also think they offer up an opportunity for a new win condition: Dragonshift. If you go this route, I'd suggest adding cards like Murmuring Mystic, Talrand, Sky Summoner, Metallurgic Summonings and Shark Typhoon. Deekah, Fractal Theorist deserves special mention, as the tokens it creates will keep their +1/+1 counters even after being Dragonshifted.

I don't like Kaza, Roil Chaser here, because I see this as a deck that wants to be casting a bunch of small spells, not a few large or X spells. I also think you are leaning too heavily into copying spells for much the same reason. Copying a Brainstorm =/= copying a Comet Storm. Even copying Stitch in Time feels like a waste. Maybe take out cards like Increasing Vengeance for more counterspells or interaction? Archmage Emeritus, Niv-Mizzet, Parun and Wavebreak Hippocamp help you maintain card advantage even when countering your opponent's threats.

Overall, I feel this deck is looking to control the board with cards like Basilisk Collar or Mass Diminish + Tibor and Lumia, maintain card parity with counterspells + cantrips and Archmage Emeritus (and company), and then follow up with either a swarm of tokens + Dragonshift/Day of the Dragons or individual threats such as Niv-Mizzet or even Nezahal, Primal Tide or Hullbreaker Horror. I think you'd be best served by upping your interaction/counterspell suite, eliminating some of the more expensive sorceries (everything 4+ MV) and X-spells, and focusing less on spell copying in favor of casting more cheap spells in the first place. I hope this helps! I haven't really thought much about this commander before, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. Might try my own spin with this lovely Izzet couple.

RNR_Gaming on Collected Conjouring, CoCo's weird cousin

4 years ago

Something along the lines of Savor the Moment and Stitch in Time with Wilderness Reclamation and some sort of planeswalker/value engine might be okay. Though with Uro pooping on just about everything its probably gonna be rough.

Daedalus19876 on Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Vadrok EDH [PRIMER]

4 years ago

Tweaks: Stitch in Time and Curfew over Mana Drain and Winds of Rebuke.

I do want to find a way to fit Mana Drain back in sometime.

smilodex on Narset's Way of Jeskai a Monk - cEDH

4 years ago

@ByronTomas: Dude, calm down, let's have a normal card discussion.

At first: 5 games are a pretty small sample size to speak about things and I'm sure you didn't always draw the resonator... Let's just compare strionic resonator with Mind's Desire in a vacuum. It's almost every time better, because you can hardcast it, you can play it before you cast Narset, instead of stucking a card in your hand for 6 mana. Activating the resonator for 2 mana guarantees you almost always a win because you have 2x Narset activations what granting you to look at 8 cards to look for an extra turn spell. Yes the resonator is a bit a win more card, but you have to understand it as a combo piece to ensure chaining into Omniscience. Atleast it's better than Stitch in Time. I don't get your point... after an Armageddon or a Tragic Arrogance there are only a few decks who can recure themselves from that point and against hermit druid or graveyard decks I play Scavenger Grounds or if my meta is full of those decks I tech in cards like mentioned in Metachoices: Rest in Peace or Grafdigger's Cage.

Your Decree of Silence is a very expensive counter against those interactions and does nothing vs a hermit druid^^ But there are some cases where this card finds his place.

Luminar55 on Evening the Odds - An actual decent coin flip deck

4 years ago

This is by far my favorite deck on tapped out. Thank you so much for creating this wonder.

What are you thoughts on Stitch in Time? Are there any new cards that you might consider in the list?

HybridPK on Channel the Tempest

4 years ago

Saw the link and request for budget suggestions. I haven't played Melek but I am currently playing Mizzix of the Izmagnus and used to play Keranos, God of Storms. I'm a fan or UR all-around. The suggestions below are fairly generic since I'm unsure of how you want to win. Suggestions are based around cards I've used before in 60-card formats or in EDH with the previously mentioned legendaries, and should be under $5 each.

Spell-cost Reduction

Token Generators


Copy Effects


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