Merrow Harbinger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Merrow Harbinger

Creature — Merfolk Wizard


When Merrow Harbinger enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a Merfolk card, reveal it, then shuffle your library and put that card on top of it.

blueiris on The sea's rage is a mere glimpse of our power

3 years ago

Following up~

I think I'm going to test with both Arcane Adaptation and Maskwood Nexus , then remove one if needed. I like the idea of seeing one of these every match, so we'll see if it's too much or not.

Re: Sensei's Divining Top , I'll leave it out of this build based on your advice. I love some Top , and have other decks that use it, so thanks for the feedback suggesting that it's not entirely crucial.

Agreed with Seahunter , it's in the deck, and so are both Forerunner of the Heralds & Merrow Harbinger . I guess with the redundancy of this and changeling I was hoping for more consistency, but can certainly trim anything that's excessive.

What do you think about these one drop merfolk? I like Reef Shaman , Tideshaper Mystic , and Tidal Warrior for land control in either direction.

I've got the Dramatic Scepter combo in the deck I run Top in, so those cards won't make the cut in this deck. The goal for me overall is to have decks with varying play styles.

I'd be open to any advice! Here's my 99: Kumena, Just Tap It In

Thanks, again for your amazing list!

Pheardemons on The sea's rage is a mere glimpse of our power

3 years ago

blueiris - Thanks for the comment and compliment. I'm glad I could help you!

I have recently taken out Arcane Adaptation because, before Maskwood Nexus , I was only playing one effect like this and was doing fine. I'm testing Maskwood Nexus over Arcane Adaptation for the effect of making tokens. As of now, I have not missed having both effects, but it has been a recent change so I'm still testing.

The deck can operate just fine without everything being a merfolk. This is an effect to help with tokens from Master of Waves and so Seahunter can tutor out any creature that I need ( Frilled Mystic and Venser, Shaper Savant come to mind here). This kind of effect allows me to use the effects of Lullmage Mentor , draw ability of Kumena , and Merrow Reejerey to a better, more efficient extent. Not required, but helps greatly.

If you don't like Sensei's Divining Top for whatever reason, you don't need to play it. I'm the kind of player who will tell you to play with cards you like than what other people "expect" or "staple" type cards. I like Top because of the utility. This deck's number one goal is to be able to untap on other player's turn. I can draw a card (more likely with Kumena ), activate top to dig one deeper than before, to do it again on everyone's turn to try and ensure I draw what I need. I will agree that taking it out will definitely simplify the deck haha. Because Kumena is a powerful draw engine you don't need it.

I don't have Merrow Harbinger because I am playing Seahunter . He is FAR superior in my opinion. In saying that, a second tutor does become better if you play both Maskwood Nexus and Arcane Adaptation because it could become a Worldly Tutor with a body on the board. I would say playtest with and without it, and see how you like it.

I have gone through multiple iterations of this deck. I have recently left the infinite combo of Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal because I didn't get it often enough to matter. It became a "win more." I will miss putting a Mana Drain on Isochron Scepter turn two haha. I'm trying to go back to one of my earlier iterations with Opposition and I'm REALLY trying to find a way to put Asceticism , Wrap in Vigor , Svyelun of Sea and Sky , and Illusionist's Bracers into the deck. They just seem like slower cards that I don't need, but want. That rant was just to say let me know if you have any other questions or options because I have probably tried a lot of them. If you have a list I'm down to look at it if you tell me what you're trying to do.

blueiris on The sea's rage is a mere glimpse of our power

3 years ago

I absolutely love this deck, and my Kumena build is evolving this direction because of you. Nice job, and great build!

Question - Did you ever have the need for Arcane Adaptation in addition to Maskwood Nexus , or has one ability been enough? Which leads to my next question - Does the deck ultimately rely on all creatures being fish, or can it operate fine without the off-type creatures becoming merfolk, too?

Also, I'm considering running Sensei's Divining Top , however I'm looking for the deck to be slightly more simple minded, for my sake. Do you feel it's absolutely necessary? Or, is it extra tech that could be cut?

Last question, and similar to the first - Is one fish tutor enough with the superior Forerunner of the Heralds , or is it also worth including Merrow Harbinger as a second fisherman? I'm leaning towards both.

TCK_Green on List of EDH Tutor Cards

3 years ago

TIL that emojis aren't parsed properly by TappedOut even though they appear fine in the preview! Let's try again...

I've found this list really helpful whilst drafting decks over the last few years, thanks for putting it together! :) Judging by the 400,000 views that this has had I'm guessing I'm not the only person who feels that way :D

Since this list hasn't been updated since pre-WAR, I thought I'd put together a pretty comprehensive list of all tutors released since then (including all of the tutors mentioned in the comments above). Hopefully putting it in one place will make it easier to update! Note - as per the list you've curated, I've excluded any tutors that fetch specific cards (e.g. Yanling's Harbinger ) or basic lands. I've also left off the card types and colours since there's already enough text in the comment and it can be seen from the preview. Right - on with the list!


It wasn't entirely clear to me what categories the below cards should go under since they search for specific card subtypes:

Seeing as the three creators of this list haven't been on TappedOut in at least 8 months I'm guessing that this comment won't go anywhere, but at least it's all in one place for people to search for later. I'm happy to help maintain and update this list if I'm given access. (If I haven't heard back in a couple of months then I might look at creating a copy of this list and linking it here for anyone looking for an up-to-date list of tutors.)

TCK_Green on List of EDH Tutor Cards

3 years ago

I've found this list really helpful whilst drafting decks over the last few years, thanks for putting it together!

Color_pie14 on List of EDH Tutor Cards

3 years ago

What’s the difference between “Tutors for Tribal Cards” and “Tutors by Creature Type”? All the cards from the former are included in the latter, so why not just combine them into one or the other?
Also, I’d add the Harbingers, Boggart Harbinger, Elvish Harbinger, Faerie Harbinger, Flamekin Harbinger, Giant Harbinger, Kithkin Harbinger, Merrow Harbinger, and Treefolk Harbinger.
Also, my search for Harbingers turned up Nahiri, the Harbinger, which goes in “Notable For: Jumping Through Hoops,” and Yanling's Harbinger, which brings up the Planeswalker Deck tutors. Sure, people are unlikely to run them, but some might.
I’d also like to suggest a category: Combo Tutors. These are the ones that are part of a combo AND search for another one of the pieces. Ones that come to mind are Godo, Bandit Warlord and Forerunner of the Empire. Godo tutors for Helm of the Host, which he goes infinite with, and Forerunner tutors for Polyraptor, and from then you simply need to give Forerunner indestructible and then play Polyraptor to go infinite with.
Lastly, I’d suggest changing “Tutors to Graveyard” to “Tutors w/ Graveyard Synergies,” so you can include cards like Mausoleum Secrets, Fiend Artisan and Diabolic Intent, which interact with the grave while not tutoring TO the grave. Dimir House Guard would still go here, since his tutor effect merely discards him, he IS a sac outlet, and many graveyard deck will still desire him for it.

Peoni on

3 years ago

I don't feel like you need either Ghostly Prison or Propaganda. You're looking to establish a big board presence with a lot of buffed up fish people, and then use control magic to protect them while you kick everybody's teeth in. Realistically people swinging at you isn't going to be what you need to worry about. What you do need to worry about is people interfering with your board with wipes and whatnot, and that's why you've got all the control magic so you're already set. The thing is, if somebody has a threatening creature that you don't want coming your way, propaganda isn't going to stop them. If they really want to hit you they're gonna pay the cost and hit you. Pillowforty cards aren't worth running unless you're stacking them and your strategy is built around them, but in your case you already have your horde of roided up fish people for protection. You should have more than enough chump blockers and threatening lads of your own to deter swinging better than propaganda could. I also don't think your deck needs Rest in Peace in its 99. It's not part of a win con that I can see like Helm of Obedience, and you aren't running stax or lots of graveyard hate, so it just feels out of place.

Then, with those slots you could add in let's say, another mana rock like Talisman of Progress because I feel like you might not have enough ramp. You could also add something like Stormtide Leviathan to lock down the board better than ghostly prison or propaganda could while letting your islandwalkers go nuts (which reminds me; Merrow Harbinger and Streambed Aquitects might suit you).

Finally Echoing Truth in commander seems questionable. Good against lots of tokens but other than that you're just playing a 2 mana Unsummon. I would consider swapping it out for either more ramp (Chrome Mox assuming you have a larger budget but not a Mox Diamond big budget, or Fellwar Stone if you're looking for something cheaper), or another counter of your choice, perhaps a Pact of Negation or a Force of Will. Hope this helps! I like your deck. :^)

tacolover25 on

3 years ago

Perhaps Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper, and Merrow Harbinger? Oh and maybe Mind Spring?

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