Auriok Champion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Auriok Champion

Creature — Human Cleric

Protection from black and from red

Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.

nuperokaso on Orzhov Soul Sisters - MODERN

3 months ago
  1. Your deck has only 57 cards.
  2. Your mana base is bad. 5 Swamps is an overkill when you play Auriok Champion and Voice of the Blessed. You don't need more than 1 Swamp to cast all your spells. I suggest playing 2 Fetid Heath, and fill the rest with other Fetch lands. Grimclimb Pathway  Flip also exists.
  3. Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose is a legend. When you play 4, you risk having dead card. I would go down by 1 or 2. Replace it with Sorin of House Markov  Flip.

DMFF on Black and White Soul Sisters - MODERN

4 months ago

Firstly, welcome to the MTG community! Modern is definitely a more hostile format, but Soul Sisters can hold their own, especially in Orzhov. One of my close friends in my "close friends playgroup" built his own rendition of Orzhov Soul Sisters as well and it can certainly give any aggro deck a run for its money. Since Lifegain is more of a Control-esque strategy, I do have a few suggestions for your main and side:

Main: - Fatal Push, Solitude (ik a little more expensive, but so so good), or Path to Exile for cheap/"free" removal of onboard threats. I would cut 2-3 copies of March of Otherworldly Light since it requires more resources, but can be great in the mid/late game.

  • Guide of Souls, the new Soul Brother! (It could be called Soul Siblings!) This card is a more powerful version of the Soul Sisters, so I definitely recommend running 4x of this card once it drops in MH3. I would drop the 4x Auriok Champion for this due to the lower mana cost and higher power level.

  • Thoughtseize is a great handrip card and the -2 life is barely noticeable in your build. Until you pick up any copies, I would move Inquisition of Kozilek into your main board for better control and knowledge of your opponent's gameplan right from game 1. I would also suggest a combination of both of these cards in your mainboard to equal 6 total. My wife runs 3 of each in her own rendition of the meta Yawgmoth deck.

  • I would cut the Ghost Quarters for Field of Ruin, reduce them to 2 or 3 copies and move them to your mainboard, cutting some basic lands. My wife actually runs this in her mainboard to mess with greedy manabases to great success.

Side: - Having both Sanctifier en-Vec & Rest in Peace is a bit redundant. I would personally cut them both and replace with 3 or 4 Leyline of the Void to have a good chance of hurting Graveyard strategies before turn 1 even starts. Keep all the Surgical Extractions in though because it is great targeted GY removal that can outright cripple decks.

Hopefully this will be helpful for you, let me know if you have any questions!

Femme_Fatale on Add card to deck

5 months ago

Hey look it's here now. Auriok Champion.

SufferFromEDHD on Celestine others

1 year ago

Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant seem weak in reanimator. Auriok Champion is a clear upgrade. Windbrisk Raptor big reanimation target that is so on theme it should be a crime.

Late to Dinner on theme reanimation.

Strionic Resonator/Lithoform Engine doublers.

RCD2023 on Lathiel, Who Blots Out the Sun

1 year ago

ooow... i forget 4 things ... Dryad Arbor would get us some counters or draws in some situations Opal Palace get some counters on lathiel Karn's Bastion this with arbor elf .. counters + counters War Room to get more card draw Auriok Champion its a Soul Warden but with 2 colors protection

flapjackwars on Twilight Sparkle Lifegain

1 year ago

IMO the most efficient lifegain cards are Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, and Essence Warden, followed by Leonin Elder, Spectrum Sentinel, Profane Memento, The Meathook Massacre, Auriok Champion, and Lifegift. They all scale absurdly well with multiple opponents.

nbarry223 on In defense of Veil of …

1 year ago

I would actually argue that powerful but niche cards like Veil of Summer and Aether Gust is something the format needs more of. They aren't strictly better than other counterparts, but give some "narrow" hate that can be quite powerful in the right matches. We need more hate-cards in the format which are relevant in this manner. Wedge hate cards like this are great, and it's a shame that they aren't all at the same power level.

Cards like Devout Decree, Celestial Purge, Noxious Grasp, Deathmark, Fry, and Rending Volley just aren't powerful enough. White does get some decent creatures that fit the mold like Auriok Champion and Sanctifier en-Vec but those require a little more than a slight splash.

So in conclusion, rather than argue that Veil of Summer (a fixed Autumn's Veil) is too powerful, I would argue that the counterparts from other colors are just too weak, being outclassed by normal removal options.

We need more narrow cards that fit into what the color wants to do, and hate against what its enemy colors want to do better. For example, maybe some kind of Searing Blaze type of effect (deals with creatures and goes face) for against , and a effect against that punishes them for swarming and is a form of removal.

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