Fen Hauler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fen Hauler

Creature — Insect

Improvise (Your artifacts can help cast this spell. Each artifact you tap after you're done activating mana abilities pays for .)

Fen Hauler can't be blocked by artifact creatures.

sergiodelrio on American Pickers

3 years ago

Only Frogmite and Myr Enforcer would be legal in your colors. The next best thing to affinity is improvise.

Foundry Assembler

Sweatworks Brawler

Fen Hauler

are the possible options in your colors

Dete on Hell Fire & Brimstone

5 years ago

apart from Demon of Wailing Agonies and Vault of Whispers this deck could be modern legal.

you got to many high costed cards that do nothing, don't have synergy or are straight up trash.

you dont have to read all of this... its a lot. eg: Fen Hauler (you have almost no artifacts) and you could replace it for Gurmag Angler , Steel Wall , Prakhata Club Security , Prizefighter Construct can be chump blocked and dies to anything, Pitiless Vizier how do you discard or cicle cards?, Sengir Vampire high cmc, Phage the Untouchable the same but its actually a neat card that you could make some jank deck (thanks for the idea), Nightmare trash, Night Market Guard trash too, Extractor Demon to high costed unless you have a way to trow it on the gy, Dread Defiler the same and does nothing really, Bloodhunter Bat trash, Demon of Wailing Agonies you dont have a commander, Haunted Plate Mail to high costed and you got too many creatures to even use it, Staff of the Death Magus not usefull, Cinder Barrens and Forsaken Sanctuary whats the point??.

uff dude, from what im looking its a deck you made from with the cards you had lying around, so you want to first have an idea of the game plan you wanna go to, a discard base control or aggro or reanimator and so on. or see what card you would want to work with and make the deck around it, when you do i can help you build the deck. just make a comment or hit me up idk.

TrolledToDeath on Black is Best

6 years ago

You have a couple of cards that aren't standard format legal Vampire Envoy and Unnatural Endurance. So the direction to take changes a lot depending on what format you want to play - standard vs. casual with friends vs. a different store or home format like: Modern, EDH(also called Commander), Brawl, Two Headed Giant, Vintage, Legacy, or Pauper.

https://whatsinstandard.com/ is a good way to reference what sets of magic are currently considered "standard".

Another example is that you only have 5 artifacts in total so cards like Embraal Bruiser or Dhund Operative or Fen Hauler aren't going to be as effective. Making their copies easy removes (unless you want to 4x of each of your artifacts and then 4x these cards building a more artifact oriented deck! Decisions decisions).

Things like Cartouche of Ambition and Trial of Ambition have fantastic synergy with each other and your planeswalker so if you'd like to run them (and be able to see them consistently between games) then you'd go with 4x of each and cut some other stuff.

For general knowledge:

One of the best principles of deck building is keeping your card limit to the minimum (60 in standard/modern) and having 4 copies of each card (There's always exceptions though) - streamlining the chance to draw the specific cards you want, each game you play. Much greater chance of drawing a 4/60 than a 1/60 (which is why Liliana's Influence almost counts as having 4 Liliana, Death Wielder)

Scryfall(Better than WotC's Gatherer) and EDHREC will be your best friends searching for cards to make decks with; EDHREC is for the EDH format where it's 100 cards no more or less with no duplicate cards and a "commander" but you can look there for cards within colours, themes, and strategies like -1/-1 counters: (https://edhrec.com/themes/m1-m1-counters) which would be a good synergy with Liliana, Death Wielder.

I actually have the Gideon, Martial Paragon planeswalker deck from Amonkhet and my next craft is to turn it into a viable casual modern deck, since Amonkhet will eventually rotate out of standard but Gideon, nor will this iteration of Liliana, will ever be competitive modern!

Welcome to magic! I only started in Amonkhet myself and am having a blast. Sorry for the long winded response.

dthoreson813 on Treasure Master

7 years ago

The big black demon with improvise. Herald of Anguish Fen Hauler less so Barricade Breaker due to Abrade and the like.

Jagd_Tallgeese on 8 Whack aggro

7 years ago

Also, unless you are going to use Universal Solvent to sacrifice from Defiant Salvager you can cut those as well, and the Ironclad Revolutionary. Foundry Hornet and Fourth Bridge Prowler only trigger once, so the can be cut as well. Toss Creeping Dread as it is too conditional to be really effective. Farbog Revenant, Fen Hauler, Prizefighter Construct, and Ghoulcaller's Accomplice can all go. This cuts the deck to 70 cards, so I will amend my statement about the swamps and you can cut those to 23 swamps.

jakeelephant006 on Living. Dying. Rising. Improvising.

7 years ago

Ah, stupid me. Thanks for the comment, Tk4890. I completely didn't notice that the net isn't standard.

As for the other cards, having that shure fire instant speed kill spell in Murder is really nice to have but I'll check out adding some more Ruinous Path in.

For the fabricate cards, there's only 5 options in mono black. Fen Hauler is one of them and another is Foundry Assembler which I just don't like. I feel like the Hauler is almost a new Gurmag Angler that's a bit harder to cast but a better attacker in a format chalk full of artifacts. The card I really want more of is the Herald of Anguish cuz that's just good. I just don't have a deck set yet. My other options are Sly Requisitioner and Barricade Breaker. I wanna pick up a few more of the Requisitioners before I try them out but I gused I just overlooked the Breakers.

As for the "draft chaff", you're probably right. The Poisoner was an all star in my prerelease and I thought it might transfer over a bit but it hasn't been too hot in play tests so far. I keep the Familiar in b/c it's an artifact and it has etb and dying interactions which is nice, but I just need something that can replace it. If you have any ideas, please share them.

Anyway, thanks again for the comment.

Tk4890 on Living. Dying. Rising. Improvising.

7 years ago

Spidersilk Net isn't standard legal. Also try some more Ruinous Paths instead of Murder, and stuff with Fabricate. Finally, try to cull the stuff that is only good as (no offence) draft chaff, (Filigree Familiar, Aether Poisoner, Fen Hauler)if you want to beat face at FNM. This does, however, look like a deck with lots of potential.

golgarigirl on AER Pre Release Pool - Opinions?

7 years ago

Thanks! That's always helpful, to see what you saw while building the deck, and see if there's anything else you pinpointed as strong along the way. Admittedly, this pool isn't the greatest, but one thing I really like about prereleases is you can make some really amazing decks out of what seems like the most hopeless pile.

I agree with your Red for sure...Kari Zev, Skyship Raider, Quicksmith Rebel, and Sweatworks Brawler are all strong pulls pushing you into the color, and the removal in Shock, Chandra's Revolution, and Destructive Tampering only help.

I see the appeal in the Black for more removal and evasion (and honestly, I did the same in my prerelease pool, after all...), but I feel like with the card pool you have, a bit of menace and Unlicensed Disintegration is not really enough to pull me in.

I think I would have attempted Green. Between providing energy to power your Territorial Gorger, and a Riparian Tiger (which, honestly, is better than most of the rares you can get out of the prerelease packs), those make for an excellent high end that can't be accidentally stymied by an artifact-light deck (as my Fen Hauler often was). Aside from all the energy cards, Scrounging Bandar is surprisingly good. I don't know how much use you got out of your vehicles in practice, but I feel like the Daredevil Dragster is good enough to include as well, if for nothing other than eliminating a few chumps and drawing some cards, maybe in place of the Irontread Crusher, depending on how many 3-power creatures you ended up with. Natural Obsolescence is actually worth considering in this format, given how common artifacts are.

One thing to look at in upcoming prereleases is the potential for a 3-color deck/a color splash. That depends on if there are a.) multicolor lands (none in this set) and b) other fixing (in this set Prophetic Prism and Renegade Map) in your pool. But here, we didn't really have that opportunity.

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