Kalastria Highborn

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kalastria Highborn

Creature — Vampire Shaman

Whenever Kalastria Highborn or another Vampire you control is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay . If you do, target player loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.

nuperokaso on "Vampires are a POX on this Land!"

7 months ago

SefTheReject on

1 year ago

All suggestions are mono black vampires and fit more of an aristocrats build.

Lords - Captivating Vampire buffs the squad and gives the ability of stealing an opponent’s creature

Vampire Nocturnus buffs the squad, gives evasion and since you’re mono black can play with the top of your library visible

1 drops - Knight of the Ebon Legion is the best 1 drop vamp imo. Can buff itself, gains permanent buffs and doubles as removal mid-late game

Viscera Seer a great sac target and let’s you scry 1

Vampire Cutthroat has skulk and lifelink

Vampire Lacerator a 2/2 for 1, you take one damage unless your opponent has 10 or less life

Indulgent Aristocrat a decent buffer with a sac engine

Guul Draz Vampire gains a buff if the opponent has 10 or less life

Pulse Tracker opponent takes 1 damage when it attacks

2 drops - Cordial Vampire not a lord in name, but has that buffing ability and triggers when ANYTHING dies. Buffs the team more efficiently than any lord imo.

Bloodghast a vital piece imo, it can’t block, but comes back when you play a land

Blood Artist a key piece for an aristocrat build, combos great with cordial and Vito

Asylum Visitor for card draw and the ability to come back

Kalastria Highborn great addition for a drain and gain/aristocrat build

Vraan, Executioner Thane combos great with Vito

Stromkirk Condemned can buff the team for a turn

Vampire Hexmage great sideboard piece for dealing with counters

Gifted Aetherborn might be favorite vampire, but doesn’t fit an aristocrat build

3 drops - Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord the only walker you need. Buffs, gives deathtouch & lifelink to a vampire, acts as a Lightning Helix and you cheat out a vampire

Silversmote Ghoul is a perfect target for Sorin’s second ability and comes back at the end of your end step

Vampire Nighthawk one of the best vampires imo, has evasion, deathtouch and lifelink, but doesn’t fit the aristocrat build

Nighthawk Scavenger a vampire goyf

Drana, Liberator of Malakir has evasion, first strike and buffs attacking creatures

Lands - Cavern of Souls an absolute MUST for any tribal build

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth flips things to swamps

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is great for all devotion the build will have

Castle Locthwain for card draw later

Prismatic Vista, Verdant Catacombs, Polluted Delta, Marsh Flats & Bloodstained Mire to fetch and thin out your deck to keep the gas flowing.

SefTheReject on

1 year ago

All the suggestions I made, and will make are all mono black. I forgot to mention 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for all the devotion you’ll have. 2 Kalastria Highborn, Vampire Nocturnus is another possible lord, but not in an aristocrats build. 1 playset of fetches should be fine, 6 fetches max for a 21 land build. I’d be happy to give a primer type break, I just need to set aside enough to do it, will be detailed lol.

SefTheReject on Mono Black Lifelink Infinite Combo

1 year ago

Depending on your budget, I'd definitely include 2 Cavern of Souls, 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for all that devotion and 2-3 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and a playset of fetchlands, either Prismatic Vista, Marsh Flats, Verdant Catacombs, Polluted Delta or Bloodstained Mire to help thin out your deck. Including a sac outlet for Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord (3-4 of) is great for cheating out vampires, works as a Lightning Helix type and buffs. Cordial Vampire (playset) acts as a lord and buffs the team when ANY creature dies. If fetches are included, I'd recommend a playset of Bloodghast, it can be used as a sac target for sorin, buffs the team because of cordial and comes back after playing a land. Silversmote Ghoul is another good sac outlet that can easily come back if enough life is gained and can be used for card draw. Viscera Seer is a good one drop that can be sac'd to scry and help buff the team with cordial. Knight of the Ebon Legion is an underrated one drop that becomes removal later in the game and buffs up easily. Blood Artist is good for a drain & gain build, as is Kalastria Highborn, she can help with the drain and gain. exquisite blood is a little slow for modern imo. I hope some of that helps, good luck.

YamishiTheWickedOne on Sexy Vampires

2 years ago

Depends on how much you combo with him and how aggressive you want to be. 2 is probably enough but you can make an entire engine out of Cordial and/or Kalastria Highborn and/or Blood Artist + Viscera + Bloodghast + Nocturnus + fetch lands. Remember that you can block an attacker and sac with Seer as your creature dies to get a free scry. He's instant speed.

The only downside to Seer is he's a 1/1. Pretty minimalistic body until he gets some buffs from Cordial.

I personally don't run him because I have 4 Sorins + Kalitas to make use of Bloodghast and I have fetches and Locthwains to control my topdeck for Nocturnus. Also space is tight and if I dropped only 1 land for another creature it'd probably be Indulgent Aristocrat or another Olivia/Kalitas honestly. Seer is a card that wants to be run in multiples.

zapyourtumor on Sexy Vampires

2 years ago

yeah i was too lazy to give actual feedback on nonland cards sorry

Gatekeeper is really good, I'd put it in as a 3 of at least. If you wanna lean more into the sacrifice for value build with Blood Artist/Viscera Seer/Bloodghast/Cordial Vampire etc you can run Kalastria Highborn.

For Doom blade replacements, we have Bloodchief's Thirst, Dismember, Infernal Grasp, maybe Heartless Act. With the new innistrad sets running Victim of Night seems like a bad idea so I won't suggest it.

SefTheReject on Bordello of Blood

3 years ago

YamishiTheWickedOne, thank you for checking out the build and for the suggestions. Regarding said suggestions, I do have Thoughtseize in the sb, Inquisition of Kozilek is something I considered, but wasn’t sure if it should be part of the main or the side and how many. I agree Vampire Nocturnus is great, but a little slow for modern imo, even if it’s cheated out with sorin. Gatekeeper of Malakir was in an earlier build and is very solid, but only effective when kicked and if played on curve, it’s not the best turn 3 play since we’re already leaving mana open for Kalastria Highborn . Gifted Aetherborn is one of my favorite vampires, but didn’t seem to synergies as well in this particular build. Indulgent Aristocrat is another card I considered while building this, but decided against it because it’s a 1/1 and it costs 2 for the sac/buff effect, I do see a nice combo with Cordial Vampire tho. I could be completely wrong with the thought process, but will reevaluate things based on your suggestions.

dritchie on Vampire Heart

3 years ago

I would also add Necropolis Regent , Nirkana Revenant , Drana, Liberator of Malakir , Vampire Hexmage (this is great for dealing with planeswalkers, Kalastria Highborn , Blood Seeker (great agaisnt token decks), Quietus Spike but be wary of other players hating on you for it, Bloodchief Ascension great once online, Butcher of Malakir . these are only a few suggestions but please feel free to have a look at my mono black vampire tribal for other ideas - it may not be as restricted as yours by theme but it keeps its creatures tribal


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