
Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

Artifact (1)


How to Pilot,

The functions best when you are able to get mizzix out, however it is entirely possible to win without her out. Due to more and more people in my area realizing what Mizzix can do. I have been forced to find other ways to win. People tend to let their guard down when Mizzix isn't out.

Infinite Combos

Mystic Retrieval + Runic Repetition + Turnabout/Reality Spasm = Infinite Mana/Infinite Storm

Mystic Retrieval + Runic Reptition + Frantic Search = Dig through your whole deck for 3 mana (With Mizzix out) on an infinite Loop until you hit High Tide and Past in Flames for the win.

Reiterate + Turnabout/Reality Spasm = Infinite Mana + infinite storm


Reiterate + Lightning Bolt = Infinite Damage after you get infinite Mana

Ignite Memories Temporal Fissure (Ok it's not REALLY a win con, but it is a complete reset of everyone's board but yours)

Counterspells and control

Make sure you only deal with stuff that DIRECTLY effects you. You only want to protect Mizzix or things that make you lose right now. Otherwise, use life as a resource. You can take plenty of hits.

Its a pretty standard Storm deck.

I will admit, after EXTENSIVE testing. This deck isnt tier 1. It isn't a turn 3 deck. It CAN win on 3, but it's rare. This deck truly shines on turn 6. I win 80% of my games on this turn through disruption. If this decks hits 6 mana and untaps with mizzix, its just over.

Even without mizzix, High Tide will do the job just fine.

There is enough control in here to survive until T6 and disrupt opponents strategies.

Vandalblast for early ramp removal Cheap counters, Cheap Counters and Capsize. More cantrips and draw than i can count, and even without Black, it has good tutoring.

This deck may lack some speed, but it's incredibly consistent.



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91% Competitive

Date added 8 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 1 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.60
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Experience Token, Treasure
Folders Mizzix, EDH, EDH, EDH, Fave decks, EDH, Commander, Mizzix storm builds
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