Primal Surge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Primal Surge


Exile the top card of your library. If its a permanent card, you may put it onto the battlefield. If you do, repeat this process.

kill3rklown on Ixalan Park

1 week ago

I wish I knew how to edit my comments after posting (if even possible), but, if you think about it, you only have 16 non-permanent cards. Primal Surge might still be worth it.

kill3rklown on Ixalan Park

1 week ago

P.S. You also might want to consider Primal Surge

chevinSilverado on Animar's Wildlife Sanctuary

4 months ago

I love this kind of deck. If I might suggest, Primal Surge is a powerhouse in decks like this one

ReticleMouse on The First Sliver

4 months ago

with only 5 non-permanents.. why aren't you running Primal Surge

Made_Compleat on Long Legged Larry (Grolnok Self Mill)

5 months ago

Oops, All Permanents? Sounds like you could use a Primal Surge.

ReticleMouse on The First Sliver

5 months ago

If you're going to go so light on instants/sorceries, I suggest thinking about getting Primal Surge its basically everything you say you want in one spell

legendofa on How is the New Ghalta …

6 months ago

The ability is more or less single use, and it depletes your hand. It's not unreasonable to use it to try to win the game that turn, but 1. That comes with the territory of being a high-mana mythic, and 2. It doesn't really win the game by itself. It doesn't grant haste, and it doesn't directly deal damage or mill. If you use it incorrectly, it becomes worse than useless, as you over extend into a board wipe or something, losing both your board and your hand.

Of course, it's easy enough to say "if you play wrong, you're going to lose." Looking at whether the ability is actually overpowered, Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant has an effect comparable to Myojin of Life's Web (which has an option for indestructibility) or Rise of the Dark Realms (a black deck's graveyard can easily be on par with a green deck's hand), and less efficient than Primal Surge (play everything in hand vs. play everything in your deck). So the ability exists in this mana range, trading heavier color weight for a slightly lower cost.

For the mana value/stats ratio, creatures have been generally trending better, especially in green. When Ghalta and Mavren team up, the result is even more mana-efficient. Yargle and Multani has 24 total P/T for just six mana and no restrictions. So Ghalta's mana value/stats ratio is notable, but not extreme or unprecendented.

Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant provides a lot of value for a high cost, and when used intelligently can win the game on the spot. The same can be said for almost every other high-mana mythic rare card, many of which are on the same or higher power level.

Butterking on Oops all planeswalkers

1 year ago


Ward of Bones and Primal Surge are not planeswalkers so they can not be run due to the deck Companion Umori, the Collector

Mobilized District is a consideration to run tho.

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