Angelic Wall

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Angelic Wall

Creature — Wall

Defender (This creature can't attack.)


Anatak on Defender Lifegain... Lets get political

2 months ago

Hello, thank you for listing this very interesting deck. I've been thinking about a similar idea, combining Defenders and Lifegain.

I really like the Angelic theme with Angelic Accord, Luminarch Ascension and Angelic Wall. Very flavourful! I see Seraph Sanctuary in your Maybeboard and think it would only add to this strong flavour.

The Pride Guardian and Wall of Essence haven't turned out to be strong cards in my experience, because they rely on your opponent attacking you to proc the lifegain. Although I suppose that does work very well with Luminarch Ascension, since it discourages your foes to attack you.
Perimeter Captain is a strong enough card on its own and is exempt from this, and may even encourage you to run other good defenders which don't gain life, such as: Wall of Omens and Jeskai Barricade, the later of which by the way is a much needed combat trick, which the deck is currently light on.

A card you may wish to consider is Archangel of Thune, although its expensive! Another is Dawn of Hope.

In any case I wish you luck with the deck and thank you for inspiring some changes in my own build.

FormOverFunction on Get in line- it’s a …

1 year ago

Everyone loves Bureaucracy! I finally got this one sleeved up - please let me know if you have some bureaucratic favorites that I haven’t included. I have a stack of cards that I had to cut, but I may have missed some somewhere. I had initially intended to have Castle and Fortified Area and a bunch of walls, but the walls never had good enough themes for my liking. Things like Wall of Light and Angelic Wall are just too fantastical for the bureaucratic feel I was shooting for. Alabaster Wall and Steel Wall were the only two that really stuck. Anyways, let me know if you have any recommendations! The Carrier Pigeons are probably demanding a second chance at making the cut lol.

ThatWeirdPerson on Defending the Strategist

2 years ago

why Angelic Wall? It doesn't say defender so it only disables your entire deck.

Drcfan on Mono White Angels

3 years ago


  • Hm it doesnt seem to have a consistent plan nor a legit format. I would suggest to go for modern since it has a lot of cards in its pool and is the most common 60 cards format besides standard. I am an Angels Deck builder since 6 years, so i have a couple of suggestions. Of course that doesnt mean that you have to change something, i mean it is just a suggestion and all the mentioned cards wont fit anyway in a 60 cards deck. Try to make it more consistent if needed by playing 4-of or tutor effects.

  • Since you mentioned your friend plays burn, i will give you some cards that will make your winrate nearly 100% against burn. Burn has barely no chance against lifegain decks. Angels can be build in a lifegain way, which i am personally no fan of but many are, so here we go.

  • If you want to check out a non lifegain modern Angel deck, you can check out Devotion to White Angels.



Kind Regards Drcfan

multimedia on Arcades, the Strategist - Defender Deck

5 years ago

Hey, for a prototype looks good, nice start.

My first suggestions are to improve the manabase. There's several budget lands to consider adding:

Chromatic Lantern , Sylvan Caryatid and Cryptolith Rite can also help the three color manabase. Currently you need an equal ratio of all three colors in the manabase to consistently play all the cards in the deck. This is not realistic without having more dual lands and more color fixing. cards are the most problematic here. Currently 14x Plains and 28x total basic lands is a lot for a three color manabase.

White is the primary color here as far as deck stats go, but that's deceiving because the cards you want to play the most in the early game are green (Farseek, Battlement, Guardian and other defenders who ramp). In my opinion for these reasons white and green should be a equal ratio for the manabase. Blue is the least important color as far as defender creatures, only really needing it for Arcades; wanting it for Wall of Denial , Tetsuko and Rift. Sure, there's some other good blue defender creatures, but none are any better than what green and white can offer.

My advice for the manabase is equal amount of white and green and only splash blue with more dual lands. Cut down on blue, add more dual lands that can make blue mana allowing you to decrease the amount of Islands. If decreasing blue in the manabase then cut mana cost cards and trim the overall amount of blue cards in the deck. By adding the above suggested lands, keeping lands that you're already playing and having only 2x Islands you can get 16+ blue sources in the manabase which is enough to support Arcades.

Two drop defender creatures to consider adding:

Other cards to consider:

If you like some of these suggestions I offer help to make cuts. Good luck with your deck.

ChRyKy on

5 years ago

Teferi's Time Twist is your new answer to Swords to Plowshares . Exile it first and bring it back stronger.

I still like the Skygate, it's a 2 drop blocker with reach that costs less than 20 cents. Angelic Wall gets no argument here, great card, I run it myself.

I know it's starting to move away from the theme of the deck, but with WAR now out and about, with many "give creatures +1/+1", Zegana, Utopian Speaker would fix your trample problems.

Ahhhh, the conundrums of deck building...

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