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Marchesa's M-M-M-Monster Kill

Commander / EDH



Overview - This is a Grixis infect deck using the commander Marchesa the Black Rose. The straightforward plan is to quickly take out the player with the most life by using creatures with the infect ability. Thanks to Marchesa's ability these creatures will not only grow in size from dethrone but if killed in combat or otherwise they will be resurrected and brought back to play at the end of turn. There are several other interactions outside of Marchesa and infect creatures that I will discuss below.

Gameplan - Keep in mind that this is a very aggressive and intimidating strategy so the main priority should be protecting your Marchesa and making sure your opponents are open. Do not worry about your life total as you have 40 of it to lose and your opponents only have 10, not to mention that players will be hesitant to rush into a wall of infect creatures. This is why cards like Unspeakable Symbol and Treasonous Ogre are so good in this deck, you can use their abilities to bring down your own life and make sure another player has a higher life total than you.

  • Depending on how many other players are in the game, some politics may need to be involved. If you are playing a small game of 4 or less than you will want to take out the necessary threats as quick as possible. In a larger game you may want to wait until another player has shown themselves to be the necessary threat and convince the other players that your survival is essential for the time being. I have included a few bombs to handle everyone in the case that you are the #1 enemy and everyone has made an alliance to take you out.

Special Shout Outs

  • when playing massive destroy cards like Necromantic Selection or Necroplasm, as long as your creatures had +1/+1 counters on them and Marchesa was out at the time that the destroy card resolved, the creatures will still return at end of turn, including Marchesa if she had a +1/+1 counter.

  • Cards that let you take control of creatures until end of turn like Slave of Bolas, as long as they get the +1/+1 counter and they end up dying while you have control of them, they will be returned to your control at end of turn and you will not have to give them back due to the wording of Marchesa's ability.

  • Cards with proliferate, such as Fuel for the Cause, are especially good because they not only add more poison and -1/-1 counters to your opponents creatures, but they also help make your creatures larger by adding more +1/+1 counters on your creatures.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

57 - 0 Rares

72 - 0 Uncommons

40 - 0 Commons

Cards 185
Avg. CMC 3.53
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Squid 1/1 U, Treasure
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