Riptide Shapeshifter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Riptide Shapeshifter

Creature — Shapeshifter

(2)(Blue)(Blue), Sacrifice Riptide Shapeshifter: Choose a creature type. Reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a creature card of that type. Put that card into play and shuffle the rest into your library.

Orsett on Xyris, the Writhing Storm

4 years ago

So, nearly a week since I last updated. I feel like enough of the substitutions have aggregated to warrant a new commentary.

First up, more Haste providers. Ogre Battledriver and In the Web of War now join the ranks of the already present Temur Ascendancy and Cavalier of Flame. Upping the chances of Haste feels like the right call to help close out games. After playing even just one Windfall-like card, you'll suddenly have up to 21 new snake friends to play with and Haste makes them immediately viable beyond ETB and Sacrifice effects. Whether it be for the swing or making mad Mana with Cryptolith Rite, it'll be sure to make an impression (especially if you keep your Haste a secret until the turn of).

Next a few odds and ends. Following my own advice, I ended up dropping Expropriate and Tooth and Nail, alongside others whose names are already forgotten. In exchange, a couple of new faces: Ohran Frostfang, Teferi's Puzzle Box, Steely Resolve, and Riptide Shapeshifter. Plus Sylvan Library for funsies, since I remembered that I already own a copy!

You could say that the Riptide Shapeshifter is my budget option replacing Tooth and Nail. On the plus side, I like that you can activate its ability at any time, which can make for a neat Combat Trick if you choose "Beast". "God" is also a good choice, as Purphoros, God of the Forge and The Locust God both really hum in this deck.

Thanks for reading this far, by the way! There hasn't been much outside interaction to date (it feels like I'm talking to the wind). But maybe I'm wrong, since there's no way of knowing how many folks take the time to navigate my admittedly chonky stream of consciousness.

ShreddedByCrows on Surrakar tribal challenge

5 years ago

Cool concept, even if it's pretty hard to match. A bit of an easy take on your theme, but why don't you play some Shapeshifters as a way to have more Surrakar? Tribal cards also could help.

As Surrakars' living places are mostly wild forests and underground rivers, there's a lot to do with that without having to back up only on the Zendikar's expansions.

1.) River cards:

  • River of Tears not the best land you could find, but fits in there

  • Underground River certainly an essential

  • Bad River cheap fetchland fitting the theme

  • Rushing River great removal, really underplayed, fits the theme / you can try something revolving around self land destruction if you decide to give it a try (Crop Rotation, Crucible of Worlds, Wasteland, etc.)

  • River Kelpie interesting creature, which design feels otherworldly and weird, according to the Surrakars /n needs a graveyard gameplan to be effective, and that will seem fine (obvious synergy is [card:Cauldron of Souls] and it's a playable card in there) / pretty good interactions with Yarok / card draw

  • Carpet of Flowers staple in lots of decks for mana production, depends on your playgroup though

  • Dire Undercurrents excellent synergies with Yarok, enabling your creatures without etb-abilities to be more effective / card draw, card advantage

  • Undermine weird counterspell, not really that good, not bad either / illustration matches with the theme

2.) Cave cards:

3.) Cloning your Surrakars cards:

  • Mirror of the Forebears not the most flavourful one, but gives you a cheap way to get more Surrakars so it deserves being at least mentioned

  • Fated Infatuation same comment as for the Mirror, with the advantage of the more abstract card name / waterpoint in the illustration

  • Mimic Vat classic card, not the most flavourful

  • Wall of Stolen Identity more of a Ravnica-themed card, but worth mentioning

  • Phantasmal Image if you can alter a bit the card's image, it could be some Surrakar there / otherwise, it's a good card, and the illustration is strange enough to not injure your theme-deck-style imo

  • Metamorphic Alteration also a nice one

  • Mirror Image not as good as the others, still a wildish illustration style according well with Surrakars

  • Unstable Shapeshifter funny card, a quality+ illustration

  • Bramble Sovereign Surrakars also living in the Guum Wilds/Tangled Vale, this one feels really good / has some interactions with Yarok

  • Rite of Replication Zendikar-themed, water-themed, excellent card, good interactions with Yarok

  • Supplant Form let's just assume for a while that this is Surrakar's magic lel

  • Dual Nature yeh it is slow, but it is strong / interactions with Yarok

4.) Tribal outlet:

5.) Yarok outlet

6.) Other cards

I hope you'll find something helpful amongst those suggestions, keep on brewing and thanks for sharing it!

king-saproling on Hanna, Weaponized Card Draw

5 years ago

I think you would love Lunar Force . Riptide Shapeshifter can be used to fish out Psychosis Crawler. Drift of Phantasms transmutes for Induced Amnesia, Fabricate, etc. Other cards you might consider trying out include Starfield of Nyx , Sun Titan , Open the Vaults , The Mirari Conjecture , Skycloud Egg , Chromatic Sphere , Faith's Reward , Second Sunrise , Salvaging Station , Origin Spellbomb , Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar (keeps you from losing if you draw your deck, and helps fish for combo pieces), Psychic Possession

foxboy93 on Ultimate Tribal Lords

5 years ago


Due to the legend rule, you do not have a chance to gain priority before you have to sacrifice the new one, meaning you cannot draw your deck, bounce everything ect. You'd have to have a Mirror Gallery type effect.

A fun consideration, could be Riptide Shapeshifter . At its worst, it might get you something you need. At its best? Name "giant" to get your Galecaster Colossus . Or name Slivers to cheat it directly into play for either flying or unblockable. Hell, you wanna get "real" cute, name "Pirate" and get Timestream Navigator . At its worst, it is a Wizard that gets you Wizard activations. At its best? You get an extra turn once in a while.

I feel like you made the right call, in focusing more so on "Wizards" and "Merfolks", cause I had that issue of "here are all of the lords...what do I focus on" type of things. I do feel like Mind Over Matter is really only there for the combo potential and nothing else. Perhaps a Paradox Engine would be more "value", since you can chain into other spells or have it be a "cheaper" Mind Over Matter, since with Azami out, cast a spell, tap to draw more and have more mana, rinse and repeat. Another change I'd consider, is to remove the Slivers and go with Archetype of Imagination and Deepchannel Mentor I can see WHY you include Slivers (make them all Slivers with the Hivestone, then make the team unblockable). The only issue I see, is basically its a 2 card combo for evasion. Yes its cheaper to cast those two spells than it is to cast the ones I mentioned, but it also means not having to worry about getting your Slivers or tutoring for them, and it means that you can be closer with your two tribes. Another fun card I want to see, is Dragon's Hoard . Cast your commander or any of the changelings to give yourself another small form of card draw. Merrow Commerce might also be nice, letting you attack in and then untapping the team. Not to mention Arcane Adaptation naming Merfolk untaps your entire team at EOT. Other combos is the Sage of Fables/Metallic Mimic with Glen Elendra Archmage . Not only is it another counter effect, but with something like a sac outlet you can ensure you get infinite death triggers (Phyrexian/Ashnod's Altar, Altar of Dementia ect are all good examples).

I do have to ask; How is Unesh in the deck? Without allot of changelings and not allot of static changes to creature types, similar to Arcane Adaptation, it means that you might get two? Maybe three triggers from it? I am also curious what you USUALLY name with Arcane Adaptation. Do you cane Wizards for the "flexibility" of the "tap an untapped wizard:" type of effects? Or more so the Merfolk for more pumps and evasion?

Raitis on Mairsil v6

5 years ago

Damn, that is some next level tutoring. So basically you use Riptide Shapeshifter to get to one of your main combos. Also, Norin the Wary + Lazav, the Multifarious is pretty sweet combo, I would never thought of it myself :D. Great job finding all these combos.

Raitis on Mairsil v6

5 years ago


I have a question about the Riptide Shapeshifter combo. So you cage Riptide Shapeshifter and name vampire, mill till you hit Bloodline Necromancer , get back Mairsil, the Pretender and cage something, then name demon and mill till Razaketh, the Foulblooded (if not already in the graveyard) and sac Bloodline Necromancer for a reanimation spell and get back Bloodline Necromancer . 4 mana is required every time to activate Riptide Shapeshifter and to get to the end it is like 10 mana. Also, what is the combo with ''Raza+Vamp+Riptide''? It work with infinite mana, I guess. Also, do you have any experience against graveyard hate? How do you not get completely destroyed by it, if any hit the field? Thanks for the answers and just a side note- you most likely have the best/most interesting Mairsil deck on this website.

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