
"When there is no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth."

In days long past, when I first started playing EDH, I built my first ever from-scratch commander deck (having previously bought the Prossh, Skyraider of Kher precon) using the newly released The Scarab God to lead a horde of Dimir zombies. I thought it might be cool to have two commander decks in our playgroup using one of the Forgotten Gods, the other being The Locust God, and that running a ton of zombie tribal cards would be simple and clean cut, and be fun to play with as well.

Since this is a Varina, Lich Queen deck list, it seems obvious that was not the case. The deck was slow, mana inconsistent, with an unfocused cast of creatures and sorceries that relied on already having a board state to make anything work. Despite being a zombie deck, it had little in the way of serious recursion, minus Havengul Lich, Gisa and Geralf, and Zombie Apocalypse. At that time, I was very much team Fit An Infinite Combo In Every Deck Or You Can't Win, and needless to say, I didn't win with it very much. Most of the bones of that deck ended up working as the basis of my Meren of Clan Nel Toth reanimator deck, so it wasn't all a loss. But ever since, I've been wanting to try my hand at another Zombie Tribal deck.

Enter Varina, and the one thing that deck needed, other than basic competency: White.

White brings along with it a lot to offer a deck like this. It brings some nasty targeted removal, Path to Exile, Damn, and Rite of Oblivion to name a few, but also some mean sweepers like Merciless Eviction and Supreme Verdict. It brings unconditional recursion, like Resurrection or the extremely creepy to think about Emeria Shepherd. It brings additional token acceleration through God-Eternal Oketra and Anointed Procession. And, most importantly in my opinion. White brings the consistency Scarab God always lacked, through some of the best mana fixing this side of the color pie with Land Tax, Smothering Tithe, and Monologue Tax.

Combined with some of the Orzhov utility zombies, plus tribe staples like Rooftop Storm and yes, The Scarab God, this deck finally hits the sweet spot for me and my zombie deck itch.


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.53
Tokens Copy Clone, Soldier 1/1 W, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B w/ Decayed, Zombie Warrior 4/4 B
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