Perilous Vault

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Perilous Vault


, , Exile Perilous Vault: Exile all nonland permanents.

capwner on Your Sass Is Grass! ((EDH PRIMER // Sasaya Combo))

6 months ago

Profet93 thanks for the comment and the +!! Yes I had seen Rude Awakening, it definitely does the stuff the deck is trying to do. However I think we only need one untapper 'spell' and I think Early Harvest is a little bit better. Definitely think the card could have a place in a more creature oriented build with Overwhelming Stampede type effects. I agree a little more redundancy on wincons could be good, my first choice would probably be Hurricane.

Beast Within is one of my all time favorite cards, love this freaking card. I also like Song of the Dryads for spot removal. These are in some of my other green decks for sure. This list is so tight that again I think we need to run the absolute best removal cards possible in the available slots, which IMO is Oblivion Stone, Perilous Vault, and Bane of Progress. And maaaaaaaybe World Breaker because the cast trigger gets around some stuff like Humility, but our artifact wipe kills that too. I also had Reclamation Sage for a while. I think removal on a creature is always better here because then we can toolbox for it.

Castle Garenbrig is an interesting one I hadn't really thought of. Kind of a backup plan if we're not able to get Sasaya online? I had Nyxbloom Ancient in the deck to serve a similar purpose but ended up cutting it because it died so easily and we were usually just dead anyways. Garenbrig is more resilient but less powerful. My initial thought is that it wouldn't be useful outside of some really niche situations so maybe would not be worth cutting another basic.

Thanks for checking out the deck and for the suggestions!! Definitely hit me with more if you think of any, or if you have any specific decks you think I should check out. I'm just getting back on tappedout after a pretty long hiatus so the amount of cool decks is kind of overwhelming. I always like seeing underrepresented commanders that can do something unique / have unique building criteria, especially mono colored, so please feel free to send me any lists like this or post them here :)

Profet93 on Altered Landscape (most fun EDH deck.. ever)

1 year ago

Perilous Vault - Oblivion stone redundancy. Could take up a fight card slot

Tarnoduds on AD&D - Artifacts, Dwarves and Dragons

3 years ago

KevinB Hey man! Thanks for coming and giving some insights! So, first of all, I must say I have thought about almost every card you've recommended (althought I didn't consider Conqueror's Galleon  Flip and Trading Post ).

Here comes the long post:

For the dwarves, I have all those "useless" 1 CMC dudes just to make sure I can start generating treasures as fast as possible (Still hoping the D&D set will bring a few more red dwarves for that) and right now, I dont think I can take away any of those for the 2 CMC you've mentioned. On other hand, the flex spot I have available would be the 7x spots for the Seven Dwarves , and I cant take out just 1 or 2... Either I play with 7 of'em or with none, right? So basically these dudes dont make the cut simply because they have the wrong CMC or a worst abillity from what I have right now, but if we get 4-5 decent dwarves on 1 and 2 CMC on the near future, I can see myself switching the seven dwarves for those guys.

As for Brass Herald , I think Obelisk of Urd does a better job being a possible combat trick (if I pull it with Magda's abillity after attacking the +2/+2 could make a difference), as well as being a little harder to remove, not being a creature. Considering all the other anthem effects I have available, they all seem to give me a better deal than a 6 mana 2/2 that maybe draws cards. But who knows, there're a few golems in this deck, and Coat of Arms could make it interesting should I start using more golems in the future.

The thing with Nevinyrral's Disk and Perilous Vault is that both of'em ALSO removes my own artifacts with the removal. Normally, what I'm sensing is that if I have my board cleared or even if I find myself needing to clear the board, if I still have my artifacts on board (things like The Immortal Sun or Caged Sun ), there's still a chance to come back to the game. But sure, a board wipe that can be instantly tutored could prove to be useful. Maybe I'll test switching a disk for Star of Extinction , although maybe the vault could be better.

Lastly, Conqueror's Galleon  Flip and Trading Post are quite interesting suggestions. I can see myself switching the galleon for Solemn Simulacrum (not exactly good news for Brass Herald 's case, lol) since it also ramps and draws, as well as being a tap-enabler for my dwarves (the high crew cost sucks a little bit, though). But I'm Not sure what to take away for the post... It's value, for sure, but I'm not sure if it's more eficient than what I have right now in this deck (mana cost and resource-wise). What do you think on this matter?

MrKillStar on Angels Brought The Apocalypse

3 years ago

I really like Angel themed decks, but the only problem is, most angels are just super expensive and looking at your deck list, there is just no ramp, except very few cards... Im just gonna type some cards, maybe you'll like some, most likely not all of them, just so you have some larger pool of cards to choose from. :)

Myriad Landscape/Burnished Hart is alright; Land Tax is just auto-include in most decks; Caged Sun is also good, but you need to ramp into it somehow; Sword of the Animist is ok, but you need to swing with a creature and there are no Haste enablers (not even Lightning Greaves.

First of all, I would cut exile board wipes, since it just hurts mono-white without ramp the most (Play of the Game and Perilous Vault). You could hold priority and cast Teferi's Protection, but.. dont really know about that... :D

Sunscour should have really good place in mono-white deck.
Endless Horizons - is something like budget of Land Tax, but can also help to thin your deck after you get enough mana on board.
Planar Bridge,Planar Portal,Thran Temporal Gateway,Belbe's Portal,Cryptic Gateway - to either search for anything or put big stuff directly on board. Urza's Incubator should be there to reduce mana cost of your big angels.

worldslayer -> protect your creatures and artifacts: Show

Card draw in white isnt the best, so using artifacts is really helpful, both for ramp and card draw: Show

Some mana rocks for sure: Show

Some ramp with white creatures and spells: Show

RNR_Gaming on "Bring Me The Door To Nothingness" -Ramos

3 years ago

To indicate what your commander is put CMDR in "*"s on each side - it'll better enable the community give you suggestions and help you out. With this type of strategy you're going to want some recursion. Academy Ruins and Buried Ruin both offer this. Whir of Invention would fit really well in this deck; maybe also consider Oblivion Stone and Perilous Vault as outs to hyper aggressive decks. some more additional tutors like Demonic Tutor, Imperial Seal, and Vampiric Tutor will bolster your consistency but sort of break the bank too. Lastly, Smothering Tithe can help you out with that huge color requirement.

TriusMalarky on Force of negation/rage

4 years ago

Been thinking about this sort of strategy for a while. Here's what I've come up with:

First, Eternal Scourge. You'll want 12 copies of "cast from exile" creatures.

Second, Serum Powder. You effectively get Companion pre-nerf, but the creatures are slightly worse with the upside the you might start with 9, 10 or even 11 cards in hand. Might be worth mulliganing once or twice to try and get in some matchups.

Third, early game engines are key. While you probably could use Serum Visions, I really recommend that you use Relic of Progenitus and Pyxis of Pandemonium as turn one plays. Relic is good to control other people's GY, and Pyxis will effectively draw you a card every few turns.

Fourth, consider creature cost reduction effects. Marauding Raptor, is probably the best here, but any way to shave a mana or two off the cost is great. This is because your engine is likely based on having effectively immortal creatures while screwing with your opponent using GY hate and exile-based removal.

Fifth, you should be slpashing white. Your deck should be , because Rest in Peace, Path to Exile are great here. You might consider Perilous Vault as a sort of stored wrath effect. Declaration in Stone is actually solid here, as you can exile a couple of your Scourges and get Clues, effectively being a weird 2 mana Paradoxical Outcome. Of course, don't run too many mediocre removal spells. It doesn't help.

Other random tech that might be interesting:

  • Induced Amnesia, while only good when you have a lot of your creatures in hand, can act as a weird Divination.

  • Detention Sphere is fun with Pyxis. If you ever plan on cracking Pyxis for value, you should have Spheres. Of course, you probably don't want to crack Pyxis anyways because your opponent will get all the real value.

  • Some processor effects, like Processor Assault might be valuable here Especially if you have RIP out.

All in all, it's a weird gimmick that has the ability to randomly beat Dredge while generating value in the form of 'you never gonna get rid of my creatures'. If you get enough cost reduction, you can be playing all of your creatures for only , , or or in the case of Scourge. Remember the cost reduction.

Also, Simian Spirit Guide for the theme. And it also helps you power out some of your cost reductions and engine pieces, so it's good. And yes, FoNe is best here. FoRa? Meh, it's like a bad removal spell, which is okay, but not the greatest.

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