Grizzled Angler


Grisly Anglerfish  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Grizzled Angler

Creature — Human

: Mill two cards. Then, if there is a colourless creature card in your graveyard, transform this. (To mill a card, put the top card of your library into your graveyard.)

TheKamikazeBagel on You're a-boat to die (boat tribal)

3 years ago

Sarcastically says: "There's no boats in some of those lands, how dare this boat deck not have boats in its lands".

Jokes aside, I have done a non extensive search for boat inclusive lands.

PO2 Island #154/#156

ISD Island #254

AVR Island #234

SOI Island #288

XLN Island #265

XLN Island #264

Jumpstart Island #52

ISD Swamp #257

AVR Swamp #237

M19 Swamp #271

KHM Snow-Covered Island #278

SOI Highland Lake #277

Jwar Isle Refuge

Port of Karfell

River of Tears

Spirebluff Canal

Submerged Boneyard

THB Unknown Shores #249

XLN Unknown Shores #259

To note, while Innistrad #260 / Avacyn Restored #240 Mountains don't have boats, they do have lakes and lighthouses, and those fill out nicely with the other Adam Paquette ISD/AVR land cycle.

Non Lands:

Drag Under

Elder Deep-Fiend

Epiphany at the Drownyard

Grizzled Angler  Flip

Rise from the Tides

Seagraf Skaab

Vexing Scuttler

BugGirl1999 on

7 years ago

- For as creature heavy as this deck is, you have them for your first line of defense and offense, having Aether Meltdown and Dampening Pulse isnt necessary to staying protected. Cutting them out frees up important room for mana ramp cards to get more creatures out faster.

- Needlebite Trap, really only good if youre going up a lifegain deck, and if thats your reason for running it you might as well just sideboard it and only put it in the deck when you need it.

- Drownyard Behemoth a very steep casting cost for a 5/7 that only has hexproof for one turn, which it probably wont even be targeted on. Even the emerge cost is steep.

- Vexing Scuttler another high casting eldrazi that does little in return. Youre better off hoping to drawing another instant/sorcery than having to spend 3 mana on this creature just to bounce one back to your hand.

- Grizzled Angler  Flip a decent early game blocker, but its transforming mills your own deck and depends on I feel youve lost a creature. For 3 mana why not cast a Dominator Drone? Its giving you more damage than the Anglers fish side because it hits the board a turn earlier. Id cut just one Grizzled Angler  Flip for now, its transformed Ability could be a good way to clear your opponents board of blockers, but you wouldnt need to of him in the field so.

Like I said, the ingest interaction can be a really good source of utility effects for an eldrazi deck, but you either need to focus more on this idea, or cut some of those cards so you have more room for aggro/ramp. Youre too creature heavy right now, and not enough ramp. For the most part your noncreature spells look fine, save the possible cuts I mentioned.
you should take the creatures you have picked out right now, and categorize them based on what they offer you during a game. Go through each stack of these and compare which creatures in their categories beat out each other. For example, Dominator Drone drops down for 3 mana and is dealing 2 dmg of the bat, not to mention its swinging for 3 dmg when you attack. Reaver Drone guarentees no Damage, is only swinging for 2 when you attack, can be chump blocked with a 1/1, and shoots you in the foot if you dont have another creature out.

Fairmount on

8 years ago

I don't necessarily want to turn it into a Delver of Secrets tempo deck. Want to keep it more creature based.

Was thinking Bloodsoaked Champion and Graveblade Marauder. Orr could go more eldrazi based with Eldrazi Skyspawner and Grizzled Angler

geneticfreak09c on Simic Shapeshifter

8 years ago

Grizzled Angler  Flip is a dead draw you have no colorless spells or creatures in your deck to flip it with. the only way it flips is with Moonmist

lagotripha on Eldrazi Intro Pack Improvements

8 years ago

So, a new player looking into Mono-Blue Eldrazi-tron- its a great start for modern.

The most important question to consider is not just how you make things more powerful, but what style of deck you want to play. Do you enjoy rushing an opponent before they can react- the aggro archetype - sitting back with a hand full of spells stopping your opponent until they run out of cards and you cast something that slowly beats them- control - or enjoy a more mixed midrange strategy where you aim to cast efficient creatures and work well where your opponent is weak. The possibilities in modern are so varied and the choices of card preference so personal (outside of a hyper competitive environment) that it is more a question of what you enjoy and feel like doing than what is possible.

The core cards for mono blue tron are traditionally Remand, Repeal, Into the Roil and similar in order to stall, Expedition Map to secure lands, Academy Ruins and Mindslaver as a victory condition alondside big, scary colourless creatures, using All Is Dust and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon to clear out resistance.

Mono Blue Eldrazi-Tron is a pretty good example of what competitive lists look like- basicaly everything expensive in there has budget alternatives- however, we're looking for a fun casual deck that isn't super expensive, and presumably functions like this one.

So where to start- in a casual environment it is anything goes, just pick some cards that are fun and rock out, with whatever you find to bridge the gaps. In a medium-competitive environment you'll mostly want four copies of any key card to make it reliable, and around 6-7 cards you build your strategy round, with the rest of the deck supporting it. If you're looking at tournament play I'd reccomend playing a bunch at FNMs or online wherever first.

Personally I'd consider building a midrange deck based around Eldrazi Temple with Blight Herder Oblivion Sower, Reality Smasher Wretched Gryff aiming to drop 3-5 cost powerful threats turns 3-4 before capping out with Bane of Bala Ged and Deepfathom Skulker. To that effect Eldrazi Skyspawner, Ruination Guide, Grizzled Angler  Flip would all have a place, with the ever present Mana Leak and Remove Soul to help disrupt my opponent.

If you're wanting to cast bigger spells and run tron lands, consider stuff like Deceiver of Form, Ruination Guide, Drownyard Behemoth, Elder Deep-Fiend, Eldrazi Conscription

To that end, I'd reccomend looking at replacing the smaller creatures like Salvage Drone, Warden of Geometries, Mist Intruder, Cultivator Drone with spells to stall your opponent and look through your deck for lands, like Expedition Map, Chromatic Sphere.

A list running mostly blue counterspells and cards like All Is Dust could benifit from Docent of Perfection  Flip Voracious Reader  Flip and Vexing Scuttler.

You could go to purely Wastes for your manabase with Chromatic Star and friends to provide colour and run Walker of the Wastes

Some cards which have proven to be a little silly in competitive play, should you chose to use them are Eldrazi Mimic, Matter Reshaper, Thought-Knot Seer and the traditional Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.

For mana prodicing creaures- they're great in casual games or if you can protect them- in more comptetive play you'll see more stuff like Mind Stone or Sylvan Caryatid as they're harder to kill or 1 mana Elvish Mystic manadorks to cast something before they're removed.

All told, run some playtests, look at what other people are running on here, try it out and most of all have fun.(also, if you are secretly a casual control player, Zur's Weirding is hilarious. Just saying)

WonderingSavior on Emracool, The Tron-esd End

8 years ago

Crop Sigil, Vessel of Nascency, Fork in the Road and Grizzled Angler  Flip can all get a land in the yard pretty reliably. Lumbering Falls just makes turn 4 Kiora slightly more obtainable.

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