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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
The Toymaker's Trap
At the beginning of your upkeep, secretly choose a number between 1 and 5 that hasn't been chosen. If you do, an opponent guesses which number you chose, then you reveal the number you chose. If they guessed wrong, they lose life equal to the number they guessed and you draw a card. If they guessed right, sacrifice The Toymaker's Trap.
legendofa on Good uses for bad cards
1 month ago
Wood Elemental and Sorrow's Path are on pretty much every list of "worst M:tG cards ever". Anything you do with them is going to be gimmicky and flex-y at best, and self-defeating at (the much more likely) worst.
Allure of the Unknown has a proud place in my Rakdos group hug deck.
Prophecy and Goblin Sappers are overcosted/underproductive and have better options. There's nothing really strictly better, but if you're paying to make a creature unblockable for a turn and then lose it, you had better be winning the game right there--do you want to sacrifice it for some reason? If so, is there a better sac outlet? The delayed draw is generally going to be the best part of Propechy. Sideboard if you're playing in a scry- or top-deck-tutor-heavy meta and want some style points.
Winter Sky is unreliable and doesn't offer enough to build around. 1 damage to everything is fine for , and cheap drawing is good, but the player symmetry and randomness reduce its utility.
Asmodeus the Archfiend and The Toymaker's Trap are more fun than powerful, but they're still solid. They can be good build-around support for casual decks. I would say these are the best options if you want to put your brewing hat on.
This doesn't mean that these cards can't or shouldn't be used--if they look fun to you, go for it! But it's going to be hard to optimize most of them because they have a lot of hoops to jump through or just don't do anything worth doing.
Bookrook on Good uses for bad cards
1 month ago
Does anybody have any uses for the following cards? Perferably the deck is centered around that card. The cards I’m looking for ideas on are:
If you have any other cards, post them here.
tindolos on Masters of Evil - Upgrade
1 year ago
Initial upgrades
- Ashad, the Lone Cyberman
- The Master, Mesmerist
- The Master, Gallifrey's End
- The Master, Multiplied
- The Master, Formed Anew
- Vislor Turlough
- Rassilon, the War President
- The Beast, Deathless Prince
- The Rani
- The Cyber-Controller
- Vashta Nerada
- The Flood of Mars
- Renegade Silent
- Midnight Crusader Shuttle
- The Sound of Drums
- The Toymaker's Trap
- Propaganda
- Time Reaper
- Gallifrey Council Chamber
- Zygon Infiltrator
- Sontaran General
- Great Intelligence's Plan
- Cybermat
- Clockwork Droid
- Don't Blink
- Day of the Moon
- Solemn Simulacrum
- Cybership
- Temple of the False God
- Spear Spewer
- Thermo-Alchemist
- Unruly Catapult
- Nettle Drone
- Lobber Crew
- Creeping Bloodsucker
- Plague Spitter
- Spawn of Mayhem
- Quakebringer
- Loyal Subordinate
- Twilight Prophet
- Stormfist Crusader
- Tectonic Giant
- Cryptolith Fragment Flip
- Descent into Avernus
- Maestros Charm
- Protection Racket
- Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath
- Leechridden Swamp
- Rankle, Master of Pranks
- Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger
- Court of Ambition
- Ob Nixilis, the Adversary
- Angrath, the Flame-Chained
- Strionic Resonator
- Lithoform Engine
- Talisman of Creativity
- Rakdos Signet
- Fellwar Stone