Merciless Eviction

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Merciless Eviction


Choose one —

  • Exile all artifacts.
  • Exile all creatures.
  • Exile all enchantments.
  • Exile all planeswalkers.

Sliverguy420 on How Can Mono-Colored Cards be …

4 days ago

wallisface: yes it's still a fair comparison. Merciless Eviction came 8 years after Final Judgment yet i don't see you making a stink about that. what OP was describing was difference in colors. someone ELSE tried to attribute it to powercreep. the comparison is not disingenous. now you're the one derailing the argument.

plakjekaas on How Can Mono-Colored Cards be …

1 week ago

The problem with printing cards that are rewards for monocolor decks, is that they're either just not good enough, like Slaying Fire or instant expensive staples, like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Because if the effect is good enough, the two-color decks will consider playing it too, think Cabal Coffers+Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. Monocolor decks make the sacrifice of devoting to that color, and accepting its weaknesses. The best way to combat those weaknesses, is to add a color. The payoff is the manabase consistency, and leveraging the strength of the color you picked. There's a few Caged Sun or Throne of Eldraine-type cards that possibly could slot in every monocolor deck. But the fun of building a monocolor deck (I'm talking commander here) is to deepen out your limited cardpool to get the job done in a way most multicolor decks won't expect because it uses cards you normally wouldn't see in multicolor decks.

To get back on topic, in the OPs examples, if the monocolored option for similar effect is actually better, it's probably printed more recently and therefor more powerful. That's the case with Psychic Strike vs Thought Collapse and for as similar as they are (differences were already pointed out) for Merciless Eviction and Farewell. Final Judgment in its turn is older than that, and therefor more limited in application than Merciless Eviction, which is the newer card out of the two.

Aurelia's Fury vs Rolling Thunder is a bad comparison. The silence- and tap effects make the card a lot more versatile. With Aurelia's Fury you could ping a player to stop them from comboing, tap down three blockers to swing in for lethal, where Rolling Thunder only offers straight up removal or burn to the face, which Fury can do as well. Still, Rolling Thunder was printed in 1997 where Aurelia's Fury was printed in 2015.

What OP's describing is powercreep, and it's not restricted by colors.

Bookrook on How Can Mono-Colored Cards be …

1 week ago

Just a side note-Farewell is not strictly better than Merciless Eviction as the latter can hit planeswalkers.

DemonDragonJ on How Can Mono-Colored Cards be …

1 week ago

Employees of WotC have said that multi-colored cards can be more powerful and/or more efficiently costed than are mono-colored cards with the same cost or similar effects (such as comparing Aurelia's Fury to Rolling Thunder or Merciless Eviction to Final Judgment), but I have noticed that there are certain mono-colored cards that are strictly better than are certain multi-colored cards (for example, compare Thought Collapse to Psychic Strike or Farewell to Merciless Eviction), so I wonder how WotC can justify that, as that seems to contradict their previously-stated opinion on the matter.

What does everyone else say, about this? Why are some mono-colored cards more powerful than are multi-colored cards that are very similar? I certainly am very interested to hear your thoughts on this subject.

TheoryCrafter on Lifedrain Casual Commander

6 months ago

Since Extort is your main objective here, you may want to consider Pontiff of Blight. This will give all of your creatures Extort.

Considering your lack of board wipes I would definitely consider adding Merciless Eviction.

Protection spells including, but not limited to, Angelic Intervention, Faith's Shield and Sejiri Shelter  Flip have the advantage of protecting you from board wipes that damage rather than destroy, exile or reduce your creatures' toughness.

May I suggest Gerrard's Verdict? This could set your opponent back a little. Other discard cards I would suggest include, but not be limited to, Divest, Inquisition of Kozilek and Vicious Rumors.

My suggestion is to aim for cheaper control spells such as the protection and discard spells I mentioned(definitely keep Soul Tithe) and lean more into the Extort ability. Leave mana expensive spell slots only for board wipes. Then use cards such as Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose to cause more harm to your opponents.

Also, you can't go wrong with Graveyard hate. Cards such as Bojuka Bog and Lion Sash should be must adds.

Also, after doing all these changes if you find yourself with extra space, add in an Alternate Win Card for in case the game stalls . My Suggestions would be any combination of Angel of Destiny or Felidar Sovereign—both of which can feed into Pontiff of Blight.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

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