Rites of Spring

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rites of Spring


Discard any number of cards. Search your library for that many basic land cards, reveal those cards, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your library.

SirFowler on Angry Cyclops Apocalypse

2 years ago

Nylea's Intervention & Rites of Spring can help you get multiple land cards in a single instance. Not to mention the utility with the Intervention in case you go up against a bunch of flyers.

Dete on Borborygmos Enraged EDH

3 years ago

le podria Field of the Dead cambiando una basica o Cinder Glade por q no tiene tantas basicas.

si le ponemos Vesuva podriai ponerle tmb Dark Depths+ otra pa copiar Thespian's Stage, en volada pa hacer mas mana rapido ponerle tierras locus.

The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale en volada pa mantener al resto mas piola.

Ash Barrens, Crop Rotation, Expedition Map, Elvish Reclaimer, Evolution Charm, Realms Uncharted son todos buenos pa el enfoque en tierras y 4 son buenos pa buscar las de arriba.

Druid Class, Khalni Heart Expedition,, Azusa's Many Journeys  Flip, Rites of Flourishing, Summer Bloom, cualquiera es buena pa esto.

ponerle otra copia del kruphix podria estar weno Augur of Autumn/Wayward Swordtooth

Scute Swarm hmm es muy weno jajaja,Tireless Provisioner, Veteran Explorer en volada son buenos tmb. Splendid Reclamation+ScapeshiftThe Mending of Dominaria, dependiendo q tanrapido lo queri hacer.

Dosan the Falling Leaf/Vexing Shusher/City of Solitude/Defense Grid pa tener un poco de defensa contra counters y otras cosas.

en mi opinion sacaria: Glint-Horn Buccaneer (mas q nada por q no me gusta mucho noma),Living Twister, sacaria 1 o 2 de cualquiera de los encantamientos q cuestan 5/6, Bag of Holding en volada tmb, Dragon Mage, Krosan Grip y/o java

podrias poner cartas con cycling o retrace, tmb Rites of Spring esta wena pa ponerla y Treasure Map  Flip le puede dar un poco de mas seleccion de cartas. hmmm le dejaria igual Mulch y añadiria Winding Way por lo mismo.

bushido_man96 on A Gruuling Experience

5 years ago

Ok, Profet93, here we go on some card evaluation.

Bag of Holding : I've had this card actually do good work for me. Having the mana up to activate it usually isn't a problem, and it's easy to dump a bunch of lands in a turn, get the back, and dump them again. It's fun, and I like it, so I'll probably be keeping it. That, and getting as many effects to return chunks of discarded lands to my hand is good for this deck.

Grafted Exoskeleton : I could live without it. I thought that it would help provide another quick win condition towards the end of a game, but I think a better fit would be something like Illusionist's Bracers , which would double up the activations.

Horizon Spellbomb : Most likely was put in there as a low-budget option in the original list, and could probably be upgraded. It's low CMC, gets ammo into the hand, and can draw a card to replace itself. But it's easy to live without.

Wayfarer's Bauble : Budget ramp. Could be a Sol Ring , or something else. Open to suggestions, but it's good budget ramp.

Summer Bloom : This one stays. Running this many lands, it doesn't whiff.

Rites of Spring : Open to suggestions.

Mulch : It's ok. I usually hit at least 2 lands with it, but I admit I could replace it.

Beneath the Sands : Gets one land, or draws a card, so it's never dead. But it could be better. Open to suggestions.

I do have some thoughts on adding some more draw/ramp, but I'm staying budget here, so no Exploration , Burgeoning , Oracles or that other stupid expensive elf. I'm thinking along the lines of Mina and Denn, Wildborn , Font of Mythos , Llanowar Scout , Sakura-Tribe Scout , and things like this. I do believe I will splurge for a copy of Life from the Loam .

As for card draw spells, I want to shy away from sacrificing BoBo to get the effect, since his CMC is so high to start with. Return of the Wildspeaker will be good, but more is needed. May have to get another copy of Rishkar's Expertise , and also Keen Sense . I plan on adding Creeping Renaissance , too.

These are my thoughts so far, and I'm open to other suggestions, too. Thanks for all the help!

pokey, those are good points, and worth considering, but I don't know how much I'll net land cards through his damage trigger. Wheel effects might be worth considering, though, so thank you for those suggestions!

Naksu on Deforestation

5 years ago

What about Khalni Gem , Tilling Treefolk or Rites of Spring ? I like my Borborygmos Enraged deck and those are some of the nice interactions with land based decks. +1

Kingdomsteel on Reki, the History of Kamigawa: Legendfall

5 years ago

Hey man, love your list!

I'm running a Reki myself and been having tons of fun with it. If I may just drop some suggestions here:

Honor-Worn Shaku , my god this over performs in many ways. It's no legendary but it works well with any legendary.

Sakiko, Mother of Summer This beast pumps out heavy mana in your second main phases and has great synergy with your Omnath, Locus of Mana . I'd switch her with Sashi, Daughter of Seshiro. You don't have that much snakes or shamans to make her that important imo.

Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant Goes GREAT with Rites of Spring Imagine one forest tapping for 11 mana...

The Great Henge Is jsut ONE of those cards..

Patron of the Orochi Also very nice with Honor-Worn Shaku or any form of mana doubler.

Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger Because salty tears taste best with Vorinclex on the field.

Nissa, Worldwaker just the +1 to untap FOUR FORESTS.. and let's not get started over the -7. There are many other planeswalker I run in my deck but this one definitely stands out for me.

Bow of Nylea has so much possibility's and potential in an entire EDH match, don't underestimate this card.

Hua Tuo, Honored Physician Helped me get some stuff out of the graveyard lategame. Pretty awesome.

Jiang Yuanggu, Wildcrafter goes together well with your Rishkar, Peema Renegade AND generates more potential for mana dorks. Leyline of Abundance is a definite recommendation with this.

Ryanh12 on Livin' Life on the Dredge

5 years ago

This is a difficult question, as most of the cards in your deck circle around your theme of land recursion and sacrifice. When you come across a problem like this, it usually all depends on the value that you're getting out of your cards during matches. Obviously I've never played with your deck specifically, but i have tried out a few of your cards at some point in my M&D deck.

First of all, I'm very strongly biased against Rain of Filth . It is a very circumstantial card, as I only find it useful in a mono-black storm combo deck or when you have Splendid Reclamation in your hand.

Second, I don't see Seedborn Muse getting a whole lot of value. Yes, you get to untap your stuff each turn, but not a lot of your stuff takes advantage of this ability. For example, the only nonland card in your deck that has a tap ability to take advantage of is Perpetual Timepiece . While I love Seedborn Muse , it doesn't have much of an opportunity to shine in this deck specifically.

Strands of Night is a fairly expensive reanimator spell. Remember, you have 40 life in commander, making a spell like Reanimate much more versatile and less risky.

Be very careful with cards like Rites of Spring because depending on your circumstances they can screw you over in the longrun. Yes, you have a fair amount of recursion in the deck, but what happens when you don't get it as soon as you'd like?

There are also simply better discard outlets than Wild Mongrel and Noose Constrictor . A perfect example is Key to the City , which gets you additional cards each turn and is pretty nice with those 5/3 tokens being produced.

Just something I've noticed too, your deck could use some tutors. I know these can get very pricey, but they will take your deck a long way.

Also, one of my favorite combos with any land-based deck is the Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage combo. However, in order for you to effectively implement it into the deck, you should add more land tutors. ( Sylvan Scrying , Ulvenwald Hydra , and Pir's Whim are my top suggestions!)

Hopefully this helps!

radio414 on Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant Combo (EDH)

6 years ago

You would think so, wouldn't you? In fact, both of those cards have seen play in this list even but a few revisions ago. Let me go through my deckbuilding philosophy a little bit (hopefully I'm not repeating myself from other comments too much!) and hopefully be able to explain why those cards got cut.

What is the biggest problem with Sasaya as a commander? Well, to be brutally honest, she's frequently prone to just, you know, not doing anything. Playing Sasaya in a non-competitive EDH setting (competitive has both the cheap interaction and the speed to make Sasaya a non-issue) is like a Shahrazad /Archenemy subgame, where three or so other players need to successfully both deal with you, the combo player, while also hamstringing each other just enough to go on to win afterwards (it's for this reason, I've found, that aggressive decks see their win rates rise massively in games where Sasaya is eliminated) This isn't helped by the deck's lack of interaction or the fact that almost every creature in the deck either sacrifices itself or is more optimal (perhaps even only playable!) during the combo turn. A single discard spell can set you back years as you struggle to find action or the necessary lands to turn on that action in the first place.

To that end, effects like Seek the Horizon look appealing, don't they? Three lands for one card? That's basically Harmonize right there. But the problem with that thinking, as appealing as it may be, is it kind of lives in this fear-ridden headspace that can actively hamper the deck. If there isn't a discard spell, a Seek the Horizon without Reliquary Tower in play generally stops being Harmonize and becomes a bad Sift , or sometimes even worse. But Reliquary Tower, despite how good that sounds, actually kills the deck's consistency for the simple reason of not being named Forest (or Snow-Covered Forest , as the case may be). Instead, I've moved towards grindier, instant-speed engines like Thaumatic Compass  Flip and Journeyer's Kite to make up the difference. Is it worse? Maybe, but again, only in scenarios that, while they do exist, are much less frequent than one might think, at least in my meta.

Rites of Spring has that same "Reliquary Tower" problem. For Rite to be good, you need nine cards in hand total: Rites, seven lands-to-be, and a payoff spell. And that's just not feasible, to be honest. In the scenarios that it is, the draw engines this deck has mean that it's very likely those "lands-to-be" are just "lands". And in those scenarios, Rites is just a dead card.

Turn Six has always been the goal for this deck. Three lands to cast Sasaya, and eighteen initial mana to go off with. The rest of the deck is built with that goal in mind. And hey, if your local meta has a lot of discard, then of course Seek the Horizon (and, similarly, Gaea's Blessing ) probably deserves a slot. If you think 53 lands is absurd and could easily be slimmed down, maybe with some more activated ability-based interaction, then Rites of Spring is probably a must-add. But this list has always been aiming for speed first, so they both got cut.



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