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Marchesa, The Accountant [Retired}

Commander / EDH UBR (Grixis)


Looking for some advice on making Marchesa better. Some issues I am seeming to have ATM

  • Getting counters on Marchesa. Typically, I like to have a Graft creature or Sage of Fables or something to put a counter on her before I cast her. Dethrone is a decent way to get it done, but then they can just block and kill her and then back to square 1

  • Mass reanimate/animate in general. There isn't alot of reanimate spells because, typically if Marchesa is on the field then I can usually stop a boardwipe from occurring. Marchesa proves to be a nuisance right after said boardwipe, triggering herself and bringing anything with a +1 counter back. Only 'reanimate/boardwipe' card i have is Living Dead, and Marchesa of course.

  • Lifegain. The deck pains itself, namely in case I need Dethrone to put counters on. There is very little lifegain effects in colorless or in my colors. Basilisk Collar went in over something like Loxodon Warhammer, namely cause i had a collar kicking around. Other than that, I dont really know what other life gains I could add that are able to happen multiple times.


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Basilisk Collar Dictate of Erebos Leyline of the Void Nim Deathmantle Oona's Blackguard Profaner of the Dead Rune-Scarred Demon Skullclamp Slithermuse Swan Song Treasonous Ogre


Gray Merchant of Asphodel Disciple of Bolas Beacon of Unrest Beseech the Queen Brutal Expulsion Diabolic Tutor Falkenrath Aristocrat Flayer of the Hatebound Hedron Archive Victimize Zulaport Cutthroat


Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Zulaport Cutthroat, and Disciple of Bolas are all decent ways to gain life. They have the chance to return to the battlefield and trigger for another time and are recurable. Collar was a way to control what I gained and how much, but even then this is low life gain. These lets me get a bit more life substantially faster and easier, without trying to attack into creature.

Beseech the Queen and Diabolic Tutor went in, adding at least one additional tutor effect. Rune-Scarred demon was removed for the sole purpose of it getting bribed away and a player getting a combo piece they need to win.

Brutal Expulsion is a bounce and 'counter' spell all in one. Destroying a 2 or less toughness creature is just gravy. Havent decided if this is staying or not.

Falkenrath Aristocrat is a card I have been meaning to add for a while. Flying, haste, can give itself indestructible and is a low costing sac outlet

Victimize and Beacon of Unrest address the issue of recursion. I considered Champion of Stray Soul, but that needs creatures to sac to bring stuff back. Victimize allows a sac of a creature and the recursion of two creatures. Beacon shuffles back into the deck for reuse. Dread Return, Corpse Dance, Diabolic Servitude, Animate Dead and Ever After were all other reanimate spells considered, and might still change to up this number in the deck, but until further testing is done, cannot say if it will make a difference.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.92
Tokens 2/2 C Artifact Creature Spawn, Fish 3/3 U, Kraken 9/9 U, Squid 1/1 U, Whale 6/6 U, Zombie 2/2 B
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