Psychic Possession

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Psychic Possession

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant opponent

Skip your draw step.

Whenever enchanted opponent draws a card, you may draw a card.

Rhadamanthus on Can I deck someone with …

1 year ago

This won't work due to the "opponent" issue you noted. The "Enchant N" ability of an aura defines what it can be legally attached to, and the text of a card is always speaking to its current controller. If an opponent gains control of the Psychic Possession currently attached to them then it's no longer attached to a legal object/player. It will unattach and go to the graveyard.

Max_Hammer on Can I deck someone with …

1 year ago

Zedruu the Greathearted says I can give someone a little gift. If I give them a copy of an underplayed group hug card, Psychic Possession, while attached to them, do they draw themselves out?

Because they'd draw a card, which triggers a card draw, which triggers a card draw, which... Continue ad nauseam until dead.

That said, it says "opponent," so does that prevent it from working, seeing as they are not their own opponent?

Tic12 on One Hundred and One Counters

1 year ago

Hi soul_knightmare, Thanks for your comment :) While looking through my deck, i saw, i already added Yavimaya Coast^^

Bred for the Hunt and Guardian Project are already on my wants-list, Mystic Remora is a nice tipp, i'm still not sure, i like the card that much. But i will give it a try. Same for Fact or Fiction.

Psychic Possession seems very expensive with cmc 4. On my list is Cold-Eyed Selkie, which i want to try out soon.

Lands are a generell problem, cause i also have a Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm and a Go-Shintai of Life's Origin deck, which also need green-blue-Lands. But i put your suggestions into my list, it's always work in progress.

soul_knightmare on One Hundred and One Counters

1 year ago

I feel like some of the inconsistency described could be you are lacking on card draw. Coiling Oracle is more ramp, otherwise it just cantrips and Towashi Guide-Bot is very expensive to get out at four mana and too conditional for a single card draw per table go round.

I would cut those and include Bred for the Hunt, Guardian Project, Mystic Remora, Fact or Fiction, or Psychic Possession.

Your Mana is also a little slow. I would cut the tapped lands and include still budget friendly fast lands like Hinterland Harbor, Yavimaya Coast, Vineglimmer Snarl, and Exotic Orchard.

SufferFromEDHD on Damia, ProsBloom Sage - Combo Sandbox EDH

2 years ago

I started playing during the era of ProsBloom and RecSur... very fond of building EDH decks in these old strategies. Running some of my favorite enchantments in the game. A few suggestions:

Urza's Saga you run good mana rocks.

Elfhame Sanctuary fits well under Damia. Might be worth a sorcery ramp spell slot.

Holistic Wisdom already heavy with exile why not double up on the Regrowth effects.

Snapcaster Mage you are running the best instants/sorcery.

Psychic Possession similar to Elfhame Sanctuary but actually resolves Damias drawback.

Homunculus1203 on Untap Bunny

2 years ago

I have Mind Over Matter in another deck of mine, it might be too strong for what i want with Kwain.

Illusionist's Bracers is a maybe the price is a little high for a card I don't already have.

I like Psychic Possession I have to test if it needs more card draw.

Chakram Retriever I'm not a fan the mana cost is to high at 5 I think.

Smothering Tithe too expensive.

Solitary Confinement is a nice addition might be better the Ghostly Prison.

I think Merfolk Looter or Thought Courier is better then Archivist, they go though your deck at the same speed but for half the mana cost.

king-saproling on Untap Bunny

2 years ago

Cool deck. Thoughts on these?

Mind Over Matter - expensive card but combos with Kwain

Illusionist's Bracers - equip to something like Aphetto Alchemist to combo off

Psychic Possession - essentially another copy of Teferi's Ageless Insight

Chakram Retriever - alongside Kwain, adds "everyone draw 1" to all your spells

Smothering Tithe - another pricey one, but great with Kwain

Solitary Confinement - makes you unkillable


lemerac on None

3 years ago

If there is a Psychic Possession on the battlefield, and one player casts Wheel of Fortune, how many cards does the owner of Psychic Possession draw? Will the owner of Psychic Possession put 7 triggers on the stack, netting the owner of Psychic Possession 14 cards if all of the triggers + the wheel resolves ?

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