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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Oldschool 93/94 | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant land
When enchanted land becomes tapped, destroy it.
soul_knightmare on Fiendish Tendencies
1 year ago
Heya, I see that your deck is mostly lacking in card draw/ card acceleration. You have about 3 while most decks need 10+. Remove Costly Plunder for Night's Whisper so you don't have to sacrifice your demons. Remove Feaster of Fools, Spirit of the Night, Bladebrand, Grasp of Darkness, and You Are Already Dead (I know the meme), and add Dream Devourer, Bloodgift Demon, Herald of Slaanesh, Phyrexian Arena, Blasphemous Act, and Rakdos Charm.
I hope this helps your deck building. Other upgrades would mean removing Ecologist's Terrarium, Lightning Bolt, Grasp of Darkness, Warp Artifact, Insult / Injury, Price of Betrayal, Skulltap, Witch's Vengeance, Blight, and Inevitable End which are okay, but could be improved. Pick more cards that draw cards without condition or ramp on two mana, Wish you the best!
Max_Hammer on
2 years ago
Hey, myLover_! Well, it's just more expensive than Blight is all. It's definitely better, but not by enough that I'd say it's worth it. Thank you for the suggestion, though! I'm definitely keeping that in mind if I really like this deck and want to make upgrades.
zapyourtumor on MANA BURN
3 years ago
Welcome to tappedout. Here are some of my thoughts on your deck:
1) You have 18 illegal cards for the modern format in your deck
2) You have many restrictive mana costs, like Sinkhole , Blight , Cavalier of Flame , etc, so you should probably include some dual lands in place of basic lands (like Blackcleave Cliffs , Blood Crypt , Bloodstained Mire )
3) Lotus Field is bad in most decks unless you build around it. It does synergize with Crucible of Worlds and Cavalier of Flame , but its really bad with Boom / Bust , Crack the Earth , Wildfire
Caerwyn on punishment for tapping / untapping
5 years ago
Did a quick Gatherer search, here are some that have not already been mentioned:
- Manabarbs is a pretty solid option, and works great in a group slug deck.
- Mesmeric Orb
- There are a few auras that punish the tapping of specific permanents, such as Betrayal , Blight , Psychic Venom , and several others..
Snickles@EDH_only on Pattern Recognition #91 - Mana …
6 years ago
I will say, land destruction is my least favorite mechanic. I understand why it exists, and in some cases it is necissary. that said, blink-riders in standard was one of the few times that I ended up taking over a year long break from magic.
oddly, land hate wans't always (or even primarily) red. black and blue had some solid hozing abilities right at the start.
Erosion and Psychic Venom were punishing as hell for early game, and while it may not destroy the land, Phantasmal Terrain does mess with mana bases pretty well. Evil Presence and Blight helped round out Sinkhole for black. red had Stone Rain, Boil, Flashfires, and Fissure. blue had Volcanic Eruption and Acid Rain, (to counter act green's Tsunami, or Desert Twister). White had color hate for days with Drought and Conversion to name a few
oddly enough, the color pie was really into opposing color hate and ally color help at the start.
I don't think it was really until urza's block that red came to the forefront. and what a forefront it was. Wake of Destruction. as in, "see that mono colored deck over there? END THEM."
Rythven-Fang on B-R Land destruction
7 years ago
Sinkhole, Blight, and Rain of Tears are all cheap land destruction in black. All could be played quick with Dark Ritual
Impending Disaster, Raze, and Uncontrolled Infestation are great red options, though they all have a drawback.
Wasteland, Ghost Quarter, and Tectonic Edge are all lands that destroy land
Splash green and add Terravore or stay red and go with Detritivore at a higher cost, but also giving you the option to suspend and destroy land.
Snap157 on 50 Shades of Mana-Screwed
7 years ago
PickleNutz I'm afraid not. All of the core cards are not modern legal (Strip Mine, Sinkhole, Black Vise, Blight). If I'm not mistaken I think you can make this lagacy legal by subbing 3x Strip Mines with 3 Wastelands. This is basically anti-8 rack, as it is a forcefeed varient. Youre best off going with 8-rack pox for modern my friend. Sorry, hope this helps!