Enraged Giant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Enraged Giant

Creature — Giant

Improvise (Your artifacts can help cast this spell. Each artifact you tap after you're done activating mana abilities past for .)

Trample, Haste

Max_Hammer on Mardu Treasures

1 year ago

Hello friend! I have some suggestions! I had way too much time today, so here you go.

Relatively cheap, potent, and just perfect upgrades.

This bit is, of course, focused on making as many treasures as your board can bear.

Great, now you have all of these treasures, now what are you going to do with them?

  • Frogmite, Lens Flare, Scale of Chiss-Goria, Tooth of Chiss-Goria, Mycosynth Golem, Slag Strider, Furnace Dragon, and Myr Enforcer are all notable cards you could add, since they pretty much become free after a while, though mostly pretty useless.

  • Forsworn Paladin is pretty good token generation early game, but really shines with the second ability where it can instantly punish anyone blocking or attacking you recklessly.

  • Marionette Master is going to pack a punch.

  • Dargo, the Shipwrecker is super cheap for a 7/5 with trample.

  • Enraged Giant, Freejam Regent, Battle at the Bridge, Saheeli's Directive, Herald of Anguish, and Organic Extinction are all pretty solid additions, since they don’t make you sacrifice anything in exchange for it.

  • Ruthless Technomancer has a million combos with (like Dockside Extortionist+sac outlet) and is just pretty good on its own.

  • Leonin Elder is just one life, but when you’re playing a treasure deck, that one life will definitely add up.

  • Underhanded Designs is a murder or a poke engine, which is very snazzy.

  • Glaze Fiend is pretty scary, considering that it has trample.

  • Dragonspark Reactor could be a bit of removal in your back pocket or your wincon.

  • Arcbound Crusher’s design team didn’t anticipate just how many artifacts I was planning on throwing onto the field.

  • Professional Face-Breaker is just like Grim Hireling, in that it makes treasure tokens, but more importantly, it gives you something else. You get a load of impulse draw, which is really nice when you have loads of mana.

  • Magda, Brazen Outlaw is just an artifact tutor, really. Though, there are plenty of treasure loving dragons you could also fish for. (:

  • Kalain, Reclusive Painter loves treasures, giving everyone big buffs.

  • Swashbuckler Extraordinaire can give anything that might be sensitive to dying double strike for a big final push. That, or just give one big boy double strike.

  • Their Number is Legion gets you lots of life and lots of tokens.

  • Necron Overlord is just a worse Ghirapur, but it’s still gonna hurt.

  • Street Urchin is the same idea as the above.

  • Armix, Filigree Thrasher could be some annoying removal, especially early game.

  • Hellkite Igniter is a big boy that, if left unblocked, could be a one hit kill.

  • Feedback Bolt is a big, powerful spell. To put it simply: ouch.

  • Fain, the Broker can make treasures, can make +1/+1’s, and can make little spooky boys. The best type of boys. Great utility and variety overall.

  • Rain of Riches is big. One cascading spell a turn, whichever one you want? Imagine dropping Feedback Bolt and cascading into Hellkite Igniter.

  • Captain Lannery Storm is innocent… Until you leave her unblocked like a dummy.

  • Concussive Bolt can be an easy kill, letting you get as much damage as you want through.

  • Dispense Justice is just like saying “Fuck your voltron.”

  • It seems you also like having and sacrificing constructs, so here’s a bit to let you do more of that, if you’d prefer to have a construct deck over a treasure token deck.

    • Shared Animosity will give constructs a boost, but there really isn’t a specific theme across creature types aside from that, and your constructs are better used for chump blocking or just turning them into scrap. Ignore this if you’re going for more of a construct tribal sort of thing.

    • Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip is a good card, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s really necessary.

    • Rakdos Charm could be replaced with something better as far as artifact removal or graveyard hate. Nihil Spellbomb would be good graveyard hate and Generous Gift is just a good white staple.

    • Comet Storm is fun, but Crackle with Power is more fun.

    Optimator on Giant's Deck

    3 years ago

    Some of the newer Common giants are a lot better than the older ones in your list, so if you feel like dropping the $0.25 on them, here they are:

    Shatterskull Charger is decent. Might not be a bad idea to have some lower-CMC giants in the mix so you don't get run over early.

    Cragganwick Cremator is certainly a card that exists. Not great, but better than some of the commons in your current list. Probably not worth running but it's not garbage.

    Bulwark Giant is tolerable.

    Crystalline Giant can become a huge threat. Worth considering, actually!

    Council Guardian is cute

    Rumbling Sentry is meh

    Wayward Giant is almost cost-effective

    Ravenous Giant is Juzam Djinn. Might be worth running for the lolz.

    Enraged Giant is playable. We can do better I bet.

    Fleshpulper Giant is probably playable

    5dollarMTG on $5 Cheerio Improv

    4 years ago

    Thanks cerobins5. I think my average is close to 4 cards down on the first turn. And it's not unusual to be swinging for lethal on turn 4 - you just need to get out Enraged Giant on turns 2 and 3.

    5dollarMTG on $5 Pioneer Improv

    4 years ago

    Thanks AxNoodle! With four more cheerios and a heavy does of scry, I've found that you can easily drop the land count to 14. The result is that you almost always have a Sweatworks Brawler on turn 1, an Enraged Giant on turn 2, or a Barricade Breaker on turn 3 (and sometimes you get all three down in a row). The only thing you need a second mountain for is Freejam Regent, and that's not too hard to come by with 7 sources for scry and 4 for card draw. I'm enjoying this deck so much I think I'll post a modern version as well. Thanks again!

    5dollarMTG on $5 Pioneer Improv

    4 years ago

    Thanks AxNoodle. If you draw the perfect hand - one mountain, an Enraged Giant and five zero-cost artifacts - you can swing for 4 before your opponent has even had a turn.

    euananddalesaccount on Manaless-ish titan

    6 years ago

    seems interesting enough. May I suggest you change the name, because, not to be that guy, but you need mana to cast your Enraged Giants

    Jelly-On-Toast on gaveleer

    6 years ago

    I would suggest Cathar's Shield for Obsidian Battle-Axe. Its a lower casting cost and while it doesn't provide any attack, if you're equipping it to Galvaneer he pumps up himself. I don't know if its just me, but having some Spellskite side board would probably help also. maybe 2-3 instead of Vault Skirge and Enraged Giant. While those two are fine cards all-an-all Spellskite could potentially be the one to save you from paths and other killspells at your main win cons. Hope I helped.

    flightyfighty on artifactual

    7 years ago

    I have removed Enraged Giant, Reduce / Rubble, Wind Drake, Thriving Turtle Desert Cerodon Tricks of the Trade, Implement of Combustion, Lathnu Sailback if you think any of these should be put back in feel free to comment

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