Meloku the Clouded Mirror
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Meloku the Clouded Mirror

Legendary Creature — Moonfolk Wizard


, Return a land you control to its owner's hand: Create a 1/1 blue Illusion creature token with flying.

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Phantom Whelp
Blind Phantasm
Walking Dream
Halcyon Glaze

legendofa on Junky deck

5 months ago

A classic meme deck is 99 basic lands and a commander. Meloku the Clouded Mirror, Jolrael, Empress of Beasts, and Korlash, Heir to Blackblade are some examples.

Seuchenschutz on [Retired] Sacrificial Symposium

9 months ago

Meloku the Clouded Mirror fits perfectly in this deck. You can create sacrifice for land bounce. More Landfall, more draw.

Logics on Fear of The Deep

1 year ago

From a fellow landfall player, I would definitely play more than 40 lands. Sakura-Tribe Scout is almost assuredly on your radar, but being almost 2 dollars I could see how you'd skip it for a budget list. I think it's definitely worth it though. Brokers Hideout is another fetchland for the deck with you having the option to play the whole cycle if you really want for double landfall triggers. Ghost Quarter is also great for dealing with opponent's powerful lands, but can also be an extra landfall trigger in a pinch.

Also, Meloku the Clouded Mirror (and an untaped land) or Simic Growth Chamber + Retreat to Coralhelm + a creature that taps to put a land in + your commander let's you draw your entire deck, which can help you win out of nowhere if you didn't notice that on deck building. Anyway, hope some of this helps!

Jopling on Land Drop

1 year ago

Not a finisher, but have you considered Meloku the Clouded Mirror?

_Delta_ on Simic Lands

1 year ago

I definitely think you can spare to cut some lands, my own Omnath, Locus of Creation landfall deck only uses 39 (mind you, it has Wooded Foothills, Misty Rainforest and the like which give me extra landfall triggers). In their place I highly suggest some stuff like Roiling Regrowth, Harrow, Kodama's Reach, Cultivate, Rampant Growth, and Growth Spiral.

Other suggestions would be as follows and I made an effort to keep price in mind for all of these as best as I could: Sylvan Awakening, Primal Surge (since you have so many permanents could be used to great effect, and if used alongside cards like Laboratory Maniac, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries and maybe even something like Enter the Infinite you could create a sudden win-con out of these. Remember also if you include some of my above suggestions which tutor for land those are helping ever so slightly thin out your deck for such a win con). More would include Nissa, Vital Force, Avenger of Zendikar, Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar, Ulvenwald Hydra,Zendikar's Roil, Ramunap Excavator, Hour of Promise (noticed you have quite a few deserts to have a chance at the bonus effect), Lotus Cobra, Tireless Provisioner, Blackblade Reforged, Druid Class, The Mending of Dominaria, Wilderness Reclamation, Reshape the Earth, Jaheira's Respite, Meloku the Clouded Mirror (let's you repeat all your landfall effects), Retreat to Coralhelm and Praetor's Counsel.

As for actual lands:

Simic Growth Chamber, Reliquary Tower, Myriad Landscape, Scavenger Grounds, and Endless Sands.

Oh and here's my Omnath list I mentioned if you want to give it a glance. I know some of the stuff featured in this is pricey, but it nonetheless may still give you some ideas for now, or otherwise for the future:

Standby for Landfall

Commander / EDH* _Delta_


Hope this helps! If I had more time to spare currently I would suggest what you might cut for these things but that may have to wait for a while unfortunately. But I'll surely return to say more sometime!

DreadKhan on [EDH] Tatyova 25$ budget

2 years ago

Have you thought about tossing Harrow in? It's usually better Roiling Regrowth, as long as nobody counters your ramp spells. Stone-Seeder Hierophant has to tap to ramp you, but if you can hit multiple landfall per turn it can be a lot of mana.

This is pretty out there, but Simic Growth Chamber and Guildless Commons are interesting cards, they offer access to an extra land drop as a floor, but technically you can bounce the land itself and replay it if you've got ways to do it, like Skyshroud Ranger for example (there are others, not all low budget, but several are), it can let you hit potentially infinite land drops using a card like Retreat to Coralhelm, which is pretty powerful in Tatyova. Retreat also interacts positively with Tatyova and Dreamscape Artist, which is pretty budget and is a source of tons of landfall over time even without Retreat. Oboro Breezecaller is a nifty way to keep hitting land drops, even if you're not really gaining ground you still draw cards. She can ramp you nicely if you have lands that tap for more than 1 mana, which can be via the Growth Chamber, Commons, or via an aura like Wild Growth or Overgrowth or Fertile Ground, and they are some of the more efficient ramp as long as people don't run enchantment hate/wipes, you can enchant an untapped land often and gain that ramp the same turn, which is usually better/safer than a ramp rock. I also like Soratami Mirror-Mage and Meloku the Clouded Mirror, all three can readily go infinite with Retreat to Coralhelm and a creature that taps to put a land into play, and all 3 make it very easy to hit your potential land drops. Not really sure why, but while everyone agrees Thrasios is amazing, very few people seem to care about Parcelbeast, but it's a good card in Tatyova. If you have Retreat out obviously you can untap when you hit a land, and if you have extra landfall available, you can use a separate landfall to untap the Parcelbeast so you can keep trying for another land, but it's not like 1 mana and tapping your Parcelbeast is a big ask. Also, if you can manage to put a Parcelbeast (or any other Mutate creature, including something like Sea-Dasher Octopus could be decent, there are some huge bodies) onto a Scute Swarm, you'll clone the mutated creature, which can be a 7/7 potentially. Most Mutate creatures seem to just give you a buff when they mutate, but some offer useful abilities that you'd like cloned. This will weird people out, but it's a nice play in budget I suspect.

A bit random, but Tatyova decks should usually be running the card Gush, you might not even mind bouncing the lands, the card draw is a nice perk, with the cost being the main upside of the card. It interacts nicely with Mystic Sanctuary and the aforementioned land-into-play dorks and Retreat to Coralhelm to draw as much as you want, and have other landfall benefits. Even if all you do is draw 2 cards and hit 2 more land drops you would have missed, that's a huge payoff for literally no mana IMHO.

I like having Primal Command in budget Green decks, it's a lot of mana but it can do a lot of stuff technically. If you throw in anything that can recur it, you can keep reshuffling your graveyard back in, which can be useful. Curse of the Swine is a nice juicy removal spell for Simic, it not only exiles, it can hit tons of targets, allowing you to compete with recursive decks more readily.

Cool deck, hope some of this is interesting/helpful!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Which non-partner commanders would you …

2 years ago

Well, the only reason Moraug, Fury of Akoum can't go infinite is because there's no way to infinitely untap Walking Atlas in red, so adding Meloku the Clouded Mirror to the mix allows us to go infinite with Retreat to Coralhelm or Tideforce Elemental.

Sounds fun :)

Necrosis24 on Reap the tides - upgraded

2 years ago

Seems like you got the main landfall cards. Only other stapley landfall creatures I’d reccomend would be Scute Swarm, Roil Elemental, Guardian of Tazeem, Tireless Provisioner.

Similarily there are Yedora, Grave Gardener, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Cosima, God of the Voyage  Flip, Blackblade Reforged, and World Shaper.

If you want to bounce some lands you can look into using some moonfolk like Meloku the Clouded Mirror which can be paired with Patron of the Moon, Azusa, Lost but Seeking, and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove

On a separate note Greater Good might be worth condisering you have some pretty high powered creatures. It pairs well with Splendid Reclamation and World Shaper which can lead to an explosive turn with your landfall cards in play.

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