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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Oldschool 93/94 | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Phantasmal Terrain
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant land
As Phantasmal Terrain enters the battlefield, choose a basic land type.
Enchanted land is the chosen type.

tiffanyann on Unique Commanders
3 years ago
Oh God here we go.
Dire Fleet Ravager YES.
Elaborate Firecannon MUST INCLUDE
Fathom Fleet ANYTHING
Forerunner of the Coalition COP DFR
Gyruda, Doom of Depths SHOULD WE DO ALL EVEN HAHA NO
tiffanyann on Unique Commanders
3 years ago
FormOverFunction oh, the list is huge so far...
Demonic Tutor NOICE.
Flooded Woodlands YIKES.
Giant Crab This card is fire.
Giant Octopus This card is not fire.
Grizzled Angler Flip AWESOME
Haunting Voyage Choose BOAT
River of Tears The cool one.
Treasure Cruise AWWWW YA.
The Omenkeel DOLPHINS
kurban1213 on
From the Depths of the Sea
4 years ago
I like this deck! I have a version of Arixmethes as well. One of the ways I think you can add some evasion (as it's one of your pointed out weaknesses of the deck) is Archetype of Imagination to give all your creatures flying and take it away from your opponents. Then (hear me out!) I have what seems to be an "anti-synergy" card in my version, Stormtide Leviathan , but this along with either the previously mentioned Archetype or along with Sandals of Abdallah and Phantasmal Terrain (among others if opponent doesn't have an island in play) can give some pretty awesome evasion (also for the other islandwalk creatures in the deck). One other addition I would suggest is Thespian's Stage to not only be able to copy Arixmethes, but, something I will be adding to my deck, if you play Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage is out with it, you can copy Dark Depths, sac the one with counters on it, and the new one you can sac and put the 20/20 black avatar out.
Overall I like this version!!!!
RPGrinder on
5 years ago
Nemesis Thanks, this helps out a lot. I guess my win condition is going to be mix of out value and Biovisionary combo (going to put the Rite of Replication there).
I put the Phantasmal Terrain there for Seasinger in case opponent(s) don't have Islands. Should I replace Seasinger and Phantasmal Terrain with something else?
Do you mean I should replace one of Abrade Naturalize or Shatter with one of your suggestions or should I replace all? I'm not a native English speaker and your wording is little confusing to me.
When you say too much protection, do you mean the amount of protective artifacts, or something else? If you mean the artifacts, which ones should I keep?
I put those three for extra protection against non creature spells and they fit the theme of copying things. Should I replace them?
Nemesis on
5 years ago
So when I build an edh deck, one of the first things I try to figure out is how I'm going to wrap up the game. General Value can work as a strategy, where you're just trying to outvalue everyone around you, but it's really hard when you don't focus on something specific. For Riku, there are a few paths you can take:
Out - Value everyone: This is kind of the path I was talking about, with tons of valuable ETB and LTB triggers, or big things that you can play early since you're so far ahead from the earlier value plays.
Combo: This is the Rite of Replication Inferno Titan path, along with many many more reasonable and cheaper combos
Alt Wincon: Biovisionary is a good example of this - some decks pick a specific wincon that they want, it can be just one card, and build the deck trying to win around that card. (btw, Rite of Replication is amazing with biovisionary too :P) Often, these decks fall into Combo.
Now, don't get me wrong, your deck is perfectly fine as is. You have tons of value with Riku, protection for him, and a way to win through biovisionary. Could you make it more efficient? definitely. Here are some cards that I'd cut, almost no matter what direction you take the deck:
Phantasmal Terrain : I don't see what this does in your deck
Staff of Nin : Generally too slow and isn't really compatible with your cmdr
Some form of protection: While protection for your guys is great, you may have one too many
One of Abrade , Naturalize , or Shatter with - Vandalblast , Reclamation Sage , or Hull Breach
Deflection , Narset's Reversal , Wild Ricochet : what is your reasoning behind these?
Snickles@EDH_only on Pattern Recognition #91 - Mana …
6 years ago
I will say, land destruction is my least favorite mechanic. I understand why it exists, and in some cases it is necissary. that said, blink-riders in standard was one of the few times that I ended up taking over a year long break from magic.
oddly, land hate wans't always (or even primarily) red. black and blue had some solid hozing abilities right at the start.
Erosion and Psychic Venom were punishing as hell for early game, and while it may not destroy the land, Phantasmal Terrain does mess with mana bases pretty well. Evil Presence and Blight helped round out Sinkhole for black. red had Stone Rain, Boil, Flashfires, and Fissure. blue had Volcanic Eruption and Acid Rain, (to counter act green's Tsunami, or Desert Twister). White had color hate for days with Drought and Conversion to name a few
oddly enough, the color pie was really into opposing color hate and ally color help at the start.
I don't think it was really until urza's block that red came to the forefront. and what a forefront it was. Wake of Destruction. as in, "see that mono colored deck over there? END THEM."
soccerboy98 on
Kumena claims Merfolk Throne
7 years ago
Seasinger,Lingering Mirage,Phantasmal Terrain,Streambed Aquitects,Aquitect's Will,Tidal Warrior,Tidal Courier,Coastal Piracy,Shapers of Nature, deeproot elite <(new card from rivals doesn't show up) all seem like good cards for merfolk tribal. A bunch of those cards enable island walk which a lot of the lords provide, seasinger synergizes well with that. Anything else just seems like strong cards that would work well in a g/u merfolk tribal. If you like any suggestions I can take a look as to what I'd sub out if you're curious.
Lionsheart on
Merfolk Tribal Pauper
7 years ago
Cool deck. Merfolk are always awesome.
Lord of Atlantis and Phantasmal Terrain might be good additions.