Time Vault

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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Time Vault


This enters tapped.

This doesn't untap during your untap step.

If you would begin your turn while this is tapped, you may skip that turn instead. If you do, untap this.

: Take an extra turn after this one.

sylvannos on Hoax Storm v2

2 years ago

To start with, there's a few cards that have better Vintage equivalents. Overmaster and Spell Pierce should be the 3rd. and 4th. copies of Force of Will. Leftover space from cutting those can be Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, or Flusterstorm. You don't need Faithless Looting because we have Paradoxical Outcome, Sensei's Divining Top, Gush, Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise, and Brainstorm to choose from. Merchant Scroll also belongs in here, because you can use it to grab Ancestral Recall at the very least. Usually you want it to make sure you have protection in hand by grabbing countermagic.

Library of Alexandria isn't good in this deck. And you're not the type that needs 8x sources, so Steam Vents can go, along with a few copies of Volcanic Island (1 or 2). Replace all of these with four copies of Scalding Tarn and basic lands. Or even just play 6x fetches. You need to be able to shuffle after using Brainstorm, Ponder,and Sensei's Divining Top.

From here, you have a solid U/R Storm shell. However, I wouldn't play straight "Modern U/R Storm, but Power 9" dot dec. 2 mana is a lot for Goblin Electromancer, there are easier ways of winning than Grapeshot, and so on. The question then becomes "Where to go from here?"

Hope this helps! Welcome to MtG's oldest and greatest format.

Niko9 on Criminally Underplayed EDH Gems

3 years ago

Yep Mairsil! Such a fun card. I actually saw some things recently where Marisil was being played in no ban list cEDH and was kinda crazy. I think the idea was to get Grislebrand on Mairsil, the Pretender and draw, or get Time Vault or Voltaic Key on Mairisil to combo out. Really, it was just interesting to see a commander that is not usually in cEDH being really good in no ban list.

macdeath on Vintage PO

3 years ago

-1 Underground Sea is asking for trouble to cast the key black cards. This type of deck can struggle against Wasteland + Null Rod decks, relying on Mox Opal and 1 Underground Sea is not where you want to be.

-Thassa's Oracle does not belong in the deck whatsoever and neither does Noxious Revival. You are already packing Tendrils of Agony and Time Vault which are much more suited to the deck. Noxious Revival is just worse than Snapcaster Mage especially in a deck with Paradoxical Outcome

-Seat of the Synod is usually only played to make Thoughtcast / Thought Monitor viable. It makes the deck super soft to Null Rod effects.

-Urza, Lord High Artificier is okayish but worse than Monastery Mentor or Tinker>Sphinx of the Steel Wind. Also, Urza's Bauble is pretty bad in Vintage.

smilodex on Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

3 years ago

@Nonary27: Runo has quite some hoops to jump through, to use him effective. But when you achieve to flip him, I think he's a 'high' mid Tier commander. He only cost 3 mana for a 1/4, is quite decent because he's immune to Pyroclasm/Abrade type effects. Like you already mentioned, the lack of green is a big downside, because the deck is lacking ramp, the green creature topdeck-tutors and all the good green/blue sea creatures.

Aesi is in casual EDH, the better Tatyova. But in cEDH the difference between 5 and 6 mana is huge, since the games don't last as long in battlecruiser. Still, Aesi isn't two ranks below Tatyova.

@Sephyrias: If wizards would print more broken cards like Griselbrand/Asmodeus the Archfiend or Time Vault, Mairsil could reach a higher tier, but currently there are a lot better grixis commanders. Also the deck runs a lot of "bad" cards, which are only good with Mairsil and when you remove/counter Mairsil you're stuck with a lot of mediocre cards in your hand.

@Nonary27: like enpc already mentioned, Omnath can be abused with Food Chain + Squee, the Immortal so cast Omnath infinitely. In casual EDH you can build him as an Elemental tribe-commander or as landfall commander, but in my opinion I wouldn't build him that way, because there are a lot of better choices to build a landfall commander.

@Hydragal: Vega can win with Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Thassa's Oracle and Ranar has also some infinte combos to close out the game like: Rest in Peace + Altar of Dementia etc.

Oof_Magic on

3 years ago

Went up against what I assume was a Time Vault / Manifold Key combo. I can’t recall my opening hand perfectly but my opponent lead with Underground Sea and Mox Jet into Ponder and Imperial Seal . I could have countered something but my general rule of thumb is to counter what is tutored rather than the tutor. Land, go. They mana rock into Timetwister which I assume is what they tutored as it would shuffle away anything else. I hit that with a Force of Negation and took the turn. Land, go. From there it was much slower. I got out Teferi, Time Raveler on turn 3 and Dovin, Hand of Control the following turn. Countered a Demonic Tutor and responded with Dack Fayden . Dack pulled us into a follow up Jace, the Mind Sculptor . At that point, they were low enough that we could ride Jace’s to deck management, maintaining our counters until Narset, Parter of Veils and Kasmina, Enigma Sage . We continued to keep our opponents top deck and our own managed, eventually completing the crew with Oko, Thief of Crowns coming down for an additional Fractal. Our opponent managed to pull a Tinker while we took the turn off but we had plenty of counters ready at that point and was able to stave off and go in the lethal offensive.

It was only one game but I would definitely have brought in Ashiok, Dream Render having seen Imperial Seal , Demonic Tutor , Tinker , and Tezzeret the Seeker .

Oof_Magic on

4 years ago

Lost a Bo1 to a Paradoxical Outcome Vault/Key deck with Goblin Charbelcher as a finisher. For a control deck I did not make a good keep with Mental Misstep and Mindbreak Trap on the draw. I got through an initial Belcher on turn 1 and followed up with a Tinkered Blightsteel Colossus, leaving only my Misstep left to protect the turn. The opponent was able to Outcome the following turn into mana, Time Vault and Tinker for Voltaic Key. Bad keep on my part but a fun game for what it was. I didn’t get to asking why he had a 72 card deck.

Oof_Magic on A Quest for Power: Unrestricting …

4 years ago

DeinoStinkus See how it goes. I tried to use a similar tactic in using Tinker, Transmute Artifact, and Reshape to put Time Vault and Manifold Key together. It was clunky but I should revisit. I haven’t been able to put together a true one-meets-two combo deck in the format so far. Let me know how it works out for you.

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