Prism Ring

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Prism Ring


As Prism Ring enters the battlefield, choose a color.

Whenever you cast a spell of the chosen color, you gain 1 life.

BirdieGirlie on Passive Colorless Gain

2 weeks ago

I absolutely love this idea!!! But, I don't think Prism Ring works in this deck. It says to choose a color, but the only logical thing to choose would be colorless, and colorless isn't a color.

Not sure what to replace it with but I'm gonna think about it!!!

Azoth2099 on Oloro Esper Lifegain EDH

1 year ago


Hey man!

Oloro, Ageless Ascetic is one of those Commanders I've always suspected could be busted, but never extensively brewed. That being said, I still gathered some data on him...

Firstly, you need more Mana sources. Being a 6-drop is a big deal nowadays, & you're gonna need way more Rocks & possibly a few Rituals as well if you want to get him out on time. I'd recommend running 10+ Rocks - all of your Guild Signets and Talismans plus a few more, and a handful of Instant-speed Rituals like Dark Ritual & Cabal Ritual. You'll need as much Mana available to draw cards with, which we'll get to in this next paragraph.

Secondly, I'd recommend some low-cost Lifegain Spells that will scale with the activity of both you & your opponents like Archivist of Oghma, Blood Artist, Deathgreeter, Leonin Elder, Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, Profane Memento, Ashes of the Abhorrent & Spectrum Sentinel. All of these will draw you a bunch of cards as long as your Commander is on the field. Prism Ring & Tablet of the Guilds would likely do a lot of work here as well. Sedgemoor Witch could be a great value engine here, too. Things that allow you to devote your floating Mana to your Commander's triggered ability without having to necessarily pay Mana for each Lifegain trigger OR wait for your own upkeep to draw cards are solid gold here.

Thirdly, once you resolve your chunky 6-drop Commander, you need to protect it! Your entire deck engine relies too heavily on Oloro, Ageless Ascetic's presence to allow him to be easily removed. Lightning Greaves & Swiftfoot Boots are non-negotiable imo. Along with a few ways to Tutor them up, like Steelshaper's Gift & Enlightened Tutor.

It might end up being quite a bit faster than a typical midrange deck, though, as you'll be drawing a ton of cards per turn cycle on your way to your combo win.


flluid on Rot and Brains

2 years ago

@Sgt_Bob_Ross I am glad to hear you are enjoying the deck as much as I am :) Mana Vault is there more for that moment when I really need that extra mana maybe to cast a Phyrexian Altar, Blasting Station, or that last little bit of colorless to cast my Rooftop Storm. Situations like that where I am pretty sure my combo will go off and I don't care about the secondary clause of it having to be payed for on upkeep. I wouldnt have initially had it in the deck due to price and my other copies already having homes but I was lucky enough to have a few good pulls on double masters draft nights and got some trading in. Hope you can use this as a template for some ideas you may not have had, and I love Demon's Horn that is some spicy tech maybe add a Prism Ring or Tablet of the Guilds good luck in your future duels :)

plakjekaas on Experience with Aetherflux Reservoir

2 years ago

You kill the player who plays it, because it's not a lifegain card, it's a finish-the-game card. If you want to gain life with every spell you cast, and not to be the target for destruction, look into Prism Ring and cards like it. Ofc the effect is a lot worse, but it triggers every lifegain synergy and it doesn't get you killed like the Reservoir does.

Kazierts on Oops, All 1 Drop Zombies

2 years ago

Have you ever heard of the Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar combo? You can sacrifice the crawler infinitely to the altar in order to grow Champion of the Perished or gain infinite life when Prism Ring is on the field. Also, since you can't really grow Nested Shambler, I'd suggest swapping it with Shambling Ghast from AFR.

Saccox on Life and Death

3 years ago

Hi bbenny0610,there are many cards that can be used for this deck: Prism Ring , Survival Cache , Cliffhaven Vampire , Ajani's Pridemate , Angel of Vitality , Serene Steward , Recumbent Bliss , Scoured Barrens .They can be done many deck versions with this idea. My version,Vampires gain life Pezzent

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