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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Myr

: Put a charge counter on target artifact.

Sacrifice Coretapper: Put two charge counters on target artifact.

SaberTech on Atraxa Stax

11 months ago

I think that this deck list is still a bit unfocused. It is basically saying that it wants to stall things out and win with poison counters, and it has the Magistrate's Scepter + Coretapper + Atraxa, Praetors' Voice combo for infinite turns, but there are a number of cards included that will only do synergistic things some of the time that will water down your meaningful draws.

Some cards to consider to increase your potential to kill with poison counters include Evolution Sage, Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus, Inexorable Tide, and Phyresis Outbreak. I'm also kind of partial to Viral Drake. Tekuthal can act as an alternative to Coretapper for your Magistrate's Scepter combo.

I think that a lot of your STAX stuff will often feel lackluster since you aren't running any support to help you break parity on them. To get the most out of Winter Orb and Stasis it helps to have cards such as Nature's Will or Sword of Feast and Famine. There are also cards that tap down permanents/artifacts that you can use to tap down the Orbs at the end of your opponent's turn so that you can untap all your lands on your turn.

Cards that drain life like Scheming Aspirant and Bloodchief Ascension probably aren't worth it if you are trying to kill with poison counters. The life gain that you get off them is also pretty negligible. Although, if you had Mindcrank to combo with the Ascension it could function as a backup win condition.

You don't actually run that many cards that put counters on themselves or other cards you control, so Power Conduit and Soul Diviner look pretty lackluster on the basis of them not likely being consistent value when you draw into them.

I don't know what your commander meta is like, but in general there isn't a lot of targeted land destruction in casual games. Tomik, Distinguished Advokist will rarely be of any worth in most casual groups unless you regularly play against someone who uses cards like Crucible of Worlds to net value off of fetch lands and utility lands.

You have very few artifacts that send themselves to the graveyard. I think there is an argument to be made that you will rarely get much value out of Glissa, the Traitor's ability, even taking into consideration the possibility of getting back artifacts that opponents destroy. Still a decent blocker I guess. A more general effect like Eternal Witness in that slot may provide more consistent value though.

Those are just a few suggestions. I could think of more once I have a better idea of how you are looking to develop the deck further.

wallisface on Myr Loops of Doom

1 year ago

some thoughts:

  • The game is never lasting long enough for you to get 20 counters onto Darksteel Reactor - I would ditch this card.

  • 4 copies of Panoptic Mirror feels excessive when you only have Time Warp to imprint onto it. It means a lot of the time you're going to have a Panoptic Mirror and have nothing to do with it. I would suggest going down to only 2 copies to reduce your odds of having a useless card in hand.

  • Quietus Spike feels really suboptimal as a card, imo. Same goes for Lodestone Myr, Coretapper, and Darksteel Myr

  • I think you need something like Expedition Map to help maximize your odds of getting Tron online. At the moment your deck feels like it'll be a bit clumsy without Tron, so increasing your odds of assembling it is probably a good thing.

to_regatha_and_beyond on Art-Infect

1 year ago

Infect decks usually tend to be a lot more aggressive. Maybe add another Blighted Agent and 3 more Phyrexian Crusaders as those are your aggressive plays here? Make sure to get a playset of Glistener Elfs as those tend to end up doing a bunch of poison damage over the course of the game. I think you could add those in instead of Season of Growth, Square Up, Coretapper, and Myr Reservoir. Those all slow down your game, and Coretapper esoecially tends to do nothing at all.

Ize19 on ⧗ ⧖ ⧗ Charge Coun-turns ⧗ ⧖ ⧗

2 years ago

Fun extra turns deck! Every time I see Coretapper & Magistrate's Scepter in a deck, I check to see if Mimic Vat is there. It's honestly Coretapper's best friend, as it allows the little guy to produce 3 charge counters on each of your turns, for just 3 mana each time. If you have any artifact untappers (Voltaic Key, Manifold Key) you can do it more than once a turn! Just a suggestion, upvoting the deck, good work!

Ize19 on TIME PRISON - Infinite turns control

2 years ago

Love the deck, Magistrate's Scepter is the most underrated Extra Turn spell in the same!

Love the inclusion of Emry, may I also suggest Mimic Vat? Further recursion of your Coretapper, or insurance in case someone wants to take out your Emry, Lurker of the Loch, it's does a lot for 3 mana a turn!

wallisface on Art-Infect

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • As has already been said before, infect decks generally want to be just running creatures that can deal infect damage - you currently have a LOT of cards that have no place in an infect deck, namely Alloy Myr, Coretapper, Darksteel Myr, Evolution Sage, Obelisk Spider, Shimmer Myr, Titan Forge and Myr Matrix are all creatures (or make creatures) that are completely useless for an infect strategy.

  • You seem to have a lot of cards that are just 1-ofs and 2-ofs here. That's going to lead to a really inconsistent (and so weaker) deck. Aim to mostly play playsets of cards if you can.

  • You seem to have a bunch of cards that have no real place in either Infect or Modern in general. Mana rocks like Dimir Signet, Coalition Relic, Myr Reservoir certainly have no real place in an Infect deck, and don't really make it into any Modern deck unless they're doing something particularly janky. Leyline of Abundance, Force of Vigor, and Dimir Charm are all also really weird spell choices.

  • You have nothing to do one turn 1. Infect decks are known for being fast and reliably threatening lethal on turn-2 or turn-3. Not being able to cast something on turn-1 reliably is going to put you ages behind and put your opponent at a huge advantage. You should have at least 8-12 cards you can cast on turn-1 (so far you have 0, meaning you're always starting a turn behind your opponent). Furthermore, sooo many of your lands enter play tapped that you won't even be able to reliably do something on turn 2... fix that landbase!

  • Your mana curve goes waaay too high. I would suggest ditching all of your 4 and 5 mana cards, and at least halving your amount of 3-mana cards (if not removing them entirely).

  • You're running waaay too many creatures for infect, and you don't have nearly enough ways to pump them. This is going to cause you all sorts of problems. Infect creatures are generally weak, so you want to aim to end a game quickly, and going-wide doesn't help you achieve that.

An example of where to start with infect is here - this page lists 3 infect decks of various budgets, and should give you a good idea of the direction the deck should head in.

ThatWeirdPerson on It's Just a Flesh Wound ($100 Meren)

2 years ago

Well Coretapper and Magistrate's Scepter is a win con, I didn't want to focus on it because there are many other ways to win by bringing back Avenger of Zendikar once or twice, or sacrificing a ton of stuff to Carrion Feeder, Defiant Salvager, Fallen Angel and Ravenous Gigantotherium. Kessig Cagebreakers and Titan Hunter can rack up damage quite quick too. For this reason I don't think the excessive amount of mana rocks are necessary but some of the tors you included I may work on implementing such as Final Parting because it gets me both Coretapper and Magistrate's Scepter and Wishclaw Talisman because it has a chance to to that. Maybe some of the others if I find cards to replace

Ardees on It's Just a Flesh Wound ($100 Meren)

2 years ago

Consider playing also Manglehorn, Collector Ouphe, Nature's Claim, and some cheap removals, which you seem to lack.

I think the decks has largely improved since you posted it. Now I think you should focus on your strategy. Gaining exp counters or reanimate isn't a strategy per se, but it's the engine that should get your strategy running. I see you run the Magistrate's Scepter and Coretapper combo. I think this is a much more valuable combo, which is being played in competitive decks too. Also don't get focused too much on getting exp counters. Assume you have infinite: you don't reanimate infinite creatures, nor an infinitely powerful creature. You reanimate one creature at the end of each of your turn, assuming (which is unlikely) that Meren is left unscathed. So consider exp counters a facilitator toward your strategy rather than the goal in itself (hence why Spider Spawning isn't that valuable, in my opinion).

If you run a combo, I suggest playing more (cheap) tutors, such as Final Parting, Mausoleum Secrets, Unmarked Grave, Buried Alive, Profane Tutor, Wishclaw Talisman. Also, if you decide to run a combo, then other cards in your deck should aim at achieving that rather than do things that are separate from it, meaning you should include all 1-mana elves, and all cheap mana dorks (both enchantements and artifacts) to help you achieve your strategy.

You can also just decide to go aggro, but then I'd simply suggest to play a budget version of Skullbriar, the Walking Grave rather than Meren.

In any case, your mana curve is still quite high, 3.26 essentially means you play one spell each turn, possible no spells for the first 2 turns.

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