Wall of Reverence

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wall of Reverence

Creature — Spirit Wall

Defender, flying

At the beginning of your end step, you may gain life equal to the power of target creature you control.

Tic12 on Bant Exalted Alara

1 month ago

nuperokaso Thanks for your comment. 1. I'll cut the borderposts and include Druid of the Anima and Arcane Sanctum soon.

  1. Elspeth, Knight-Errant always seemed to be too slow. But maybe i'll give it a try and cut 1 Rafiq of the Many and 1 Battlegrace Angel.

  2. I oftend use Call to Heel to protect one of my dudes from mass removal, but maybe a direct Cancel is a better option.

  3. Year, the lack of draw is one of the biggest problems of the deck. Sages of the Anima or Soul's Majesty are two slow. Maybe Vedalken Heretic can solve it?

I also think about Wall of Reverence or Jhessian Infiltrator.

thefiresoflurve on The Zacaning

1 year ago

Hey, there! This looks really fun :)

As far as making things a little more competitive, one thing I can offer is: As someone who runs an Esper combo deck, one of the biggest things you can do for a combo deck is to make your combos synergize better with everything else in your deck, and not just each other.

Right now, I see Lurking Roper/Famished Paladin, Presence of Gond, and Healer of the Pride as an infinite combo where each piece is 1) hard to tutor, and 2) doesn't synergize with your overall gameplan of massive creatures dishing out damage.

An alternative infinite combo that synergizes better is Savage Ventmaw and Aggravated Assault, since both those cards do things with the rest of the deck without each other.

So, if I did the switch over to a more synergistic set of cards, I recommend replacing:

Ageless Entity -> Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn

Colossal Dreadmaw -> Blossoming Bogbeast

Enduring Angel  Flip -> Archivist of Oghma - enduring angel looks dope, but your life total shouldn't hit zero.

Famished Paladin -> Faeburrow Elder

Healer of the Pride -> Serra Ascendant (just broken in EDH).

Verdant Sun's Avatar -> Old Gnawbone

Wall of Reverence -> Smothering Tithe

Presence of Gond -> Armadillo Cloak

Elemental Mastery -> Kenrith's Transformation

Alhammarret's Archive -> Aggravated Assault

The idea behind some of the picks is to get lifegain ability out a bit more consistently, and create fuel to power your giant creatures. I also don't know what your budget looks like, so full disclaimer there: some of the cards I recommended are expensive.

Happy building!

multimedia on Kaalia's My Life(gain) with Dragons

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome.

Nice finish of the manabase and some good lands you added, but also some stinkers like Rupture Spire and Auntie's Hovel which is a $20 land that doesn't belong here because not playing Goblins.

In my last comment I said "there's quite a few cards that look out of place" what I mean by this are cards that are creatures who you don't want to or can't cheat onto the battlefield with Kaalia, cards that don't help Kaalia in any way or support that's simply not worth the mana cost of the card. You have many more good cards than subpar ones and I don't want to discourage your deck building, but the rest of this comment are examples of cards that don't belong.

  • Auntie's Hovel: not enough Goblins.

  • Ancient Amphitheater: there isn't a Giant here.

  • Oswald Fiddlebender: powerful card, one of my favs from the set, but it needs artifacts for fuel as well as having an artifact that you want to search for. Only 11 artifacts isn't enough to play this guy.

  • Wall of Reverence: you simply don't need this card to gain life since it can't be cheated onto the battlefield with Kaalia or can even attack. Any Angel who has lifelink would be a better source of life.

  • Serra Angel: in this day and age of Magic Serra is the definition of subpar. Any other five drop Angel with lifelink would be an upgrade for her.

  • Guttersnipe: It's not a bad card, but you need a lot of instants or sorceries to fuel it's damage trigger. Having only 18 instants or sorceries out of the other 99 cards is not enough to play Guttersnipe.

  • Isochron Scepter: it's an expensive card here that doesn't have a lot fuel. Like Guttersnipe there's not enough instants, but even worse is Scepter can only interact with instants that are 2 or less mana thus there's only 9 options of 99 cards in the deck.

  • Mutilate: with only 6 Swamps you're counting too much on controlling Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for Multilate to have enough Swamps to be playable.

  • Crypt Rats: same as Mutilate you're counting too much on controlling Urborg to have enough black mana sources.

qhollis405 on Casual Life Gain

2 years ago

Removed 4x Sunbond, replaced with Light of Promise, as it's strictly better.

Also removed 3x Wall of Reverence and 4x Recumbent Bliss for now in favor of more combo.

Added 4x Sworn Companions and 3x Celestial Unicorn.

carpecanum on Commander White/Black_070421

3 years ago

Vampiric Link and Spirit Link both give YOU life, even if placed on an opponents creature.

Rhox Faithmender , Wall of Reverence

Drcfan on Mono White Angels

3 years ago


  • Hm it doesnt seem to have a consistent plan nor a legit format. I would suggest to go for modern since it has a lot of cards in its pool and is the most common 60 cards format besides standard. I am an Angels Deck builder since 6 years, so i have a couple of suggestions. Of course that doesnt mean that you have to change something, i mean it is just a suggestion and all the mentioned cards wont fit anyway in a 60 cards deck. Try to make it more consistent if needed by playing 4-of or tutor effects.

  • Since you mentioned your friend plays burn, i will give you some cards that will make your winrate nearly 100% against burn. Burn has barely no chance against lifegain decks. Angels can be build in a lifegain way, which i am personally no fan of but many are, so here we go.

  • If you want to check out a non lifegain modern Angel deck, you can check out Devotion to White Angels.



Kind Regards Drcfan

discipleofgary73 on It’s Worth the Rhys

3 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the upvote.
A few suggestions:
Overwhelming Stampede rather than Overcome ; Sure your deck has many weenies, but by the time you're gonna want a 5 cmc mass trample for the win, you'll probably have something with larger than 2 power out.
Rule of Law is great for multiplayer, but Curse of Exhaustion might fit if you're gearing the deck for 1v1. If you are going for multiplayer, then Kismet works great at slowing opponents down without impacting yourself.
With the amount of PWs in the deck, Ignite the Beacon and Oath of Ajani might be worthwhile.
Phyrexian Rebirth could be a good board wipe, especially if you have crazy token amounts. Especially funny if you can combo it with Fresh Meat . Also funny with Requiem Angel out - a card worth including on its own, especially if you end up juggling your own tokens for other things.
Hardened Scales , Gavony Township , and Bloodspore Thrinax , could play nice with the +1/+1 subtheme.
Ashnod's Altar is great for utilizing creature tokens to get more things out.
Tireless Tracker might help with card draw later and gets some counters on its own.
The deck comp is pretty balanced, so Traverse the Ulvenwald might be effective. Congregation at Dawn and Chord of Calling are other tutor options if you find that the deck is more successful with particular creatures out.
I love swapping weaker tokens with Emrakul's Evangel (another fun fresh meat combo play). Of course, there is always Divine Visitation as well. It's easy to go overboard on doublers, but I figured I'd give a shout out to Primal Vigor and Second Harvest .
Swords to Plowshares for Pacifism ; might be better in some scenarios and always allows you to target your own creature to get some life out of it if you need to or if you go for the lifegain route.
Speaking of the lifegain route, if you want to go for it, here's some things that could work well: Phantom Nishoba , Wall of Reverence , Cradle of Vitality , Fumigate , Congregate , Blighted Steppe , Blossoming Sands , Gingerbread Cabin , Radiant Fountain , Graypelt Refuge , Kabira Crossroads , High Market , and Phyrexian Processor . The land balance will need to be played with if you want to swap the basics for some of those. Also, most Ajani PWs will work well for a more lifegain focused deck.
Now, when I think token generation, I think artifacts for many things. Thopter Assembly , Genesis Chamber , and Summoning Station come to mind. If you end up with more artifact tokens, you can use them with things like Krark-Clan Ironworks and Kuldotha Forgemaster . Also help with things like Dispatch .
Annnnnd one more suggestion if I haven't overstayed my welcome. Funny things can happen in token decks that put out a lot of creatures when you play The Great Aurora . Usually gives you a much stronger board state than opponents - might want to have a safety Reliquary Tower in for that hand size though!
Sorry if I doubled up on anything you had already considered!

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