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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Spikeshot Elder
Creature — Goblin Shaman
: Spikeshot Elder deals damage equal to its power to target creature or player.
jdogz32 on Gerblins!
1 year ago
I would add 4 Legion Loyalist because Goblin Piledriver and Goblin Rabblemaster don't have trample. Also if you are going to add Warren Instigator I'd add Goblin Lackey as well and add Muxus, Goblin Grandee I'm also not understanding why Spikeshot Elder is in here. Seems like alot of Mana for not much of a payout. Hope this helps
Dreeks1991 on Mairsil, The Pretender
2 years ago
Thanks for checking out my list! I hadn't updated my decks in a few months so I'm just seeing this now. So I kind of cover why I run so much additional protection in my build in the primer, but the short answer is that my playgroup is very heavy on removal and they know the best way to shut this deck down is to keep Mairsil off the board. AEtherling just doesn't cut it as the only source of protection. It's not meant to be a cEDH build and I doubt it could hang with a cEDH table lol. It's definitely on par with the power level of my playgroup though.
I prefer Spikeshot Elder over Hateflayer because it doesn't require Mairsil to be tapped to activate it, which is helpful outside of the Tree of Perdition combo because I can shoot down planeswalkers and creatures with just the three mana. I did use to run Hateflayer though! I also have a few other untap effects that are cheaper to use mana-wise and allow me to combo off with Quicksilver Elemental and Prismatic Geoscope and the cards they're on also provide a lot of other value.
In terms of the Walking Ballista combo, I use him as a wincon in my elfball deck so I'm not interested in using him again in another deck, although it is a solid wincon!
I used to do a lot of jankier stuff with Mairsil (hence the giant Maybeboard lol) but my group goes super hard on him anymore so he's gotta be a little more cutthroat and bare bones if I want to win with him, which I do!
DespairFaction on Budget Equiptment
3 years ago
Hey, here are some changes I might recommend while still staying on a budget. Fist, for a voltron deck I would probably drop the creature count a little bit as 29 is a little high. For this build I would probably eye something around 22-25. Also your land count is very low, I would bring that up to about 36 lands with several ways to search for lands, that will allow you to have plenty of mana and cast the bigger stuff in your deck.
Next, I would cut some cards that seeming underwhelming. Those are: Auriok Edgewright Auriok Bladewarden Fireblade Charger Leonin Relic-Warder , Evra, Halcyon Witness Shimmer Myr Spikeshot Elder , Wayfarer's Bauble ill talk about this one below, Leonin Bola Neglected Heirloom Flip Berserkers' Onslaught . So yeah once you know what to cut, it becomes very easy to make a bunch of additions.
Im not sure if you are married to the $50 budget, most of my suggestions here will be about $1 a piece but here's what I would add. First as mentioned we want better mana production, so you'll want Gift of Estates and Armillary Sphere over wayfarers bauble. In 700 games of commander, I've found that armillary sphere is just better than bauble for many reasons I wont go into right now. Fervent Champion , Sun Titan Kazuul's Toll Collector , 4 basic or flip lands, Flamekin Village Blackblade Reforged . Berserkers Onslaught can be a straight switch for True Conviction . Fleetfeather Sandals . Because your mana production is getting better, you can go just a little bigger on the top end of your deck. I might put 1 or 2 bigger equipments at the top end like Argentum Armor or maybe even a Scytheclaw . I would add Dismantling Wave and a Tome of Legends .
Here's some other very good cards on a budget that I might consider Forging the Tyrite Sword to cheap tutor, Ignite the Future excellent card draw Showdown of the Skalds also great card draw. Theres a whole package of cards you can use with Goblin Welder Goblin Engineer and Daretti, Scrap Savant and if you add those I would add a Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion . Because you have Toralf I might consider a few more red based board wipes like Chain Reaction or Magmaquake but i wouldnt say no to a Fumigate or a Rout either.
Anyway that should give you plenty to think about for now. Enjoy!
NeonSRK on Gruulfriends: Canon Edition
3 years ago
Thanks! So far the deck has been ok, I've only played it in a couple of games so far but it worked out ok in them. If I had to make any changes I might pull out either Spikeshot Elder or Welder Automaton . They're both very effective win conditions, but I haven't once run into a situation where I needed both. Having Jaya's Immolating Inferno as a backup works just fine. I might recommend a little more targeted removal, but that might just be my meta. Good luck brewing!
TheVectornaut on Red Green Dinos
3 years ago
It's worth noting that when transitioning from standard to modern, a lot of cards that seem like powerful contributors to a tribe end up being worse than non-tribal counterparts. For instance, Thunderherd Migration is probably better than the standard alternative Beneath the Sands , but it's probably worse than Rampant Growth , Cultivate , or maybe Sylvan Scrying with the right nonbasic to fetch. Drover of the Mighty is another that seems strong as a 3/3, but if you're tapping it for mana most of the time anyway, something like Birds of Paradise , Arbor Elf , Joraga Treespeaker , Incubation Druid , Whisperer of the Wilds , or Ilysian Caryatid might be more efficient. The only other suggestion I have is to consider adding ways to recurrently trigger enrage. Forerunner of the Empire is a pretty common option, but I can also see Pyrohemia , Harbinger of the Hunt , Raging Regisaur , Spikeshot Elder , or Power of Fire being used with varying pros and cons. Some enrage lists I see also make use of damage trigger shenanigans on cards like Arcbond and Rite of Passage . A possible cut could be Shifting Ceratops since it's generally more of a sideboard card. Otherwise, I'd cut any enrage trigger that isn't either repeatable or very cheap. Reckless Rage is great, but Tilonalli's Crown could just as easily be Dual Shot or something to that effect. A final note I'd make is that you may be able to take advantage of some of the bigger enrage dinos like Snapping Sailback and Silverclad Ferocidons . I wouldn't normally recommend them, however, Etali and a lot of ramp go a long way toward making them viable.
MagicMarc on Favorite non meta creature
3 years ago
@MindAblaze; Nantuko Husk is my OG go to card to fit the role of your Bloodthrone Vampire. They are great sacrifice outlets along with a Viscera Seer.
@IKILLEVERYONE; One thing I do like about the Spikeshot Elder is that it's repeatable and only limited by available mana. It is an awkward cost with 2 mountains as the base so can be limited depending on your mana base. But it can dish some big numbers quickly depending on the rest of a deck.
IKILLEVERYONE on Favorite non meta creature
3 years ago
Spikeshot Goblin with my Illuna, Apex of Wishes would be bomb. Instead im using Spikeshot Elder need to use both
Tiny_Sir on One Imaginative Boi
3 years ago
Mainboard Cuts: Worn Powerstone kinda sucks. I'd rather pay one more for Hedron Archive or even Sisay's Ring.
Cathartic Reunion is just better Tormenting Voice in your deck. Run Chandra hugging mom instead of Tormenting.
Cuts from the Sideboard listed cards:
Prismatic Geoscope: Running 18 basics means you might not always get 3 mana from it, more like 2. Eitherway I feel it's bad as a rock and lackluster as a cage target.
25 cards I'll suggest for <15$ (EDHREC TCGPLAYER listed prices, may be higher or lower):
Final Parting: Double tutor, one to the yard one to hand. Good investment for 5 mana. It's no Buried Alive but we can't expect many cards to be. (Price: .90)
Cephalid Inkshrouder: Discard which doesn't matter to make shrouded Mairsil? Hell yeah. (Price: 0.29)
Soliton: Another U: untap is solid. (Price: 0.10)
Forbidden Alchemy: Basically a draw 4 most of the time for 3 mana and can be flashed back if you discard it or mill it another way. (Price: 0.11)
Pestilent Souleater: Can be a backup win con with a card or two that can also pump. (Price: 0.10)
Blighted Bat 1 for haste is worth it when not having Anger in GY or Hammer of Purphoros on board. (Price: 0.05)
Twisted Abomination: Get a land with it then give Mairsil regenerate for a black when his commander tax is too high. Can never have too much protection when the commander is the whole gameplan. (Price: 0.03)
Magus of the Bazaar: Draw 5 for tap on Mairsil. What's not to like? (Price: .46)
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer: 3 To replay Mairsil isn't bad. Also can just be a cascade card if need be. (Price: 0.15)
Cinderhaze Wretch: Untap affect + can be used to disrupt enemies. Also can be used on yourself if you really want for some weird reason? (Price 0.26)
Dreamscape Artist: Discard isn't a downside, and it ramps. Can be put on Mairsil as well if need be. (Price: 0.26)
Vector Asp: B: infect is very strong. Especially with following card. (Price: 0.20)
Spikeshot Elder: This plus infect is a gross combo. Even without R to deal 4 to any target is strong, better than lightning bolt! (Price: 0.21)
Grinning Ignus: A way to bounce Mairsil that's ALSO ramp. Pays for a commander tax! (Price: 0.16)
Frantic Search: Free loot isn't ever bad. Instant speed too. (Price 0.47)
Sinister Sabotage: You don't have much interaction. These next 3 are just interactive pieces to stop your opponents from racing you. Sinister is a good counter that also can basically draw a card with Surveil. (Price: 0.12)
Terminate: No regen for them! Instant speed kill. Nice. (Price: 0.44)
Arcane Denial: Great counterspell that's not mana intensive. (Price: 0.46)
Perplex: Either a counter, makes an opponent lose their hand, or you can transmute to tutor for a 3 drop such as Rings or Commander's Sphere. Very versatile. (Price: 1.24)
AEtherize: Bounce all attackers is a good way to protect yourself, since you already have many ways to protect Mairsil. (Price: 0.23)
21/22. Isochron Scepter/Dramatic Reversal: With enough mana rocks infinite mana and with that you can win for sure. (Price for both: 5.30). I think it's a worth it investment.
Whispering Madness: Wheel that can be repeated. With GY synergies it's amazing. 10/10 (Price 0.57)
Chain Reaction: Boardwhipe most of the time. You need some mass removal. (Price: 0.67)
Pyroclasm: Clears tokens easily. (Price: 0.16)
Total Price: $12.94
Some pump activated abilities may be a good other add.
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