Garruk's Horde

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Garruk's Horde

Creature — Beast


Play with the top card of your library revealed.

You may cast the top card of your library if it's a creature card. (Do this only any time you could cast that creature card. You still pay the spell's costs.)

Spirits on

1 year ago

Hey Zorke,

Ok based on your comment about the combo, I'm basing these recommendations on a:

Tuned tier - Power level 5 (6 usually has a combo) - Win before Turn 14 - "Upgraded Precon". Visual Guide to Power Levels in EDH.

-- Land Base -- Prioritize untapped, Mana colors, Target 33: +Shivan Reef -Island +Yavimaya Coast -Forest +City of Brass -Aether Hub +Mana Confluence -Mountain Valley +Riverglide Pathway  Flip -Simic Growth Chamber +Rootbound Crag -Mountain +Hinterland Harbor -Forest +Sulfur Falls -Mountain +Rejuvenating Springs -Path of Ancestry +Training Center -Rogue's Passage +Spire Garden -Ancient Ziggurat +Boseiju, Who Endures -Island

--Ramp-- Creature preferred +Birds of Paradise -Thought Vessel +Three Visits -Heraldic Banner +The Great Henge -Gilded Lotus (Also important for draw) +Farseek -Harvest Season

--Morph-- +Kadena's Silencer -Stuffy Doll +Icefeather Aven -Keep Safe (Morph flavor) +Echo Tracer -Omnath, Locus of Mana (Morph flavor) +Mistfire Weaver -Forsaken Monument (Morph flavor) +Jeering Instigator -Shaleskin Plower (Morph flavor less salt)

--Draw-- +Fathom Seer -Zendikar Resurgent +Temur Ascendancy -Tomb of the Spirit Dragon +Tishana, Voice of Thunder -Ashcloud Phoenix +Guardian Project -Tidespout Tyrant +Toski, Bearer of Secrets -Fabricate +Garruk's Uprising -Creeping Renaissance

--Offense other than Animar-- +Garruk's Horde -Forest +Artisan of Kozilek -Island +Bane of Bala Ged -Trophy Mage (Pulls 1 unneeded artifact!) +Shrieking Drake -Temur Sabertooth (Non-Infinite Ancestral Statue) +Decimator of the Provinces -Temur War Shaman

--Control-- +Beast Within -Fog

I've left out some salty card for this power level: Cyclonic Rift Ancestral Statue Craterhoof Behemoth Rhystic Study Mystic Remora Dockside Extortionist

Special mention (would need to playtest): Secret Plans (Draw) Solemn Simulacrum (Ramp & Draw) Mulldrifter (Draw) Trail of Mystery (Ramp) Rhythm of the Wild (Don't think you'll see heavy counterspell in power 5)

Could go more less if needed Theres other stuff I didn't suggest because of the morph theme, like Cloud of Faeries, Hullbreaker Horror, Fierce Empath etc.

Hopefully you find some useful ideas here.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Nikya, Thinking is Frustrating

1 year ago

I like this. Upvote granted!

Nyxbloom Ancient would be a powerful addition. Also, how about Garruk's Horde and Garruk's Packleader to draw cards?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

2 years ago

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor: Seems like I forgot to answer to your last post. I've got the chance to put something else into Archelos, so Augur of Autumn was added here. It took some thinking, but I actually removed Garruk's Horde for it. BothbAugur and Vizier of the Menagerie do what it does better, and I have six etb or cast related draw effects. Horde would be a 7/7 french vanilla most of the time, so I decided to replace it. Regarding Enclave: I think I don't actually need it. As I mentioned, the deck has lots of card draw, and I really like what Primal Order can do here. Thus, I'll try to keep the number of non-basics to a minimum.

As you've already helped so much, might I asked if you have any ideas for cuts for Rishkar's Expertise and Harvest Season?

Maxcoh on Yeva - Mono Green

2 years ago

Some New Additions, not going to say what was removed but in most cases the cards that came out were underperforming cards that were either just big threats like Dungrove Elder or worse versions of cards that got added such as Garruk's Horde:

Elvish Mystic - I tried to not put in just a 1/1 mana dork for as long as I could but honestly there's no reason not too. Especially now with the extra card draw/play from the top of the deck it is not a dead card late so it becomes so much better.

Outland Liberator  Flip - So this actually is something that I thought would be good to talk about. Krosan Grip was actually the card that came out here. In a sense, I'm trading split second for the fact that it's a creature card so that I can cast it off the top of the deck or as an instant. It's also cool because the werewolf cards from the new Innistrad pair SUPER well with Yeva since you can just pass your turn a lot of the time to flip them and then cast your creatures on their turns. I'll keep an eye out for other of the new wolves that would fit in well (or maybe even some old ones depending).

Tireless Tracker - So yeah. Card is just nuts. Card draw engine that turns itself into a threat. I added A LOT of more ramp in this version as well so this guy can benefit a lot from some of the other new cards. This also gives me the idea to look at some other landfall cards in the future as well, right now it's just this and Baru, Fist of Krosa that really benefit but we'll see.

Vizier of the Menagerie - Yeah so this is just a 4 CMC Garruk's Horde. Not much else to say. Also doesn't make you reveal which is also pretty nice.

Kodama's Reach, Nature's Lore, Skyshroud Claim, Khalni Heart Expedition - These all fill into the "really good ramp spells" category so yeah they all came in. Kodama's might be on the chopping block if I need to cut a ramp spell first, or maybe Ranger's Path.

Lifecrafter's Bestiary - One of those "just belongs in green creature deck cards". Turns things into card draw for extra mana, smooths out your draws just by existing. Great card.

Thought Vessel - Just honestly a small good mana rock with minor benefit. Just testing this out, could also be replaced pretty easily.

Helix Pinnacle - Probably the card I'm most excited about trying in the deck. With all these untap land effects, mana doubling, instant speed cards, this seems like a reallllllly good way to win. It's cheap, efficient and you can definitely pump out 100 mana in a turn cycle with this deck.

Autumn's Veil - Worse Veil of Summer is probably still worth it.

Hunter's Insight - This is maybe good card draw? Honestly just checking on it, probably at this point it could just get taken out but we'll see.

Thoughts about the deck: The deck now functions how I think it should pretty consistently. You ramp and then hold up mana to play threats and draw a bunch of cards. Newer cards added a lot of depth and trickiness to the deck and I'm going to continue in that direction.

Next steps - Craterhoof Behemoth and Avenger of Zendikar are cards I'm looking at just because that just ends the game. Tooth and Nail in addition to those two maybe but I'll have to get and test them first to see how it plays.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Green Gives Way

3 years ago

This is an impressive list. I know how hard mono can rock from my Her Royal Fluffness list, great job. Some cards you might want to consider:

Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma , Nyxbloom Ancient , Garruk's Horde

Also, Eternal Witness is a great card, and Temur Sabertooth and/or Kogla, the Titan Ape can make it even better. Paleoloth is a massively underrated card in such a deck. Also, have you ever heard of Shared Summons ? In a deck like this, that gets to 12+ mana in no time, it can really help you get the most important creatures.

libraryjoy on Looking for a fun budget …

3 years ago

Garruk's Horde - wrong beastie lol

seshiro_of_the_orochi on

3 years ago

How about Rienne, Angel of Rebirth as protection for both your commanders and some of your creatures? Garruk's Horde , Vizier of the Menagerie and similar effects would be pretty great as well.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Who Needs Craterhoof?

3 years ago

I'm not saying you should play Garruk's Horde and/or Vizier of the Menagerie. But I'm neither saying you shouldn't.

Seriously though, you should definitely try them out.

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