Deadly Recluse

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Deadly Recluse

Creature — Spider

Reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)

Deathtouch (Any amount of damage this deals to a creature is enough to destroy it.)

rangab7 on Gilanda and Kodama's wild weekend

1 month ago


I also run a gilanra kodama list:

It's not upto date (way more removal added in since). But I'll fix it today.

First note is that Three mana ramp is bad.

Add in dorks so you can get gilanra turn two/three and kodama turn four. You want kodama out early before people can start holding up mana for removal.

So cultivate effects can go for the other two mana ramp spells in green.

Secondly, generic stompy big creatures don't need to be there.

Terra Stomper, Treeshaker Chimera, Thrun, Breaker of Silence, Polukranos, World Eater, Gaea's Revenge.

If it costs a lot and all it does is swing, it's not the best effect.

Silverback Elder is better than Hivespine Wolverine

Oakhame Adversary is better than Deadly Recluse

Your enchantments are also pretty bad

Abundance, Assemble the Entmoot, Bonds of Mortality, Elemental Bond, Season of Growth, Sandwurm Convergence. Don't do enough.

Your garruk planeswalkers can. be replaced with Garruk, Primal Hunter.

IDK what your goals are with the deck. But prioritze low to the ground creatures that pair well with top end cards like Ohran Frostfang.

The deck is fun, so if you want that kitchen table ono green hitter deck. Take my changes with salt.

robertoaguiar on Anti Air

8 months ago

Nice idea. Normally I just use Deadly Recluse to disencourage flying attacks on me, but your mechanic of giving wax wings to see them fall is devious.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Shelob

1 year ago

Seems fair, especially regarding the spiders. My own list isn't one here, but besides Shelly and Arachnogenesis, I have like three spiders: Arasta, Deadly Recluse, and Chainweb Aracnir. I'd love to hear your findings on the deck.

wallisface on Poison Hurts

3 years ago

One last thing, if you can replace your current lands with the snow-covered variants (Snow-Covered Island, Snow-Covered Forest), then you can run Ice-Fang Coatl, which is a big improvement to your offensive power (I'd be dropping the Counterspell to make room for it, or Deadly Recluse if you're set on keeping countermagic)

backinstep on Yeva - Mono Green

3 years ago

Yeva is my favourite mono coloured commander, as she really changes how green typically plays. Nice list! A few things..

1) Land count seems a little low, especially as your ramp seems to rely more on Seedborn Muse style effects. Stuff like Farhaven Elf and Elvish Pioneer work well for me. Also get Emergence Zone in there, handy flash back-up plan if Yeva is MIA.

2) Yeva protection. She'll have a target on her head, so more Heroic Intervention style effects are great. I use Withstand Death and Blossoming Defense.

3) Bounce effects. Instant speed creatures are great, but being able to repeatly cast for value is better. Temur Sabertooth is a baller, and even stuff like Stampeding Wildebeests and Stampeding Serow work really well.

4) Other creatures. Thorn Mammoth is hilarious, Bellowing Tanglewurm can make your beaters unblockable, Thornweald Archer and Deadly Recluse are great for surprise blockers.

TheVectornaut on Can't touch this - please help

3 years ago

If you were dropping lure, then Sedge Scorpion and Deadly Recluse would probably go with. Otherwise, Brawn seems unnecessary with enough trample auras like Unflinching Courage or Rancor in the deck. Also, Traproot Kami is too defensive for a deck that wants to play a bogle on turn one. As for Spearbreaker Behemoth , it is a great card, but it would be very out of place in this deck in particular. Just getting enough mana to cast it would be a struggle and its activated ability can't target any of the creatures in the main without first buffing them with an aura or two. Ramp and bogles aren't all that compatible as strategies so I'd stick to only one.

When it comes to exile vs. elves, I think you should build whatever sounds fun. You can always just build both in the editor and then make trades and purchases for the one you enjoy goldfishing with the most. I build a lot of decks online and only end up purchasing about 20% of them in paper.

Idoneity on Yes, "another" Diaochan question.

3 years ago

Yes, another query about this nocent folk, Diaochan .

So, I have finished her deck, but only just considered another minutia with her rules text that is not covered in the oracle.

Whenever I tap her , I choose a creature to target—let us say Deadly Recluse . Thereupon, an opponent chooses a creature. Are they able to choose the same Deadly Recluse as was previously targeted in the same activation of the ability, or must something else be chosen given the opportunity?

The keyword "another" is not divulged in the text, yet I still wish to be aware of each rule before I put this in the command zone with confidence.

TheVectornaut on Death Touch Green Boi

3 years ago

Aside from the power 9 and the original dual lands, Gaea's Cradle is probably the most high-demand card on the reserve list. Years ago, I almost bought one at $80 for a token deck but backed out because it didn't seem worth it and now it's just absurdly expensive. Even non-reserve list cards are really expensive at the moment. Wizards has done a very poor job of keeping supply in line with demand. I bought my playset of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for $11 during Theros, but now it would cost $120.

Bellyaching aside, let's talk about gods. Nylea, God of the Hunt is best used as a mana sink for when you have excess in the late game. The only creatures you currently have that make really good use of her trample ability are Scute Mob and Heroes' Bane , and End-Raze Forerunners might make it redundant if that's a card you want to top out at. If you do include Omnath, Locus of Mana , old Nylea would be a great partner for him. As for Nylea, Keen-Eyed , I'd usually prefer the cheaper Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip unless sending stuff to the yard or keeping it on top is of vital importance. Even though Rhonas the Indomitable looks just like the first Nylea, many small differences compound into making him a much stronger card. He costs 1 less, his activated ability costs 1 less, his combat requirement is easier to meet, and he has that excellent deathtouch/indestructible pairing. The card is honestly pretty bananas and would fit very well in your deck if you can afford it. God-Eternal Rhonas is more niche. He also serves a very similar role to Forerunners as a means of finishing the game. I'd normally choose the 5-cost option over the 7-cost one, but the creatures you can currently develop before dropping Rhonas on 5 have relatively low power. Turning a bunch of 1/2s into 2/2s just isn't that impactful, so I'd add new Rhonas only if he had bigger creatures to buff. Finally, Bow of Nylea is a very nice and surprisingly flexible tool for a deathtouch deck. If you could get ~3 copies, you could drop some of the existing DT creatures like Wasteland Viper and Deadly Recluse , add in more Fynn, the Fangbearer , and shift to a very aggressive line of play. Otherwise, I think a singleton copy would be totally fine.

In my suggestions for ramp options, I was basically just using Cultivate as a stand-in for all the 3 CMC 2 land search spells like it. Nissa's Pilgrimage is objectively better in a forest-only deck, although the odds of you having Spell Mastery in the early game with only 5 instants/sorceries in the deck (3 of which are situational) is essentially zero. I also listed Harrow specifically since I've had the most success with it out of all the Cultivate effects save for Harvest Season in token-heavy decks. Being able to immediately convert the untapped lands into a Rampant Growth or any 2-drop creature makes for incredible tempo, and the instant speed is great for bluffing. Seeing a counterspell after the land sac is brutal though so I do understand the hesitation. If that's your biggest worry, I'd also keep an eye out for Allosaurus Shepherd (high budget), Veil of Summer (mid budget), and Autumn's Veil (low budget) as options for the sideboard.

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