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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Artifacts, creatures, and lands played by your opponents enter the battlefield tapped.

RufusTheGrufus on Gonna Need A (Myrkul)

6 months ago

Okay, Necramus, as promised here are some 'spicy' suggestions for you to think about:

-Yawgmoth, Thran Physician: A creature-based sac outlet, source of card draw, and a way to incrementally whittle down opponent's creatures; I really like Yawgmoth in Myrkul personally.

-Similarly, while I see you are running Viscera Seer, you may also benefit from running other creature-based sac outlets such as Yahenni, Undying Partisan or Carrion Feeder. Fanatical Devotion is another interesting sac outlet I've considered running but haven't taken the time to playtest yet.

-Syr Konrad, the Grim: triggers twice, once when your creatures die, and also when you exile them to make enchantment tokens with Myrkul.

-Ondu Spiritdancer: With Myrkul, Lord of Bones and Grim Guardian on the battlefield, playing Ondu Spiritdancer and finding a way to kill it will infinitely ping all opponents to close out the game.

-Tyrite Sanctum: Offers a backup way to give Myrkul indestructible

-Windborn Muse: Build-your-own Ghostly Prison on a creature with Myrkul

-Loxodon Gatekeeper: Build-your-own Kismet on a creature with Myrkul

-Stinging Study: offers a big burst of card draw while also lowering your life total to make Myrkul indestructible.

-Options like Plumb the Forbidden and Deadly Dispute could be fun to both sacrifice creatures to turn into enchantments with Myrkul as well as generate card advantage.

In my tinkering around with Myrkul I can definitely relate to wishing that you could run more than 100 cards; I had the same problem with both Myrkul and Anikthea! They're both pretty open ended and also lean into super supported strategies, (enchantments, graveyards, tokens), so there's an over abundance of fun cards to build with; and ultimately I just ended up messing around with multiple builds for both of them. Overall I think your deck looks like a lot of fun to play, +1 from me!

TheBestMagicCard on Hokori, Dust Drinker - Prison/Stax/Value Creatures

8 months ago

I realized that the most powerful thing Hokori can do is totally lock opponents out of playing anything, as long as there a couple support cards, mostly Mishra's Helix, God-Pharaoh's Statue, and maybe Kismet and Loxodon Gatekeeper.

This is more powerful then hate bears, and like "you can't do something" cards, as well as other cost-increasing cards. If I can just prevent opponents from casting anything by leaving them no untapped lands ever, it doesn't matter if the have a board wipe, or an enter-the-battlefield effect, or graveyard recursion, because they just can't cast anything...

Even if I could keep people from casting things for a few turns, if they gradually build their mana back up and could cast a threat that one of my dinky-conditional-hatebears didn't affect, then that sucked for me... Way better to just try and lock them down outright and not ever give them the chance...

I've decided to take out some more conditional/reactive cards for some better threats, so that I can have some recourse if opponents manage to cast a threat, and to try to close the game out a little faster. The deck also needs card draw to help stay ahead of opponents, and not stall out. I'm also realizing that removal is very powerful in this deck. Usually a one-to-one trade off for targeted removal can be questionable, but in this deck it's a little different. If I Swords to Plowshares a creature that cost 5 mana to cast, my opponent might have been saving mana up for a few turns to cast that card, now I just spent 1 mana to nerf it, and ideally Hokori is in play so now they will have to wait several more turns to cast something else, so spot removal turns into huge tempo advantage also. Even better than one-for-one spot removal is board wipe, and repeatable removal.

I've switched in new cards that present threats, draw cards, and remove opponent's cards, they include: Battle Angels of Tyr, Aerial Extortionist, Mass Calcify, Unexplained Absence, Magus of the Tabernacle, Champions of Minas Tirith, and Archon of Coronation.

Trouble in Pairs seems like it could be powerful, but it is also reactionary and conditional upon opponent's doing something advantageous.

treeforcorvus on Narset, Enlightened Master

1 year ago

Cataclysm *list* can work against you based on opponents' picks and though Enter the Infinite is impressive & works with Omniscience, I don't see Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac, nor do I see Grapeshot. Consider instead Boros Charm + Armageddon which most people will hate & sometimes outright scoop after.

Mana Vault is more of a risk than you might think without untap mechanics (See Derevi, last paragraph). Consider Thought Vessel or even Library of Leng.

Replace Lion's Eye Diamond with Land Tax. The latter also helps offset the pain from Need for Speed, which is a cool find.

Consider Smothering Tithe instead of Mystic Remora: Remora usually only nets a few cards at beginning, and will often slow you down more than it helps. The former performs MUCH more consistently, and will net you more mana to focus on spells and counters.

Concerning your SB: If you want to go maximum lock-stax, I'd recommend Derevi, Empyrial Tactician. Use Winter Orb, Static Orbfoil & Stasis, use Kismet and Loxodon Gatekeeper, maybe even Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines. Use fetches + basic lands, huge ramp, and Back to Basicsfoil just to spite opponents. NB: Mana Vault smacks with Derevi.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin for a Fight

1 year ago

Reconnaissance is such a great card in this deck, glad you're finally giving it a try. I see you already have Gruesome Realization in the 99. I recently had a game a couple of weekends ago where a friend played his Krenko, Mob Boss deck. I drew with a fairly removal heavy hand, one of the pieces being Gruesome Realization. I used it fairly early, and was able to kill off Krenko's 5 Goblin tokens it already managed to create.

If you're looking for more evasion and anti-token tech, I'd also recommend checking out Legion Loyalist and Goblin War Drums. Rakdos Charm can also be a pretty cheeky way to punish token strategies that outpace you on board establishment. I also recently subbed in Urabrask the Hidden as another Haste anthem and stax piece to slow down board rebuilds after board wipes. Kismet is another decent stax piece to hinder what your opponents are rolling out.

Slaughter the Strong is a board wipe that Isshin can dodge, and forces your opponents to slim down to only the most crucial stuff they can afford to keep.

Lastly, Soul Partition is pretty versatile as a removal piece that essentially adds another instance of Commander Tax to a removed opponents' commander, or can be a protection piece for one of your own things. I used it that same game to get rid of Krenko for essentially the rest of the game.

markbeloit on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Garden Passage


Creatures and lands your opponents control enter the battlefield tapped.

Sacrifice Garden Passage: Shuffle target card in a graveyard into its owner's library.

Kismet is the original of this kind of card.

Make a two-headed dragon. Bonus points if it's , and has flavor for each head.

discipleofgary73 on Mono-White Keyword Banding

3 years ago

Banding is always funny.
For ramp, one of my favorite monowhite cards is Oath of Lieges. Sure, it can help opponents, but group hugs are what banding is all about, right??? There are some of the classic artifacts people have mentioned, but I want to put Burnished Hart, Sword of the Animist, Wayfarer's Bauble, Monologue Tax and Terrain Generator on your radar. Oh, and Expedition Map to grab the Cathedral. Generally, I think 7-9 pieces of dedicated ramp in an EDH deck is about right, depending on the speed, colors, and avg cmc.
Outside of ramp, War Elephant would be good just to have a trample ability out on a creature. Nemesis Mask can make sure Abu Ja'far can really do some damage. You could also try out the totem armor enchantments to make it easier to reuse Abu in this way. Trapjaw Tyrant would also be funny in a band. Other than that, the only things that come to mind are Felidar Retreat, Kismet, Mass Calcify/Tragic Arrogance, and Blinding Light .

plakjekaas on Pattern Recognition #201 - Kismet

3 years ago

An important aspect of creatures entering tapped is that it shuts down basically any combo with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker . That's why I like Authority of the Consuls especially. Even though it only hits creatures, the lifegain and the lack of surprise blockers and hasty attackers just grants you so much time to execute your own game plan. It's a great deal for just 1 mana. I even sideboarded it in standard. It saved you effectively 6 life against active Hazoret the Fervent . It made summoning sick creatures unable to crew vehicles. Gideon, Ally of Zendikar didn't protect himself half as good anymore. I'm a big fan. I even have a mono white commander deck that uses these effects combined with Meekstone , Marble Titan , Juntu Stakes and Crackdown to disable most creatures forever. Combined with Heliod, God of the Sun , granting your team Vigilance, as the commander, combat will be easy for you. Just make sure that the effect is asymmetrical, that's the best about Kismet .

0rc on Staxation without Representation

3 years ago

Kismet , Frozen Aether , Smothering Tithe , and Stasis are non-negotiable imo.

Nice draft tho.

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