Merciless Eviction

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Merciless Eviction


Choose one —

  • Exile all artifacts.
  • Exile all creatures.
  • Exile all enchantments.
  • Exile all planeswalkers.

TheoryCrafter on Lifedrain Casual Commander

5 months ago

Since Extort is your main objective here, you may want to consider Pontiff of Blight. This will give all of your creatures Extort.

Considering your lack of board wipes I would definitely consider adding Merciless Eviction.

Protection spells including, but not limited to, Angelic Intervention, Faith's Shield and Sejiri Shelter  Flip have the advantage of protecting you from board wipes that damage rather than destroy, exile or reduce your creatures' toughness.

May I suggest Gerrard's Verdict? This could set your opponent back a little. Other discard cards I would suggest include, but not be limited to, Divest, Inquisition of Kozilek and Vicious Rumors.

My suggestion is to aim for cheaper control spells such as the protection and discard spells I mentioned(definitely keep Soul Tithe) and lean more into the Extort ability. Leave mana expensive spell slots only for board wipes. Then use cards such as Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose to cause more harm to your opponents.

Also, you can't go wrong with Graveyard hate. Cards such as Bojuka Bog and Lion Sash should be must adds.

Also, after doing all these changes if you find yourself with extra space, add in an Alternate Win Card for in case the game stalls . My Suggestions would be any combination of Angel of Destiny or Felidar Sovereign—both of which can feed into Pontiff of Blight.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

wallisface on Modern Vampire/lifelink

1 year ago

MotelWifi just to explain why these cards you've mentioned aren't particularly good choices:

  • Merciless Eviction costs a LOT of mana, but as you're a creature deck, isn't good at-all for removing creatures (as it also removes your own). As your opponent won't ever have more than one planeswalker in play (its rare to ever see two), so mana-wise it's much worse than just using Vindicate.

  • White Sun's Twilight again requires a LOT of mana to do anything. With 22 lands you can't rely on drawing more than 4 over the course of a game - which would mean only being able to cast this where X=2, making it do almost nothing. Generally any combos you try pulling-off need to have the vast majority of the cards costing very-low mana, so that you can assemble the pieces easily - requiring both Rhox Faithmender and Sanguine Bond is going to be using a lot of late-game turns, and will likely mean the game is over before you can combine these cards.

  • Sorin, Lord of Innistrad is a good card, but you're only running a single copy, so there is no chance at all of reliably playing it in any given game (if most games last until turn 5-6, which is common for modern, you're only seeing it once in every 5ish games).

If you're planning on building the deck around Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, then I think you want to go down the heavy-interaction route. Sorin has the ability to win the game on his own if given enough time, so you just want your deck to be packed with spells that kill-off your opponents board and waste time, so that Sorin can get as much time to gain incremental value. But also, if you're building a deck around a card, you really need 4-of that card in the deck.

MotelWifi on Modern Vampire/lifelink

1 year ago

wallisface So I would like to try and explain my thought process between these cards in the deck. I had Merciless Eviction as a destroy creature planes walker obviously burt as I was looking there are better options. White Sun's Twilight was in there because I was going to combo that with Rhox Faithmender and Sanguine Bond. The whole deck was pretty much just built on pulling the 1/1 from Sorin, Lord of Innistrad as small attacks for health and defense and then use the other three cards as the win condition. I hope that makes sense though I understand what youre saying with the whole better creatures and cheaper mana which yea Merciless Evictionis a pretty pricey card when there is better destroy creatures cards out there.

wallisface on Modern Vampire/lifelink

1 year ago

MotelWifi it’s hard to gauge without seeing what that list looks like - make the changes you’re thinking of and then I can give my thoughts :)

Some of the card choices currently in the deck seem odd - stuff like Merciless Eviction or White Sun's Twilight don’t really do anything for your deck - but as they’re higher-mana cards i’m assuming they’re going to be dropped anyway.

You’ll also note that most of the vampires i posted in my example list are providing a lot more power/pressure than the ones in your lists so far.

Doombeard1984 on Sliver death

1 year ago

Hi there,

Firstly a +1, as it is always good to have more added to the hive.

So had a quick look at your list and seems legit. Certainly seems like it is mostly based around a go wide synergy. Going on that, I would like to offer a bit of advice. Firstly, I think Merciless Eviction can be a really dead card. I would look to be using spot removal for exile such as Swords to Plowshares, and Path to Exile. I would be using modal boardwipes which you can rebuild from using Sliver Gravemother, and Merciless Eviction is a kinda non-bo. Maybe something like Austere Command would be better, and Toxic Deluge can still deal with those indestructable things.

I am also not a massive fan of Coat of Arms. Dont get me wrong, its a classic, but EVERYONE benefits from it. Something like a Shared Animosity may be better for you as you have so much evasion that toughness is less of a concern. I know its pricey, but maybe a Finale of Devastation could go search for your Sliver Legion and get to swinging with those big Slivery baddies. Can also use things like Natural Selection. Would also say that given the key words you can get just from your Slivers, Akroma's Memorial is a little redundant.

Anything to help keep your grip full is going to be good. Things like Rhystic Study, Mystic Remora and Guardian Project can give you pay-offs for you playing creatures, or taxing your opponents.

You could also replace a Wrath of God with a Blasphemous Act... is hilarious when you have a Spiteful Sliver out

If I can think of anything else I will drop some more on here, but hope it helps. If you would like to come and drop by my hive, you will be always welcome to come have a look around and leave me a message letting me know what you think :)

Sliver Overlord - Predatory Superorganisms

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