Ancestral Statue

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ancestral Statue

Artifact Creature — Golem

When Ancestral Statue enters the battlefield, return a nonland permanent you control to its owner's hand.

Last_Laugh on Animar, don't bring bullshit to the table!

4 months ago

I'm assuming with Ancestral Statue combos being listed 1st that it's plan A. I have some suggestions that will help you consistently get there.

Imperial Recruiter, Spellseeker, Neoform, and Phyrexian Metamorph enable the most efficient combo line for Statue/Ballista I know of. You just need Imperial Recruiter in hand, 2 counters on Animar, , and 4 life. Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statue does its' self bounce until Animar is double your opponents life totals then use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista for the win.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Animar, Gaea's Hemorrhoid ⫷PRIMER⫸

Hawk_of_Battle on Animar

5 months ago

If you're not running Ancestral Statue you're doing it wrong.

Last_Laugh on ambinar i guess

5 months ago

Rose Room Treasurer gives you a game finishing mana outlet for any infinite mana combo here since they all involve bouncing and replaying creatures. I'm not sure why this is so overlooked, it's honestly amazing here.

Neoform, Walking Ballista, and Phyrexian Metamorph will enable the most mana efficient combo line in Animar (you already run the rest). It only needs , Imperial Recruiter in hand, 4 life, and 2 counters on Animar. Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statue does its self bounce until Animar is double your opponents life totals then use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista for the win.

Last_Laugh on Animar Go brrr

6 months ago

Nice to see the deck still kicking around. I know Neoform is in your maybeboard, but it deserves a spot because it enables a very efficient combo line here.

It just needs 2 counters on Animar, , 4 life, and Imperial Recruiter in hand.

Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statues does its' self bounce until Animar is double your opponents life totals and the use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista.for the win.

Last_Laugh on Animar & friends!

7 months ago

Neoform and Spellseeker enable one of Animar's most efficient infinite combo lines. You already run the rest of the cards. It just needs Imperial Recruiter in hand, 2 counters on Animar, 4 life, and . Imperial Recruiter for looks up Phyrexian Metamorph. Metamorph for 2 life copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Spellseeker. Spellseeker for looks up Neoform. Neoform for sacs Spellseeker to look up Ancestral Statue. Statue self bounces until Animar is double your opponents' life totals then use Statue's final bounce to return Phyrexian Metamorph to hand. Metamorph for 2 life again copies Imperial Recruiter to look up Walking Ballista for the win.

DawnsRayofLight on Animar 2.0

1 year ago

30 lands is a bit low, especially since you don't have much low end ramp, even then , given the curve, that is a bit low, you may want to crank it up to 33-34

some early game ramp:

Birds of Paradise

Delighted Halfling

Llanowar Elves

Elvish Mystic

Fyndhorn Elves

Sakura-Tribe Elder

Nature's Lore

Three Visits


Ancestral Statue goes infinite with Animar. Once Animar has 4 +1/1 counters on him, you can keep recurring ancestral statue


Isochron Sceptre, Fabricate, Planar Portal, Mox Amber, Arcane Signet, Chromatic Lantern

Azoth2099 on Animar

1 year ago


Animar, Soul of Elements is the reason I initially got into Temur, love that guy!

As a longtime brewer of this particular Commander, I'd highly recommend a few cards. Shrieking Drake, Ancestral Statue, Surrak Dragonclaw & Wandering Archaic  Flip are bangers. I'd also recommend running a huge amount of Dorks like Llanowar Elves & Bloom Tender, they offer insane value in conjunction with this particular Commander. If you're not running anti-Artifact Stax like Collector Ouphe, I'd run a few Mana Rocks as well like Sol Ring & Arcane Signet.

If you're really trying to push the power level, cards like Dockside Extortionist, Treasure Nabber, Spellseeker, Imperial Recruiter, Phantasmal Image, Phyrexian Metamorph, Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar, Toski, Bearer of Secrets & Consecrated Sphinx will do just that.

Certain artifacts like Conqueror's Flail, Cloudstone Curio & The Ozolith are also worth thinking about.

Certain other pieces like Trinket Mage, Tribute Mage, Trophy Mage, Goblin Welder & Fauna Shaman can help you quickly Tutor up what you need in a synergistic way, but I'd also recommend Gamble & Worldly Tutor.

Zobeth on Hive Fleet Temur

1 year ago

I dont know what your budget looks like or how competitive you want he deck to be but here are some suggestions I had!

Animar, Soul of Elements + Ancestral Statue makes animar an infinite/infinite while also making your x creature spells cost infinitely less. (you have four +1/+1 counters on animar and have ancestral statue bounce itself)

You can also add All Will Be One to gain more value for all of your counters. You can either threaten the board state or hit face which can be helpful in stand still matches or to chip down the opponent.

This card is more on the expensive side but The Ozolith will help maintain your power through the match and always have a giant attacker or blocker. This also combos well with All Will Be One

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