Esper Charm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Esper Charm


Choose one —

  • Destroy target enchantment.
  • Draw two cards.
  • Target player discards two cards.

NV_1980 on Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That

2 years ago

This looks like fun but it also looks a bit (too) slow as most cards in your deck have an average CMC of 5+ and it will take on average five turns to summon your commander in order to cheat your creatures into play. I think there are ways to keep your deck budget, while still increasing its speed. First off, I think adding the talismans (Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Progress) would help.

Second, a few cheap scrying/draw resources like Portent, Esper Charm, Index, Telling Time, Otherworldly Gaze, Opt, Dream Cache, Serum Visions and Sphinx's Revelation can really help you find the cards you need a bit quicker.

Hope this helps.

SithLordJarJar on Esper Control

2 years ago

You might want to pull back on the Esper Charm and Cryptic Command count and flesh out some of those one ofs

Darb_the_Bard on Codie: Hypergenesis

3 years ago

Thanks, harkness, for the upvote and the comment. Jegantha, the Wellspring definitely looks like a good fit. I may have to make room for it in my list. I would ignore the Companion portion and just play it as a regular card, but it also has the possibility of being an alternate commander, which always makes me happy (even if I don't play with it as a commander much I like having the option - the more variety the better). I also like your budget-friendly replacements for the praetors. We could obviously make the deck better by adding all of the most powerful creatures in the game (usually also the most expensive), but it takes a different kind of skill to build decks on a budget. I like your mentality!

As for draw, at least on paper the deck appears to have a good amount of draw options to me. I count 11 cards in the current list that have the potential to net you cards, not including Fierce Empath or Sultai Charm (which don't technically net you cards but do improve the value of the cards you keep). The rule of thumb I try to follow is to have 10-12 draw spells in the deck so it's right there. And I do think it's very valuable to have plenty of draw after your Hypergenesis turn as it usually leaves you with an empty or near-empty hand and you want to be able to recover from potential board wipes.

That said, you're right that most of the card draw is in the form of creatures or enchantments that come down after Hypergenesis . And it would obviously be ideal to draw before your Hypergenesis turn to make sure you have a hand full of threats to lay down. So I did a search for all 3-mana sorceries and instants that draw two or more cards. The best options, in my opinion, are the following: Abzan Charm , Esper Charm , Field Research , Ingenious Mastery , Probe , and Read the Bones . You could also try Fiery Gambit if you have good luck with coin flips (not a card I would want but I imagine some folks would find it fun, and it would be fantastic every time you actually pull it off).

It might be worth it to swap some of the other instants and sorceries for these, so I will definitely consider it myself. I already have one similar card in the list with Dismantling Blow so I'm not sure how many more I would want or which cards I would want to take out. I believe with these cards you would get to draw the cards first and then do Codie's ability to find and play Hypergenesis, but hopefully someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Of course, this also has the potential downside of drawing Hypergenesis and then not being able to find it, which gives me pause. So I'm not sure if it's worth it or not, but it's at least worth considering and testing!

Lujotheganker on

3 years ago

Hey again psionictemplar, thank you for your suggestion, I checked your version of the deck, and I really like it as a whole. Regarding the mana, I've nothing but success with my land drops and land filtering, so I'm not sure if that needs changing, but I do feel like trioms could be good in this deck. The bigger problem is, I'm really fucking stubborn when it comes to changes, and one of the biggest problems I have with my decks in general is that I often leave a lot of pet cards in (such as 3feri, dispute in the sb, etc.) that I later have no heart to take out. So I've pretty much made up my mind regarding what cards I DON'T want to take out, and I'm not planning on changing that. However, one of my friends suggested a card, that I think changes things a bit, and I'm just blown away by the fact that this card didn't even cross my mind until now. Esper Charm . It fits perfectly. There's card draw, enchantment destroying for potential blood moons (that hit us very hard), and an additional discard outlet. It's also both white and black, so if it becomes a dead card, we can always grief or solitute-it.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Baru Greenhands

Legendary Creature - Human Druid

Whenever another creature with power 4 or greater enters the battlefield under your control, put two +1/+1 counters on target Forest you control. That land becomes a 0/1 Plant creature with haste.


Create a new version of another Grandeur creature, or create a card for Ennor, the mentalist who appears in flavor text for Esper Charm , Vectis Dominator , and Vedalken Ghoul (and Stonecoil Serpent ??).

MoreSizemore on esper control for nick

4 years ago

Take Out:

Possible Includes:

Reznorboy on Ramos, Spellslinger Engine

4 years ago

So, the only viable way to play Ramos, Dragon Engine at a high level in my opinion is with Sunforger.

Basically, you use tutors like Steelshaper's Gift, Mystical Tutor, or what ever else floats your boat (and maybe some cantrips like Opt) to try to get Sunforger.

Then, as a first order of business, you most likely want to equip Sunforger and use its ability to cast Eladamri's Call. You use it to grab Fervent Champion.

If someone tries to blow something of yours up before you can do that, instead go get Apostle's Blessing and then wait to try again (and hope they don't try blowing anything up again).

Basically, now your equip cost for Sunforger is 0, so you can grab stuff like Esper Charm to get the effects and use Ramos, Dragon Engine like crazy.

You can actually even go infinite. What you need is Ramos, Dragon Engine, Fervent Champion, Sunforger, and enough mana to start the combo.

Basically, you use Sunforger to get cards like Esper Charm to draw and put counters on Ramos, Dragon Engine. Then, you use Ramos's ability to get the mana. You use the mana and Sunforger to get a card such as Cloudshift and use it on Ramos.

Now, you can use his ability of removing the counters again this turn, because the game treats him as a new entity. You continue to make mana and draw cards this way until you are eventually able to draw Elixir of Immortality, shuffling everything back. Then you just do this again and again until you win. It requires some luck, but if you put a high number of draw spells and flicker/blink effects in your deck that can be used, you should be able to get it to work most of the time.

(Now, if you're looking at making the deck strong, I think this the best way to go. As far as making it fun, I have no idea.)

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