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Ghalta, the Elder Dinosaur Highlander

Commander / EDH Dinosaurs Mono-Green Stompy


Paying taxes sucks. Paying commander tax, by extension sucks. This is a very Timmy deck, that can get out of hand quickly.

So the point is to try and get out Ghalta for as close to GG as possible. We do this in a variety of ways. First, we are going to have creatures that have power greater than their CMC. Steel Leaf Champion, Prowling Serpopard, Rhonas the Indomitable and others are good examples of this while also providing other niceties. Second, will be our ramp creatures, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic and friends work double duty. They add power to the board which lowers the casting cost of Ghalta, and can also produce mana to put out bigger things or our commmander. Third thing to help us out is cost reduction. Things like Emerald Medallion, Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma for lowering the cost of things. There is also explosive ramp like Gaea's Cradle, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, and Growing Rites of Itlimoc   which can be explosive in almost any board state. Sprinkle in some card cheating things like Chord of Calling, Defense of the Heart, See the Unwritten and Tooth and Nail.

Over time, there has been some other good stuff that goes in, like getting flash from Mosswort Bridge. Some limited removal in the form of Ulvenwald Tracker which is nice to fight ghalta with, and recast for GG, Kenrith's Transformation which is an odd way to deal with a pesky creature but also cantrips.

For jank tech,there is a little in here. Basilisk Collar or Bow of Nylea give deathtouch to our trampling creatures meaning they have to only do 1 point of damage to each blocker to trample over the rest to the offending opponent or planeswalker. Hall of Gemstone can shut down multicolor decks, or sometimes control decks with not enough mana rocks. Bear in mind with the hall, they can respond to the choice trigger on the stack before it gets applied and ruins someones day. Mirri's Guile is a fun card to help smooth out draws that feels more blue than green, but it's useful here. Shaman of Forgotten Ways can be one of my favorite win conditions, killing some opponents outright, while bringing most others to killing range of the board state. The Great Henge while not really jank is great card advantage, pumps the team, and does incremental ramp and life gain. This deck can often get it very cheap, and every game I've used this in feels good.

So I hope you enjoy this deck. There are several substitutions that can be done to lower the price, but if you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to add them.

update: have some newer blood coming into the deck that needs to be highlighted.

Saryth, the Viper's Fang is looking to be a powerhouse. The mixture of deathtouch and trample is great, it also provides hexproof for my other creatures, and the untap ability for creatures or lands can either be mana ramp or protect a tapped creature by giving it hexproof.

In Search of Greatness is great for it's price. It can basically be a budget Mirri's Guile with upside of occasionally dropping things from your hand for free.

Augur of Autumn is card advantage for both lands and eventually creatures.

Ulvenwald Oddity   can be a threat out of nowhere, and giving the team trample and haste with enough mana dumped into it fine.

Hall of Gemstone got the axe because of how little it does against mono colored decks.


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94% Competitive

Revision 4 See all

(2 years ago)

-1 Forest main
+1 Rogue's Passage main
+1 Saryth, the Viper's Fang main
-1 Yeva, Nature's Herald main
Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.64
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, City's Blessing
Ignored suggestions
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