Archetype of Imagination

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Archetype of Imagination

Enchantment Creature — Human Wizard

Creatures you control have flying.

Creatures your opponents control lose flying and can't have or gain flying.

griffstick on Unblockable artifact creature

7 months ago

Akroma's Memorial is basically unblockable.

Sun Quan, Lord of Wu is basically unblockable.

Keeper of Keys, if you're the monarch, unblockable.

Archetype of Imagination is definitely unblockable

Ghool on Kira the Thief

11 months ago

Sceptre of Eternal Glory is nice, use it in two other decks. Throne of Eldraine pretty good too speaking of mana and draw.

Mind Stone I run in pretty much every other deck, great card and most likely getting added.

There's a few high cost cards I'm not getting enough out of such as Archetype of Imagination and Stormtide Leviathan for example that will most likely be removed. The aforementioned Shadowspear has been weak since hexproof has not really been an issue. Don't need both Bident of Thassa and Coastal Piracy so one could be replaced.

Added Capsize and Jace, Ingenious Mind-Mage a few days ago. I believe they'll be nice additions.

Come December I hope to be updating this thing and it already plays quite well right now. If you have any ideas for cards that might work well besides ramp please list them. I was looking at cards like Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant, but the mana cost seven is higher than I want (been working on reducing the mana cost of my decks). Things that steal or drastically slow down opponents are great.

Kcin on Skeleton Ship EDH

1 year ago

Also since you have Stormtide as an option, Archetype of Imagination for a synergistic soft-lock with you being the only one who can attack.

Headers13 on Cultivating Enchantments

1 year ago

Don't mind a little ideas sharing at all!

Sythis, Harvest's Hand loses the splash of blue that I like having the option for in the deck but I could see the appeal to it being a low to the ground commander that you can get the benefit from earlier on.

I think Tuv would be good if you could weave in the flash like you say but my decks are often born out of the casual kitchen table 1 vs 1 games I normally play, hence not considering it before as I wouldn't have more than 1 trigger off-turn and why I've gone for Kes in preference.

Control magic is in an interesting way to take it but I've got another deck which explores this theme (I Sphinx You'll Find That's Mine), which is probably why I avoided this in this deck to keep the decks thematically different.

Archetype of Imagination and Bow of Nylea fell out of this build a while ago when I threw in more 'has protection from' auras as they guarantee swinging through which fit better with the volton-ish archetype this deck eventually evolved into.

I definitely like the look of Umbra Mystic (which for some reason I've not come across before) as that really fits with protecting whatever creature(s) I've thrown all the enchantments on.

Hopefully this covers the thought process behind some of the decision made so far for the deck.

Darsul on Cultivating Enchantments

1 year ago

I see where your coming from in a vacuum but, in reality you can still draw get just as many triggers off Tuv as with Kes. Note: Tuv triggers once a turn NOT, once on your turn so, as long as you play your enchantments at flash speed on your opponents try you will trigger her draw. Yes that's a little more build around but, still you can get multi. triggers. I know back when this precon came out I always tried to shoehorn Kes over Tuv and when i look ya your deck I feel your trying to do the same. In short getting more draw triggers is a reason but, not the best reason to play Kes over the other option, Sythis, Harvest's Hand would be the best for the enchantress draw commander.

What I feel really makes Kestia, the Cultivator stand out over her peers is she rewards you for playing wide. The real trick is finding that balance. B4 this last eldrain set came out Control Magic and cards like it were all stars with her, stealing you opponents dudes swinging with them and your get to draw a card.. ah yes please but, stealing your opponents stuff always has 2 major down falls one, they need play dude worth stealing and when they are out of the game so to goes their card. Now how ever we have cards like Gylwain, Casting Director, Spellbook Vendor and Ellivere of the Wild Court(yes i see her in your list). They mean less auras we need to shove in the deck to help trigger kes but, building on that we can run Umbra Mystic (she didnt play well with heavy control magic list). Note you need to attack to get the trigger so, we need ways to attack profitably to that end Archetype of Imagination feels like a must (it really read "my team is unblock able muh ah ah ahahah"), Bow of Nylea can help too. Most of my auras in my list are all make the creature unblocked variety.

Let me know if Im crazy and ill stop but, if you want more thoughts from me ill write more but, for now i feel like im imposing so ill leave you with this. Not saying im doing it right but, my list for Kes has me at about 34 Creature 15 enchantments 36 lands and 14 other cards where your trying to split 50/50 enchantments to creatures when, kes needs you to go wide and turn your team sideways. Tuv or Sythis want more of the 50/50.


Abaques on Aquaman, Lord of the Fishies

1 year ago

If you're looking for a way to finish the game in good'ol battlecruiser style, I'd consider Archetype of Imagination to make your team of giant sea monsters unblockable.

You've got some big boys so you might actually benefit quite a bit from playing at flash speed so your opponents aren't able to react to what you're doing as well. Leyline of Anticipation might be worth a spot and you should absolutely try to find a spot for Alchemist's Refuge

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