Council Guardian

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Council Guardian

Creature — Giant Soldier

Will of the council – When Council Guardian enters the battlefield, starting with you, each player votes for blue, black, red, or green. Council Guardian gains protection from each color with the most votes or tied for most votes.

Optimator on Giant's Deck

4 years ago

Some of the newer Common giants are a lot better than the older ones in your list, so if you feel like dropping the $0.25 on them, here they are:

Shatterskull Charger is decent. Might not be a bad idea to have some lower-CMC giants in the mix so you don't get run over early.

Cragganwick Cremator is certainly a card that exists. Not great, but better than some of the commons in your current list. Probably not worth running but it's not garbage.

Bulwark Giant is tolerable.

Crystalline Giant can become a huge threat. Worth considering, actually!

Council Guardian is cute

Rumbling Sentry is meh

Wayward Giant is almost cost-effective

Ravenous Giant is Juzam Djinn. Might be worth running for the lolz.

Enraged Giant is playable. We can do better I bet.

Fleshpulper Giant is probably playable

Mortlocke on EDH Deck based on Voting

5 years ago

Queen of Curses ala Queen Marchesa (Long May She Reign) is a awesome commander who brings the Monarch mechanic into the deck. To accompany your previously mentioned subthemes you could utilize Curses - which are a typical sub-theme of the Queen 's. Since she is mardu, you can also include the previously mentioned Ballot Broker for your voting/politics cards. Speaking of which, if you choose the queen you will have 15 of the previously mentioned cards to choose from - mentioned below:

For wincons, you have some very exciting options in the form of Captive Audience , Generous Gift + Demonic Pact , and Approach of the Second Sun . And, if you were to ever be in a 1v1 scenario Overwhelming Splendor outright cripples your opponent's combat damage based strategies. So, what do you think?

IPyro92 on Finally! A Democratic solution!

7 years ago

I don't think it is actually that good of a win con but if you want to run a few I probably wouldn't run more than 2 and would probably start by trimming cards from your 6 drop slot (Council Guardian?). If you know games will go long so you can play lots of late drops then maybe 1 Bite of the Black Rose and one or two Tyrant's Choice?

Fathinar on Playing the Lottery

7 years ago

I would consider adding more creatures maybe bring the creature count to somewhere between 30-35 i know they are all big beefies with high cast costs. But I feel like with the ramp you have it cant hurt. plus the idea is to have good things for mayael to dig for. I would start with Armada Wurm and maybe Craterhoof Behemoth Aegis Angel. something like Arborback Stomper will help get some life for free if you need it. Avatar of Slaughter for the game ending hit. Boldwyr Heavyweights because you should have the biggest creatures at the table and its a 2 for 1. Bringer of the Green Dawn/Bringer of the Red Dawn because reasons Council Guardian Deathcoil Wurm doesnt mind being blocked lol. Dragonlair Spider is great for blocking and creature racing. Enlisted Wurm though im not sure how cascade works with mayael. Garruk's Horde just seems natural in here as does Gladehart Cavalry. Living Inferno fight clubs all by its self as does Nessian Wilds Ravager. um Panglacial Wurm because i dare you to cast it from your library. i will scoop right then. Primeval Protector will be almost free even if its in your hand. Scourge of the Throne i mean your deck loves attacking why not do it again? Siege Behemoth,Tornado Elemental,wolfpack and Thorn Elemental because we want to just do straight damage to people. Stalking Vengeance will make people think twice about clearing the board. Tyrant of Discord sounds awesome. Vagrant Plowbeasts u know why. Vigordoesnt have time for anybodys shit. Windbrisk Raptor id like to see some lifelink in this deck because it has the potential to pump out assloads of damage per turn. there were a ton of creatures i omitted which had cycling and in hindsight they may be good but im sure you can do a search for them but if you ever find your hand flooded with creatures it might be a good out. also one last thing since i love this card Blade of Selves I didnt price anything out because I didnt feel like it since you could buy any of these one at a time and slowly build the deck into something that you wanted.

MrHyde94 on Zedruu, friend maker/breaker

8 years ago

I would start with removing the duplicate Council Guardian and the EDH illegal card Gifts Ungiven. Hope that helps