Ageless Entity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ageless Entity

Creature — Elemental

Whenever you gain life, put that many +1/+1 counters on this.

DemonDragonJ on Selesnya's Voice

3 weeks ago

I like this deck, very much, but I would choose Nature's Chant over Disenchant, since it is strictly better than its predecessor, and I also would recommend Archangel of Thune over Ageless Entity, unless having a single very powerful creature is more important than making all of your creatures more powerful.

I recommend Eternal Witness over Revive, unless you wish to keep the mana curve of your deck low, and Soul of Eternity is superior to Serra Avatar in the majority of situations.

Also, do you have a limited monetary budget for your lands? You have many lands that enter the battlefield tapped, so I would recommend that you replace them with lands such as Temple Garden or Wooded Bastion, and I also think that Saltcrusted Steppe is simply too slow, unless you have proliferation in your deck.

Headers13 on Pew Pew Pew | Shalai and Hallar EDH

1 year ago

In terms of card draw Keen Sense and Snake Umbra are really good, recently put them into my deck Counting on Life, due the amount of times they trigger from individual instances of +1 counters being added.

Additionally if you can give S&H lifelink then there's a few infinite combos with things like Ajani's Pridemate, Ageless Entity, and Gideon's Company.

Headers13 on C-C-COMBO BREAKER! w/ Shalai and Hallar

1 year ago

If you can give S&H lifelink then there's a few infinite combos with things like Ajani's Pridemate, Ageless Entity, and Gideon's Company, have caught a few people out with that in my deck Counting on Life.

Headers13 on Shalai and Hallar's Counter Culture

1 year ago

If you can give S&H lifelink then there's a few infinite combos with things like Ajani's Pridemate, Ageless Entity, and Gideon's Company, have caught a few people out with that in my deck Counting on Life.

Headers13 on Shalai, Hallar and stocazzo

1 year ago

If you can give S&H lifelink then there's a few infinite combos with things like Ajani's Pridemate, Ageless Entity, and Gideon's Company, have caught a few people out with that in my deck Counting on Life.

Headers13 on Call for backup upgraded

1 year ago

If you can give S&H lifelink then there's a few infinite combos with things like Ajani's Pridemate, Ageless Entity, and Gideon's Company, have caught a few people out with that in my deck Counting on Life

king-saproling on 11 and bust

1 year ago

You could have infinite damage by giving S&H lifelink and having a "gain life = +1/+1 counter" ability on board.

E.g. any of these: Ajani's Pridemate, Trelasarra, Moon Dancer, Voice of the Blessed, Celestial Unicorn, Light of Promise, Sunbond, Gideon's Company, Ageless Entity, Cleric Class, etc. (there are more)

Plus anything like these: Lifelink, Spirit Link, Basilisk Collar, Shadowspear, Spirit Loop, Felidar Umbra, Armadillo Cloak

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